
Is this a good security strategy?

I'm trying to make a web service secure. It's not for a bank or anything of that sort, but the organization using it may lose some money if the service will be used by someone not authorized (it's hard to tell exactly how much..). The purpose is not to allow unauthorized applications to use any method (other than "GetChallenge". for u...

php request/post/get/session expiration

I know a SESSION can expire but what about $_REQUEST/$_POST/$_GET variables? My question is, I have users that submit information and I need to set a Id for that information before I insert it into a database. Now I thought about using a SESSION but the problem is if the session expires before the user has submitted the information to...

Too many arguments error

Hi i'm getting an error when using this code Session("formatdate") = Left(drv.Row("booking_status"), 10) Session("formatdate").ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") Can anyone suggest anything? I'm trying to convert my session to a friendly date format but it won't work This is the error Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Function ToStri...

Is storing List of 1000+ instance of my custom class in session a memory problem ?

Is storing a list of 1000 instance of my custom class to the session variable a good approach ? My web app need multilingual support and i am storing the labels in a table.I will have multiple users who has their own language preference and text(label content) preference. I am thinking about loading the labels and store it in s...

Alert user if session is going to expire, option to renew session

I have been looking all day for a PHP or JavaScript solution to do this. I would like to alert the user their session is about to time out (popup), ability to extend the session time. Here is a visual if you need one on this page EDIT: jQuery is the framework if that helps ...

What can I do to use Session on a shared hosting server with load balancing

My website/application is in ASP.NET. I use the traditional Session object when people connect so they have their preference, etc. My problem is that sessions were lost very often. I discovered that my hosting company was using load balancing on their servers, so one request on my website can be on one server, and the other on another o...

Check if anyone is currently using an ASP.Net app (site)

I build ASP.NET websites (hosted under IIS 6 usually, often with SQL Server backends and forms authentication). Clients sometimes ask if I can check whether there are people currently browsing (and/or whether there are users currently logged in to) their website at a given moment, usually so the can safely do a deployment (they want a h...

Convert database field to time format

I'm trying to make my string a nice formatted time but the column in the database isn't set up as a date/time field is there anyway I can do this? Here's my query Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')" And here's where i'm converting it Session("formattime") = DateTi...

Different sessions for admin and application in Django

Hi Folks, I'd like to have different sessions for Django admin interface part and application itself to be able to login as admin to admin interface and as usual user to application part. Any ideas how to archive that? Thanks. P.S. Sure, I can use 2 different web browser instances, any other ways? ...

login system with sessions

hello, i have created a login system with sessions in php,when used header to redirect to a particular page after checking username and password, it shows the following in firebug response "Failed to load source for: http://localhost/emp_tracker/main/edit_new.php" ,but it redirects in local system instead in server when i host it does n...

Java: I lose the session: Would it be a problem from using "<a href >"?

Hi! I am having problems in Java while managing sessions. All works perfect(I create and get/set values in the session), until I redirect with a link (the link is in a JSP). Then, the session is lost. My server is Tomcat, and my browser is a Firefox browser. I am using Struts 2. Thanks for your time ;-) ...

Obtain phpBB remote session

I want to crawl some data out of a phpBB forum i'm a member of. But for that, login is required. I can login using cURL, but if I try to crawl the data after logging in using cURL, it still shows that I need to login before viewing that page. Is it possible to login using cURL AND retain that session to do some farther job? Another thin...

AJAX synchronous (SJAX) on session restore

I have a large web page (classic ASP) with lots of information required from the user, so lots of inputs. The user's behavior is that he will fill in the information over time, analyze it and other time consuming processes before submitting. The problem is that even though the session timeout is set to a reasonable 30 minutes, often i ge...

Debian based systems Session killed at 30 minutes in special cron, how to override?

Have been pulling out my hair trying to find out why my sessions are being terminated/killed/destroyed at 30 minutes. Well it looks like Debian based systems have a special cron running that ignores all php.ini and apache configurations and kills any idle session at 30 minutes. The cron path: /etc/cron.d/php5 Inside the cron: # /etc/...

cherrypy session disappears on transparent redirect

I have a checkout page that uses the braintree payment api. It works by submitting the credit card form directly to braintree's servers, at which point they are redirected to my 'confirm' page. This is detailed here, if you are curious. The cart is stored in-session. If I trace the session data right before I serve the checkout form......

Check if session is null is returning error

Hi I'm using jQuery to get a few values and them i send to an Webservice. On that WebService i'm checking if a session is null but i'm receiving Null Reference to that session and it gets error (i see it on javascript console, on debugging i just see the error on output "A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' ...

Issues with multiple sessions being stored for the same user

I am having issues whereby the same user is generating two session files. I started to log these in the database so I could see what was going on. I am curious to know whether this stems from setting sessions in a class or whether there is some programing faux pas behind this. Below are both sessions from my computer generated within a m...

How can I handle web sessions with CGI::Session in Perl?

Im creating a web application in Perl using CGI. This application implements the Model View Controller architecture and the system has the following structure in the root directory: -models -views -controllers The file only includes the respective views according to certain parameters that are sent to it (using funct...

how to check if a sessionId is valid in a servlet (java)

I am maintaining a map of sessionid(s) and HttpSession Objects in my web app. I use an HttpSessionListener to populate or remove a session from the map. When my web server crashes and goes down and comes back up, i need a way to check if the sessionid being submitted is valid or not. Obviously, when the app comes back online, the Map is...

Do session cookies expire when the browser is closed?

I have a PHP application where I set $_SESSION['user']="logged" once a user is authenticated. I call this loginpage.php. Once authenticated and the session variable set, the user is taken to a member page which starts with the lines: <?php session_set_cookie_params(0,'/'); session_start(); if($_SESSION['user'] != 'logged') { header ("L...