
Glassfish 2.1.1 - Session Beans repeatedly call init() and destroy()

I have a Web Application that I'm trying to move from Sun Application Server V9 to Glassfish V2.1.1 I'm using Netbeans 6.0.1 to develop the App, and it's using JSP, SessionBeans and JDBC to connect to MySQL. I've made good progress and can compile and deploy the App. to Glassfish OK. The App starts and I takes me to my login page, wher...

What is NHibernate session exactly?

Hi all, It's a long time I'm working with NHibernate session through frameworks like Castle ActiveRecord but never understood what is a session exactly and how should manipulate. Can anybody help? Is there any concise resource? Thanks in Advance ...

Why JavaScript returned another page, when i set new window.location?

Hello, all. Have one a question. When i, for example, on "page 1" page, i have js in html: <% if session[:download_link_for_pricing] %> Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { if (confirm("Download new Pricing?")) { location.href = "<%= session[:download_link_for_pricing] %>"; }...

JSF1054: (Phase ID: RESTORE_VIEW 1, View ID: )

Looking at the error, it seems like request that refers to JSF ViewIds doesn't exist in the session on the server. I am not sure why. I don't timeout the session, but have a filter "NewSessionFilter" that invalidates and creates a new session every time we login. Below is the error stack that I am getting intermittently(not always) whi...

Why does PHP not keep session between pages?

I have a Windows server 2008 with apache2. The server has 2 discs and I run an apache instance on both. The first runs as a service the second in the commandline. They both use an exact copy of an identical webroot in their own htdocs folder. Also they both use the same PHP install that is located on the first disc (Program Files (x86))....

Codeigniter, $_SESSION arrays

Hi , i'm trying to use native $_SESSION arrays in Codeigniter beacause i can't use $_COOKIES arrays, so i made my own class but seems that Codeigniter continue to save data on cokkies cause if i disable browser cookies i can't retrieve $_SESSION data :O !! incredible....i can't understand why? is codeigniter stopping or removing all $_SE...

How to access Session state in standard Java class?

I need a mechanism to read session state from a Java class, without having to pass any arguments (including HttpRequest) to the class. The reason is that the class is 1-3 calls away from the servlet and i dont want to pollute the method argument list with an extra arg for every call. I basically have the same prob of these guys: http://...

Stange session issue in PHP

Hi, I'm having a strange issue with sessions in PHP. Basically, when a user submits a contact form, the processing script sets a session on completion ( $_SESSION['action']='sent'; ). The user is then sent back to the page they sent the form from and a message is displayed using the following code: $action = $_SESSION['action']; if ( ...

What to do with a timed out user trying to use ajax functionality?

Here is the scenario, User Logs InUser gets up, goes to get some coffee, and talks to co-worker Steve in the kitchen for 15 minsUsers session times outUser comes back to desk and trys to use a field on his/her screen which utilizes ajax functionality Now, In the ajax page I am checking to see if he/she is logged in, but what do I do wi...

Implications of Distributed Sessions on Development

I have been researching the implications of setting up a distributed session environment, and wanted to ensure I was not missing any major points. With respect to developing apps that will run in a distributed session environment, the main development issue I have identified is the loss of data that may be kept in the session. Obviousl...

I need help with PHP sessions

I want to create a personalized dashboard for every user and have created a login system. I am using this code to redirect different users to different pages, but no matter what the username or password is, it is taking me into file1.php. <?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION['username'] == "google") { header("location:file1.php");...

PHP session_start () error on server side

Hello! Im currently trying to move my site from localhost on my machine to my web server. And there is one problem. Everything works fine, except login form for administration. At first I thought it was not-saving-as-utf-8-without-BOM problem, but error logs show some strange problem which I never had before. As far as I understand, t...

Forbid access to files in a simple PHP login system

Hi guys! I wrote this VERY simple PHP login system: <?php session_start(); $error = ''; if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { if ($_POST['username'] == 'user' && $_POST['password'] == 'pass') { $_SESSION['client'] = 'ok'; Header ("location: /kit/kit/index....

ASP.NET MVC 2 Automapper Placement

I am using Automapper to convert between my EF4 Models and my ViewModels. Automapper needs map relationships declared and I find myself copy/pasting them inside every controller's constructor. Mapper.CreateMap<CoolObject, CoolObjectViewModel>(); Where can I place the mapping declarations so they will only be called once and not every ...

Session issue when cookies are disabled in mvc

Whenever cookies are disabled in my browser and then i try to login on login page it unable to create session and so unable to login in system. Then i change the cookie setting to <sessionState cookieless="true" timeout="20" /> in my web.config and then try to login Post action of the login function it doesnt call and whenever i inpu...

jQuery - keeping php session by ajax silent

Hi there! I searched the intenrent for the question: "how to keep php session alive, before it times out by jQuery" I want it being silent - that means, i'd like no poping-up dialogs asking to keep session, but silent ajax request, that will tell server, that client is online. The model is: user logged in, and he is in until he closes t...

Removing / Ignoring Session items that will cause .NET deserialization errors

I'm trying to be clever by allowing a small validation method to be defined "inline" in ASCX templates as an Action<,>, like so: <%= OnValidation(delegate(FormSubmission form, FormResult errors) { // form checks in here, append errors to errors variable if required }) %> It actually works a treat, but in order to ensure it can be ...

Jquery / JS: Store dynamic image in a variable and then show in another page.

Hi to all, i would like make a simple script that store one dynamic image (Random) in a variable and then show that in another page (Like before). This is the source code that show the image in the 1st page (Where i need to store): <img alt="CaptchaA" style="display:block;" src="image_gen.php?rnd=8900yh0484" id="captchaB" name="captch...

gae-sessions and django variable passing.

I am using gae-sessions for the back end session management, the problem that occurs is although I am able to get the data of the session in a self.response.out.write() command when I am trying something simple like session = get_current_session() profile = session['me'] templates.render(self, 'tmp.html', profile=profile) {{profile}...

login session problem

hello.... i was completed login form. but client said some times user account over riding. showing another user login information. so how it solve. i was checked all of my code but there is no chance to show another user information. is there any chance to over come this problem may be automatically it happends in server? ...