
NHibernate ISession.Update

I have noticed, by using log4net, that when calling ISession.Update, it updates all the changed objects. For example: // Change 2 instances user1.IsDeleted = true; user2.UserName = "Xyz"; // Call session.Update to update the 2 users using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { Session.Update(user1); // This upd...

PHP session variable changes between pages

I have a session variable that I set like this: <?php $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); session_start(); $_SESSION['token'] = $token; print $_SESSION['token']; ?> Then on another page I have this: <?php session_start(); print $_SESSION['token']; ?> The problem is that they don't match. I get two completely different strings. regi...

session management in swing based applications.

I am developing a swing based DEFECT TRACKER application. Now the problem is I have to maintain user sessions. I do not have a clue how to do this. Many users may access the system simultaneously and enter their own data. This is a basic scenario seen at many places. Like any login based application we have. Thanks for your help :) ...

WCF OnNewSession?

Im having a self-hosted WCF service in a WPF-app with a textbox for logging activity on the host. First I used a Singleton-model, created my service-instance and attached a handler to a custom Message-event on my service-class so that activity on the service is logged to my textbox. But now I need to use the PerSession-model so Im usin...

How do i fix Session Fixation in PHP

How do i fix Session Fixation in PHP/cakephp. I am on a shared host. EDIT i am on a shared host how can i enable it if i dont have aces to php.ini ...

CakePHP: Session duplication .

This error is show Session duplication in cakePHP < 1.33 ,in cakephp 1.34 it show diffence but same error This is picture error I must delete session in database order to enter website. ( this happen when i dont enter website in couple hours ) ...

Running django site in multiserver environment - how to handle sessions?

My django-powered site sits behind a Apache-based loadbalancer. There also is a server handling static file requests, but that's simple. What bothers me is how to handle a user who can be thrown to any of the application servers by the load-balancer? They all share the same DB-cluster (is it smart? Or should I separate it here too?), s...

Problem using session

Doing a shopping cart application using session. it was working fine but suddenly today a problem arrived whenever im trying to add a 2nd item the first one is removed and it gives the following warning.. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mata...

PHP Session is not set using php & EXTJS

Hello, When I call a php file using Ajax, I do this : function logIntoApp(){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url:'php/login.php', params:{ action:'login', email:Ext.getCmp('userLogin').getValue(), motDePasse:Ext.getCmp('passwordLogin').getValue() }, method:'GET', ...

Change my browsers POST method data

Is there any way to access My Own Browsers (IE8, FF3.6) Session data or POST Method data? For example when an item is sending using POST method i can change it. change to Is there any script or software to help? ...

zend session expires when refreshed many times

Zend Gurus: I have a problem that my session expires if I refresh a page many times quickly .. ? I log into my site, after I'm logged in, I just press F5 many times quickly, and my session expires. I'm no expert, but it's troubling to me. Should I just abandon Zend Session(s) ?? Any ideas.. ? Thank you everyone, -P This is how I ch...

Session with Metro WebService and Tomcat

Hi Folk, i'm trying to use session with metro webservice and tomcat but i have a strange issue, look at these line of code: MessageContext mc = wsCtxt.getMessageContext(); HttpSession session = ((javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) mc.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST)).getSession(); At the first call a session is created, at the ...

Browser or plugin with state snapshot

Are there any browsers out there where you can save a whole window's session in a snapshot so it can be restored later (something like a Virtual Machine would do)? By "snapshot" I mean mostly saving cookies and possibly also the open tabs and their positions. A cached version of the open tabs would also help greatly. The sessions must...

AuthenticationService doesn't seem to set CurrentUser.Identity.IsAuthenticated to true. What am I doing wrong?

Hi All, I did the walkthrough here. I'm trying to Authenticate a user on the first call into a service and then each subsequent call, verify that the user is authenticated, and call a method. I'm having all kinds of trouble. CurrentUser.Identity.IsAuthenticated always seems to be false. On Application_AuthenticateRequest I run this... ...

How to access standard PHP session data from inside CodeIgniter.

I've got a Codeigniter project I'm working on, and using the CI Sessions (stored in a DB), but I need to check for a variable in another $_SESSION from another application (in the same cookie domain), but when I try, from the CI controller to use native PHP sessions to get this one bit of info ($_SESSION['blah']), it looks like CI is str...

Safely knowing you're logged in, without using sessions.

I heard in an old stackoverflow podcast that they minimized the use of sessions, and that they basically only needed it when posting. How can that be? Don't they need to use some form of sessions on every page view if nothing more than to tell that I'm logged in? How else do they show your username instead of the "Log In" prompt at th...

how to use php self and passing information to other pages

I'm doing a little project that acts like a cart. When I click this link: echo "<td><a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?action=zero&commitbuy.php?ids=$id&qoh=$qtyhand&qtb=$quantity\">ok</a></td>"; I want the program to perform the action zero, which will delete the product from the cart table,when I click the ok link: <?php $product_i...

Php server to server session management

Hi all, I am trying to retrive XML from a site and process on my server. I can get the XML on my browser after I log in to the specific site. but I cannot do it by sending request from directly from server because the session is not available. How can I achive this ...

login using session in php

<?php ob_start(); include("db_connect.php"); $tbl_name='login'; $myusername=$_POST['myusername']; $mypassword=$_POST['mypassword']; // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection) $myusername = stripslashes($myusername); $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword); $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername); $mypa...

how to make url enable and disable for a particular id using php

Hi All, I hope someone in here can help me out because I am a bit confused right now! I have searched everywhere for solutions on this issue but cant find anything... The question: I would like to show a specific "div" when and only when visitors are on the particular game is selected. eg: If visit...