
Disable Session from Master Page

In ASP.NET, I would like to disable session state from master page, however @Master directive doesn't have EnableSessionState attribute as @Page does. Is there any workaround? ...

will session expire in my scenario?

Hello everyone, I am designing a top level page which is designed by implementing a frameset. In one frame of the frameset, I will invoke JavaScript to refresh the page to post to some URL regularly (every 10 minutes). In the other frame of the frameset, I will let user do the major work -- let end user enter input for a time-consuming ...

how to set session never expire in ASP

Hello everyone, I am using ASP classic (1.1) with IIS 6.0. Is there any options to set session never expire? thanks in advance, George ...

Tomcat sessions expiring unexpectedly

We are running tomcat application server that handle over 100 concurrent sessions. In the last 2 months the most active users noticed that sometimes they are getting kicked off from the system. As I understood from the log tomcat sessions are getting expired without any reason. I see no problems from the web application side. Is ther...

Application pool recycle after "Fixed number of requests"

Hello everyone, I am using IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003. I want to learn what means recycle after "Fixed number of requests" in application pool setting? My current confusion is, suppose I set this number to 100, and the 99th person connects to my web site, than the 100th person comes and the 100th person will trigger application pool...

Correct way to manage sessions in PHP?

Hi, I'm currently setting up an authentication system. My current layout is to get his email from the $_POST, md5 his password, and check the database against his email and his password. If it matches, I use session_start, and I start storing data in the $_SESSION variable, like so: $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid; $_SESSION['first_name'] = ...

Store in Session Data vs store in Sql Database for temporary data

Hello, I am wondering whats more efficient, to store temporary data (related to that session) in a session using say $_SESSION variable in PHP or store and retrieve from an SQL database? Thank you for your time. ...

Wrapping session handling inside the static class

I separated all direct session interaction into a separate class and made it static, because I didn't want to create a new object several times. However, i wish to make sure that there are not concurrency issues or other wonky suprises. Here is the code: public static class HttpHelper { public static string Get(string key) { ...

NHibernate in disconnected scenarios

What are your experiences with the latest version of NHibernate (2.0.1 GA) regarding disconnected scenarios? A disconnected scenario is where I fetch some object graph from NHibernate, disconnect from the session (and database connection), do some changes in the object graph (deleting in collections, adding entities, updating entities) ...

Keep login credentials server-side via PHP (safe and secure)

So I'm trying to write a php SOAP client that requires the user to pass their login credentials for the remote SOAP server. Here is the set-up/dilemma: User logs into local site using local credentials and goes to page with SOAP client. User is now prompted for credentials for remote Soap server, which, by the way, are the same as the ...

Internet Explorer 8 - Session Shared among Explorer Window

IE 8 sharing session among different Explorer Window for same domain. Like if you are a logined at in IE 8, and you have open another explorer window for, you will automatically logined. This was not in IE 7, In IE 7 session has shared in the same explorer tab rather different Explorer Window. Can anyone have a i...

Coldfusion sessions not being timed out

We have 2 core applications running on our servers on CF 8, and both have the exact same session timeout set in the application CFC (2 hours at the moment). However we're seeing that sessions are spiralling out of control for one of the applications (currently at 120,000+ on one server), lets call it AppA whereas AppB seems fine (and App...

Is My ASP.NET Session Too Big?

In our .NET web app, we have a session object for each logged in user that is around 5-7 kilobytes. The session stores a Dictionary object that contains a couple of classes and the user's authentication token. Does this session size seem too big? I really don't know what a good size is or what good practices I should follow for sessions....

NHibernate sessions: How many? When to create? When to close?

Hi all Im really struggling with NHibernate here. I'm trying to keep my DAL-assembly very generic, so that it works in a webcontext, in WCF and in WinForms / WPF. My problem here is the sessions. Lazy-loading is good, and something I really want, but after the session which you loaded the object with is closed, you can't lazy-load anym...

How do I find out total number of sessions created i.e. number of logged in users?

Hi guys I have a simple membership based website where users log in and have their own profiles. I woudl like to be able to tell at any given point in time how many users or rather which users are currently logged into my website. Its a simple membership based system in php. One way I uderstand it creating a table in a db and storing l... ajax calls to user controls

Hi, When calling page methods or web services with either jquery or MSAjax, the Session object appears to be null so Im finding it hard to track users who execute them. Seeing that the session id is sent with the cookie on each request, is it possible to obtain the session object from somewhere? ...

Amfphp 500 internal server error (sessions)

So to sketch out our situation We have a html page(domain: with an iframe in that iframe we load a php file (domain : in that php file we start a session and we embed our swf file (domain : ) in our swf file we access a special page "calls.php" (domain: where we can get some special data. (that's ... session using sql server mode

Hi I am using a session in SQL Server mode. I have created the necessary tables and stored procs in a custome db My question is: Can I use this database to serve more than one application / web site ? Is there anything to take into consideration having multiple websites use the same db for their session store cheers ...

changing data in the $_SESSION variable

Hi . Currently I have a class in the constructor stores variables in $_SESSION. I was told not to store the user_id in $_SESSION, because then a user could change the ID to a one of his liking, and then access the website freely from any account. Instead, I've stored a session_id and created a table that has links a session_id to a us...

check if user is logged in

Hi, I have some basic code that I place at the header of every page to make sure that the user is logged in. I was hoping someone could take a look at it and give me some suggestions: if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) { $handle = dbconnect::init; $result = $handle->select()->from('session_id') ...