
Session Lost when closing the browser.

Hi, I setup my Session time out. <session-config> <session-timeout>11520</session-timeout> </session-config> Each time when I close the browser and open it again by calling the servlet, I see that new session is created. It can be seen from SessionCreated method executed in HttpSessionListener each time when browser reopened. I'm...

what happens to javascript variable after a call to the server ?

I just began to learn javascript, so here is a silly question : What happens to a javascript variable after a call to the server? Are all the variables wiped out? I read somewhere that javascript variable in ajax can act like session or cookie. Is that true? ...

XMPP to show presence and without login in a web application?

The main problem is, how would you ensure people can login to the xmpp server securely without having to login again from the web app login page? ...

django session timesout within 10 seconds

I've finally deployed the app. on production and the session timesout very quickly. If I'm not continuously clicking on links, it'll expire in 15-20 seconds. This doesn't happen in Dev. but again the setup is completely different. Here is the setup I have in production - nginx + apache (wsgi) + django 1.1.2 Backend is mysql. The keepa...

PHP MYSQL question

I am trying to do a simple login with PHP and mysql, and using Sessions as well. I have the code, which should work in theory, however it keeps redirecting me to the login page (refreshing it) instead of taking me to the profile. $username = $_POST['username']; $query = "SELECT `confirmcode` FROM `fb_network` WHERE `username` = '$user...

Help about "session_start()" please ???

Salaam Guys, I don't know why, when I use this method : session_start(); I see this error , please help me : session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at D:\Xampp\xampp\htdocs\etest\index.php:1) My Source : <?php ob_start(); session_start(); include("constant...

Storing record ids in PHP sessions, in the clear?

I'm needing to store a user_id value in a PHP session. Is it OK for me to do it in the clear $_SESSION['user_id'] = 10; Or what methods, that are relatively easy to implement would be best for adding security? (the app doesn't contain any super critical or sensitive info like payment etc so I don't want to go over the top) ...

Python multiprocessing handling sessions

I have a script receiveing data from a socket, each data contains a sessionid that a have to keep track of, foreach incomming message, i'm opening a new process with the multiprocessing module, i having trouble to figure out a way to keep track of the new incoming messages having the same sessionid. For example: 100100|Hello -- (open ...

Rails 3 Cookie Based Sessions Question

With Rails 3, the default session storage mechanism is cookie_store. I assume that this means that the contents within the session hash are serialized, encoded and stored within a cookie in the browser? Does this mean that nothing (or very little) of the session is stored in the server? I've had a few issues where I had a cookie overflo...

How to delete data from database when session dont exists - PHP

I'm developing a chat module for my application... 1) I'm opening a window for users to chat, is there way that when users close the chat window, I can update status of that record...i mean event for the closed browser ? 2) I know that default session time is 24mins, so after 24mins of inactivity, user will be kicked out from the s...

Session is lost on new request in classic asp site

This isn't easy to explain, but I'll try my best. The issue has started happening in a site that was built some years ago using classic asp, the symptom is that the administrators log-in using a form and then an session variable is set, but suddendly when they request a new page they are prompted again to log-in. This problem isn't spe...

Is it possible to force request concurrency when using ASP.NET sessions?

ASP.NET does not allow concurrent requests for the same session; meaning that a user can only make 1 request at a time. For example, say we have Test1.aspx: public partial class Test1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["test"] = 1; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(...

Using sessions in Django

I'm using sessions in Django to store login user information as well as some other information. I've been reading through the Django session website and still have a few questions. From the Django website: By default, Django stores sessions in your database (using the model django.contrib.sessions.models.Session). Though this ...

Django sessions is not working

Hi, i'm trying to find bug for few hours now but nothing comes out. Django gives me this error message when i'm trying to access request.SESSION from view. No other errors. 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'SESSION' Here is my Django settings what points to sessions and authentication. Most of them are set to their defaults. ...

storing login state without a session (GWT)?

I just thought about writing a GWT app that just works as a client for a RESTful web service. The web service requires HTTP basic authentication for each call. Since the client is not 'connected' with the server over a session, I have to remember the authentication credentials on the client side. I could do this within the GWT applicati...

PHP Session Lifetime problem

I'd like to set the PHP session lifetime as long as possible util the browser is closed, does it possible to implement this just by settings in PHP script, or settings in PHP.ini is required? ...

Setup BOSH so that it allows for users to login without passwords for a long period of time?

I'm just wondering how one could set this up without the BOSH dying. I have the sid, rid, and everything but I was wondering how long i could automatically log people on for the time of lets say a cookie and how is this achieved. ...

Java How to invalidate user session when he logs twice with same credential

Hallo all. I found this interesting thread about how to invalidate a user session when he logs twice. I have a slightly different environment but I should resolve the same problem. The differences are that I don't...

NHibernate's ICurrentSessionContext is being cleaned up

I have a Windows.Forms application and we need to use one session and keep it opened, because our application is a legacy product that we're moving to NH. Here is the code that gets a session: public static ISession GetCurrentSession() { ISession session; if ( CurrentSessionContext.HasBind( SessionFactory ) ) { ses...

how to test authentication system ?

EDIT: After a complaint about assigning myself the answer, I want to update that the answers provided were not satisfactory. No one came out and explicitly said this is your problem, do this and you will have a resolution. Mere suggestions are not sufficient to merit a bounty award. Lastly, the problem was with server settings and aft...