
PHP session var strange value through AJAX

Hello guys, my code is a bit messy so I'll try to explain to you in words: I have this index.php page that shows a random file from my files table in my database. People have the opportunity to rate these files by clicking on notes that open "vote.php" through a small AJAX pop-up. Now here's the problem. On index.php I pull the ID fro...

Why does my application recycle when I delete a folder?

I have a Silverlight application using a WCF service hosted in IIS. I make use of some aspects of ASP.NET. I have the following folder structure for my application: inetput wwwroot myapp reports {user-guid-folders} report1.pdf report2.pdf App_Data (folder) bin (folder) Client_Bi...

Http Sesssion is common after recreation of session

Hi , I have one issue related to session id, in my application i am removing all session attributes and invalidating the session, then recreate the new session and assign old values. but in this scenario always gives the same session id. The reason for doing this is that session hijack they get the old session id and hack the applicatio...

Apache Tomcat 6 session swap

I have a website running on Apache Tomcat 6.0.26. Each user has his own profile. Several days ago one user changed his profile, but another user's profile has been changed. This thing happened only once in 3 month. Is there any problem with sessions(session was swapped or something like that)? ...

Php session variable bug

Hello. There is a problem with session variables in my web-application. I have several types of documents, when user want to edit it, he pushes a button and php record number of document to $_SESSION['patent_number'] via GET method. All fine when launch application. I test it with 2 documents with 2 different numbers. In the begining al...

What are sessions? How do they work?

I am just beginning to start learning web application development, using python. I am coming across the terms 'cookies' and 'sessions'. I understand cookies in that they store some info in a key value pair on the browser. But I have a little confusion regarding sessions, in a session too we store data in a cookie on the user's browser. ...

Get previous page URL after Response.Redirect

I'm trying to get the previous page URL after I do a response write and i've looked around the web and people are using HTTP_REFERER but that doesn't work with Response.Redirect so is there anyway to get the URL of the previous page? I have this code on a few pages and i need to know which page it is coming from when it gets to the serv...

How do I make client browser stop requesting an expired session id?

I am developing a Java web application that will run on a secure intranet and does not require a user login. The application does, however, keep conversational state in an HttpSession. User input is not persisted to the database until they explicitly click a save button at some stage in the conversation. Until then, their input is retain...

why FIFO is used in namedpipes of session layer ?

please help me . Thanks in advance ...

Where will be the session value will be store in PHP

Hi all, Where will be the session value will be store in PHP. For example, cookies will be stored in browser as well as where will be the session value will be store. thanks in advance... ...

why user.Identity.Name is blank after logging in? mvc 2.0

Hi, I am writing an MVC 2.0 application, and I need to get username after the user logs in and pass it to other function. I tried that by simply modifying the standard LogOn method for AccountController, here is my code: [HttpPost] public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.I...

Magento and Wordpress not sharing session data (like number of items in cart)

Using the code below in the index.php file of a WP template: require_once '/Users/xxx/Documents/Projects/honora/trunk/app/Mage.php'; umask(0); Mage::app('default'); Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend')); Mage::log(Mage::helper('checkout/cart')->getCart()->getItemsCount()); should in theory give me the number ...

What is the best practice for restricting specific pages to logged in users only in Codeigniter?

I have created a sign-up and login for my website and all validation works fine for both sign-up and login. After user provides valid credentials he/she is logged into the member area with a welcome message that says Hello first_name last_name.. basically first name and last name is grabbed from database. Any what I want to do is restri...

ASP.NET Application ending immediately after starting

Having a bit of a problem with my hosted ASP.NET applications. I noticed slowness when opening pages, the kind of slowness that you see the first time you start up an ASP.NET app. After researching, I'm finding that the Application_End event is firing shortly after the application starts, apparently killing the sessions, static values, e...

ASP Bizarre Session COM+ Object Lost!

Hello Dear, I'm needing a lot of help from yours. I have an application in ASP, not ASP.NET ... Which uses several COM+ components developed for me. Below is an example of using one of the components. Dim componentXPTO Dim xpto componentXPTO = Server.CreateObject("NAMESPACE.XPTO") Set xpto = componentXPTO.myFunction(variables) Set...

Weird behavior while accessing "HttpContext.Current.Session" in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute method

Hi, In my application I am using a custom httphandler. In this handler I have written this code: static void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HttpContext.Current.Session["MyKey"] = "X"; } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } Now when I try to access my site..., where to store the username of logged in user?

When a user log into my site I use the following code: FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userid, false); As I often need to use the userid I can then later get the userid by: string userid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; Now I also want to show the logged in username on each page and my question...

session variable on a Wordpress site changing only in firefox

Ok, so this is the weirdest bug I have ever run into, hopefully I can explain it well enough. so, if you go to then click on one of the province links at the top(nova scotia, newbrunswick, etc.) then click one of the categories below(entertainment, shopping etc..) it should remember what province you are in because I s...

Get saved (non commited) entities with a criteria from session cache in NHibernate

Hello everyone, I'm trying to break the question down to something simple. I use nhibernate to get a list of entities via a criteria call. After that I'll update some entites and add one entity which I save (session.SaveOrUpdate(entity)). When I get a list with a criteria again I do get the entities that were changed (with changed valu...

Losing session in ASP.NET C#

Hello, I'm having a problem of losing session variable on my website. It append at random times so there is no particular behavior that cause this. What can be the cause of this session lost? I've read everywhere on this site that I could put my session in "sql server" mode so everything is written on the server, can it be a solution? ...