
Unable to exchange Session Data in CURL

I call invoke.php using CURL from curl.php from my localhost. In invoke.php i store some data in session. But when i try to access those session data from curl.php, don't get those session data. How i get those values? Content of curl.php `include_once ('session.php'); $handles = array(); $urlArray = array('http://localhost/

PHP: Using session variables set in an iframe in multiple iframes

Hi, I use a content management system called liferay that lets you add iframes to a page very easily. I have various different iframes that i want to use the same php session variables. This wouldn't be an issue if the main webpage was setting the sessions. the problem is the sessions are created in one iframe and I'm wanting to use the...

Facebook iframe not working in IE; session/login issue?

I have an issue with my Facebook canvas iframe application. I'm using sessions to build a simple questionnaire-style application. There's a question on each page, when the form is submitted the answer is stored in a session array, and the page number is incremented by one, which then displays the next question. Simple stuff. This app, ...

Sessions with multi-subdomain on MVC2

We're currently building a Webapp that serves multiples subdomains (wildcard subdomain). In our app, users may be authenticated for one or many subdomains (just like Basecamp does). We want to know what's the best strategy to save and load users credential. The main problem is that our users may have differents roles in differents s...

Web Services: Accessing Session State from Host Client to Service Proxy

How can I access the Session State created from a Client(Website) to my Web Service Proxy site? Services Interface Proxy public class SessionService : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod(EnableSession=true)] public string GetSession(string key) { return HttpContext.Current.Session[key].ToString(); } } Website hostin...

Proper way to do session handling in Python + Pylons for a php programmer

I'm a php programmer who's just getting started with Python. I'm trying to get Python to handle login/logout via database-stored sessions. Things work, but seem inconsistent. For example, sometimes a user isn't logged out. Sometimes users "switch" logins. I'm guessing this has something to do with thread-safety, but I'm just not sur...

Stored procedure Auth

Hi, I'd like to authenticate users with the help of stored procedures. Here's what i've got so far... DELIMITER | CREATE PROCEDURE authenticateUser ( IN uname VARCHAR(64), IN passphrase VARCHAR(32) ) BEGIN SELECT FROM users AS u WHERE = uname AND u.pass = passphrase AND = 1; END Now I'd like to add another fea...

How to Dynamically assign request id to any array in PHP. e.g. $_SESSION[] or a simple array?

Hi friends I am stuck with a program logic in array. Basically, what am trying to do is that I have link that says "Unlock answer" use clicks on this link and then I get the request id and unlock the specific answer. But I have other answers there which needs to be unlocked. And user again and again clicks on any answer to unlock. But am...

Slow serving Ajax / Images, IIS 7.5 / .net / Windows 7

Hi, I have a site that runs on IIS7.5 hosted on a windows 7 workstation (Too keep costs down) - its a touchscreen information stand Now the site runs lightning fast loading pictures (resized using graphics class), ajax queries to load up images from onmouseovers, and it runs like lightneing until I do anything with sessions (1 page uses...

CakePHP Session keeps getting reset

I'm setting a Session variable with an ajax call. I've tried both by using the helper and by using the straight PHP $_SESSION syntax. For some reason, whenever I reload the page, all SESSION data is gone. What is annoying about this, is that it happens sporadically. I thought at first, it had to do with the browser I was using, but it ...

How can I store a UserID and Name with the LoginControl?

I have a LoginControl that works great, however, I want it to store more information than just being authenticated or not. I would like to store the UserID of the user so when they make changes I can call that UserID and record that they made the changes. Here is my code. Dim db As New DataClassesDataContext Dim User = (From ...

Handler with IRequiresSessionState does not extend session timeout

I have a handler, like this, using IRequiresSessionState: public class MyHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState { // code } In the code, I am able to read and set Session values. I also check ensure that the caller is logged in. That all works fine. The web site uses forms authentication, so in the web.config, I have this: ...

Sessions and performance in MVC

Is it true that MVC doesn't use SESSIONS [Sessions varibale] and hence there it's performance is better than webform. if this is not the case then why the speed of MVC is faster than webform? ...

Session information not maintained while AJAX requests

i am creating session while rendering the page. After that i am calling the AJAX page every 4 seconds. the AJAX page doesnt gettign the Session information. What may be the reason. Whether ajax requests dont maintain Session information? Code: Normal HTML <body onload="timerint(11)"> <div style="display:none;"> <button id="prev">...

How to use $this->methodname in PHP session_set_save_handle?

Hello, I have a Session class that has all my on_session_write, on_session_read etc. methods inside the class. In my constructor function i have it initiate the session_set_save_handler("on_session_start", "on_session_end", "on_session_read", "on_session_write", "on_session_destroy", "on_session_gc"); and also s...

PHP Session over 2 pages

i have the following code: if (!isset($_SESSION)) { ob_start(); } $_SESSION['views'] = 1; // store session data echo $_SESSION['views']; //retrieve data i tried to break it up in 2 parts like this: //Page 1 if (!isset($_SESSION)) { ob_start(); } $_SESSION['views'] = 1; // store session data . //page 2 echo $_SESSION['views']; //re...

PHP: Session Security

I read about session security eg. Session Fixation, Hijacking & Injection but am confused about the workings of session security. The way I usually do it: // when user logins, $_SESSION["user"] = "someuser"; // check user login if (isset($_SESSION["user"]) && !empty($_SESSION["user"])) Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I don't have Ses...

index out of range exception when storing into session

Please bare with me, I'm very new to I'm building a web app that to build a report, but there are too many arguments to give each one a name, and I want to save them indexed by numbers so I can handle them with loops later on throughout the application. However, I'm getting an index out of range on the very first session item(...

Ways to implement Janrain Engage (RPXNow) on Google App Engine?

What a some possible solutions to best implement Janrain Engage (RPX Now) on Google App Engine? ...

Spring Session User Info retrieval in Dao layer

I have a web-application in java, spring framework, hibernate on tomcat, that has basically almost no security except the login and logout functionality (no spring security) I can access the user information in a controller by: // where request is HttpServletRequest HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); SystemUser user =...