
Static content and ASP.NET SQL sessions

Here's my scenario: Using SQL Server sessions (due to web farm) customErrors is On using redirect There is a membership provider that uses sessions to store user information In web.config, there are <location> sections that <allow users="*">. This is used for static content (e.g. images) Whenever I try to access the error page or ev...

Session Timeout AJAX Error in Tapestry Application

I'm building a webapp using Tapestry in combination with Spring Security and the jQuery-library besides Prototype. When a user clicks on a link after his session timed out, he is automatically redirected to the login page. This, of course, does not work for links, that trigger an AJAX-request. I know, this is a common problem with any k...

Caching ASP.NET users related data within WCF service.

My requirement is to call WCF web service from ASP.NET code behind and pass some data for example: void Add(int x, int y); Result of the operation should be somehow stored within WCF web service (member variable). Later user should be able to call double Equals(); and get the result of the operation. Of course since it's an open w...

Severe Session issues ASP.NET

Hi experts I have a kind of an ugly situation. I have a big program that uses session to carry over data from one page to another in a CRM system build in ASP.NET 3.5 C# The problem is that if you have two instance of this program open in the same browser and browse the same page, the sessions of course gets overridden. As you can im...

Prevent duplicate editing / Locking DB records while editing - single backend server

Situation: multiple front-ends (e.g. Silverlight, ASP) sharing a single back-end server (WCF RIA or other web service). I am looking for a standard to prevent multiple people from editing the same form. I understand that this is not an easy topic, but requirements are requirements. Previously I used the DB last modified date against th...

Sanitizing PHPSESSID

I'm passing PHPSESSID to a PHP page (via POST) and I was wondering what's the best way of sanitizing the input. Would mysql_real_escape_string suffice? Is there anything special I should take into account when dealing with session IDs (I mean, they can only be letters and numbers right?)? EDIT: To clarify the question, what I really wan...

Wicket Sessions

Hi guys - one more wicket question :) I got a form and some text thats shown, after you submit the form. At the moment it does the following: User1 types some text and submit the form -> get some result User2 enters the site and see the input from User1 -> has to delete the input and types his own -> get a new result ... I think you g...

set cookie to expire at end of session?

I'm surprised i couldnt find any answers. How do i set my sessionid in my cookie to expire at the end of session? (when the browser closes or the user has been inactive for a period of tie). The two solutions i found were (httpcookie).Expires = HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout Which gave me a compile error so i dont know if the ...

Ruby on Rails 3 Session/Cookie Usage

Rails 3.0 After doing rake db:sessions:create then adding the line of code in the session_store.rb, CouponManager::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store What else needs to be done before I'm capable of using sessions like session[:ttl_qty] = 5 ...

PHP configuration to enable sessions

Hi, On our development server, sessions handling works fine. On our production server, it doesnt. phpinfo on the development server shows: session Session Support enabled Registered save handlers files user mm sqlite Registered serializer handlers php php_binary wddx phpinfo on the produ...

PHP session without cookies

Is there a way that I can initiate a persistent session in PHP without the placement of a session cookie? Are there other ways of maintaining a session across pages, such as an IP address-based solution? My reason for asking is, is that although most users have cookies on, I want to see if there's a way for a login system to work for th...

Creating new tmp folder for PHP to use?

Hi, I think I'm having problems using PHP sessions because I've got cPanel installed on the same server and I believe it has additional security in place that prevents write access to /tmp I can set a new folder, but am unsure what permissions / owners should this folder have. Also where should it ideally be located? ...

Crawling a social network in python

I would like to write a python script to crawl a social network website. The aim of the script should be to retrieve a piece of the social graph (friendships relationship). The website does not provide any API. The problem is: how can i crawl a website in python which pretends a login session to access the contact pages (for example, ...

PHP session error: “File too large”

I have a php web site. While browsing my site, sometimes home page displays a warning message see below Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/data/tmp/sess_cf04f579f3929206a5af1b25e0bb6fd0, O_RDWR) failed: File too large (27) in /htdocs/index.php on line 1 I don't know what is this? I have started the ...

PHP session_start() does not set $_SESSION at all

Hi, I have the following identical code on my development and production server. It works on the development end, but not on the production side: <?php $s = session_start(); mail('[email protected]', 'Site-test', "s=$s; SESSION=".serialize($_SESSION), "MIME..."); Development server shows: s=1; SESSION=a:4:{s:20:"user_timezone_region";s...

Session sharing issue

I am facing an issue when we are using multiple tabs since its sharing the same session. Any alternatives to this? Can we create a unique session when someone uses the tab or CTRL+N. It's a JEE/Struts2 enterprise application if this matters. ...

What's the best way to have data available when a user is logged in?

Hi, In my application I have the requirement to store, for the period the user stay logged in, some variables that's used to provide a customized experienced on how the user views it's data (pre-defined filters, language, etc.). My needed data is not more than 1Kb. I have read many blog posts that definitely encourage to not store this...

'Session expires' error in oauth for twitter

I am using abraham williams library to update twitter status using oauth. But I am constantly getting 'session expired' error. How can I get around this. This is my source. connect.php <?php session_start(); require_once 'twitteroauth/TwitterOAuth.php'; define("CONSUMER_KEY", "--------------------"); define("CONSUMER_SECRET", "--------...

How to perform a mysql query after reading session values

Hello, I am using this script to read a value in a session, then I want to query the database about this value : <?php session_start(); $user_id = $_SESSION["user_id"] ; echo "Your user_id is: $user_id \n" ; $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `customers` WHERE id='%s' ", $user_id); $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { ...

Sharing django sessions on specific subdomains

I have and . If a user is logged in on the main site, I'd like to have the session be accessible from the support site. Setting the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN to '' isn't what I want because I have many, many other subdomains with django apps that I would like to NOT have access to the session. C...