
No idea why this login script isn't working!

I was following a tutorial I found on how to create a simple login using sessions and a database. I followed it to the T (with the exception of tidying up all of the code because theirs was a mess and I'm OCD like that). I get no errors at all on the page, it just comes up with a blank screen and I can't work out for the life of me why ...

Browser Blocking?

We have a site that the client can no longer log into. IE7/8 says 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' and Firefox says something similar. However, I have tried from multiple machines at my office and on my iPhone (3G connection, not Wifi) and can log into the site fine. Is there some kind of browser or network setting that wo...

Avoid opening the same page twice

Hello everybody, I'm trying to find a solution to this problem: I have a page on a php application that can't be opened more than once to avoid session overwrite. I'm spending a lot of time without finding any solution! The last one I tried is to use the jquery "load" and "unload" events on the window. It works fine if I open the same p...

Why is Session.Flush() required to persist relationships?

I have two entities, a Shelf and a Product: public class Shelf { public virtual IList<Product> Products { get; set; } public Shelf() { Products = new List<Product>(); } } public class Product { public virtual string Name { get; set; } } Basically put, a Shelf can contain many Products, and a Product can b...

asp session bug in internet explore(7)

i make web page using asp i implement log out function like this logout.asp session.abandon response.redirect "/" response.End() it's works good but have some problem when redirect main page -->> // response.redirect "/" but if i move previous page it's not work i mean session is until live example now page -> mydomain....

PHP Sessions problem, help please.

Hi guys, I'm making an item shop for a game of my friends, when accessing the shop, I have it check the session to see if you are logged in, if you are it will take you to the shop, if you aren't it will give you a login page, the way I do that is like this. <?php if($_SESSION['LoggedIn'] == 1) { //Shop stuff here } else ...

Sessiontimeout Notifier issue

I am storing userid and his sessionid into a table in db as and when he logs in to the application. And I am deleting the entries in sessiondestroyed() method of Sessiontimeoutnotifier. if we dont do proper logout(closing all windows of application) by the time sessiondestroyed() is called previous sessionid is changed some how, henc...

session management -session not destroying automatically in jsp

Dear all in my application i am maintaining the session using HttpSessionListener public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) If one user close the browse abruptly, the browser's session should be destroyed, but it is not destroying automatically. OS : Linux application : Jboss ...

Users are getting other user's session!

I have two .NET websites, which is setup to share sessions in-between via SQL db. The website stores and retrieves session as using session("MY_Session").add and Session("MY_Session"). What gets stored is basically a custom class with their username and name. The parent website is setup in IIS using DefaultAppPool and then the seconda...

Database changes done by one instance of an application is not being picked up another instance using Hibernate.

I have an application which can read/write changes to a database table. Another instance of the same application should be able to see the updated values in the database. i am using hibernate for this purpose. If I have 2 instances of the application running, and if i make changes to the db from one instance for the first time, the updat...

how to exchange session or cookie variables between two webmethods in webservices

I have two webmethod i have used session variable to exchange the username variable between two webmethods but its displaying null in second webmethod ,can we use cookie as alternate to session to store and retrieve username [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public bool Submi...

RPX token URL problem

Hi there, I am using RPX in my CakePHP project. I have set the toke url like this: Here is my login action code. function login() { $this->Ssl->force(); $this->layout = 'colorbox'; $this->pageTitle = "User Login"; } I have used SSL with the login form. Look above code( $this->Ssl...

Struts2 form to update object in Session map?

In my build action, I have an object that I put into my session map. InputField testField = new InputField(); testField.setName("testName"); testField.setValue("testValue"); sessionMap.put("TEST_FIELD", testField); In the JSP, I want to build a textfield using this object. <s:textfield name="#session.TEST_FIELD.value"/> Upon sub...

SqlSessionStore in Rails 3

I am migrating an existing application from Rails 2 to Rails 3. In the old environment file, SqlSessionStore was set up with: ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS.update(:database_manager => SqlSessionStore) SqlSessionStore.session_class = MysqlSession When trying to start my application in Rails 3, I'm told: DEPRECA...

Create an scalable ASP.Net MVC web site without using Session

Hi, I'm working on a Web project using Asp.Net MVC, which I'll have to deploy to a farm environment. I've read a lot of articles and I'm thinking on disabling completely the SessionState, I think this would make a more robust application, and will save me a couple of headaches (Everything I've read tells me that handling sessions on a ...

How can I check if an user is logged in or not in a Rails Metal?

I use Authlogic to log the user in. Inside a Rails Metal I want to check if the user is logged in or not. Just that, I don't care who the user is. I want to avoid touching the database so I should not do UserSession.find. My main doubts: Will making use of env['rack.session'] solve that? Where is that stored? Is that secure? I'm current...

SessionState expired behaviour

Is it possible to control the behaviour of ASP.NET when the Session has expired? It seems that the default behaviour is sending the user to the website root. The desired effect would be to send the user to a custom "Session Expired" page. To clarify, it's the SessionState that's expiring (set the timeout to 1 minute to quickly test it):...

How to see all open nhibernate sessions in the application

Hi, is there a way to see all open nhibernate session in the application? Why? Because, Ia m getting this error in my MVC application: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. I have done th...

[PHP] session_start Throws Fatal Error

I'm currently working on a small CMS for my website and I'm getting following error when calling session_start() : Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0 I'm storing the PDO database connection in the $_SESSION, so I need to call session_start() directly after starting up the script. Here's a snip...

WCF, ASP.NET sharing session when WCF is called from flash

I've followed the advice in various places, including other questions posted on stackoverflow about sharing the session state between a WCF service and an ASP.NET website, but cannot get my specific scenario to work: The website and WCF service are both virtual directories of the same application in IIS 7 and both share an app pool. Th...