
PHP / Drupal, Session Storage and encryption

We're using Drupal on a number of sites. On all but one server, the data in the sessions table appears as a serialised string. This is normal behaviour AFAIK. On the exception server, the session data is stored looking like, _C0c5x_xpVKkya5nD68ChpaKaHYNzWTlEN52gOCkH1fIAvj3ziCydGnNbLXTO75q_pYLhumOYHzxD1D _ue5tRgeeQR4YUIDWtAZ2hxlJ7QUHS-K...

How to deal with session timeouts in AJAX requests

I'm sure you're all familiar with the voting systems that use AJAX (Um... look right over there <----) I have something similar and when you vote up or down it uses AJAX to request the new value from votes.php. The problem is that I am using a session to get the userid so a person can only vote once. What happens if they sit on the page...

How to maintain sessions with C++ code?

There is a cgi code written in C++. Currently there is no session management done in the web pages. There is a need to provide sessions in the web pages so that the user can login, maintain session and then logoff. While this is a fairly simple task in java with HttpSession, I have no clue how to do this with C++ code. ...

What is the default session timeout value in ASP.NET?

What is the default session timeout value in ASP.NET? ...

How good/necessary are Stateful Web Services?

What people have seen in real projects out there? 1) Web Services MUST be stateless: Basically you must send username/password with every request, every request must use HTTPS and I will authenticate and load the User object everytime if needed. 2) A Session for Web Services: like in a web container so I can at least save the authentic...

Tomcat session-cluster: Is it production level? Does it scale?

I would like to know any experience with the Tomcat Session Cluster solution. Is it production level? Does it scale? Can I use it in a server farm? Do you recommend any other solution for a session cluster? (Ex: database, terracota, jgroups, etc.) ...

C++ Library for session management?

This is in reference to question How to maintain sessions with C++ code? Is there a C++ library (like Boost) available to manage sessions for web based CGI applications? How feasible is it to make use of Cookies and URL Rewriting in C++ code for web based CGI applications? ...

Classic ASP Session ID Cookie Lifetime

In my classic ASP application, the ASP session ID related cookie gets lost when the client closes his browser, Even thought the session didn't timeout. So... How to make ASP session ID cookie to remain the same even if the clients closes his browser? ...

Weird problem with session_set_save_handler() in PHP

I'm trying to write a custom session persister in PHP. But for some reason only my session read functon is getting called, not my session write function. Thus the session isn't persisted. If I switch back to the default session handler (file), everything works. If I add session_write_close() at the end of the test script - everything wor...

How to properly implement a custom session persister in PHP + MySQL?

I'm trying to implement a custom session persister in PHP + MySQL. Most of the stuff is trivial - create your DB table, make your read/write functions, call session_set_save_hander(), etc. There are even several tutorials out there that offer sample implementations for you. But somehow all these tutorials have conveniently overlooked one...

re-initialize / reconnect a terminal after network interruption

Hi, I have what is probably a very simple terminal related question. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, using Gnome, and I often open a terminal-based ssh session only to have it dropped at some point later on. Once the session is dropped the terminal becomes unusable, obviously because the network connection has been dropped. ...

Sessions when called by flash

Whats the best way to get around PHP's user agent matching for sessions without actually changing the global security setting? I can easily pass the session id from the page containing the swf into the swf. Note: This is for swfupload ...

Problem unsetting a session variable.

There's a form on my site that's used for inviting friends. It's a simple text field and a submit button. If there is an error I redirect back to this page and display an error message if their is a session variable set. if (isset($_SESSION['invite_error'])) { echo $_SESSION['invite_error']; unset($_SESSION['invite_error']); } H...

Preventing session conflicts in PHP

Recently I stumbled on an interesting bug where entries would show up in our local custom-made ticket system from users that didn't exist in the app. After some poking around I realised that both this and another PHP app running on the same server were using $_SESSION['user'] for authentication purposes. When someone used one system and ...

Handling 'session expired' in JSF web application, running in JBoss AS 5

This question is related to my other question "How to redirect to Login page when Session is expired in Java web application?". Below is what I'm trying to do: I've a JSF web application running on JBoss AS 5 When the user is inactive for, say 15 minutes, I need to log out the user and redirect him to the login page, if he is trying to...

$_SESSION variables not transferring from page to page

Hi, If I write the following code: session_start(); $_SESSION['user_id']='daniel'; the variable stays fine as long as I'm on the page on which it was created, and the second I try to call $_SESSION['user_id'] from another page, I don't get a response. Can anyone tell me what mistake I'm making? ...

NHibernate session management and lazy loading

I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out my session management woes in NHibernate. I am assuming that a lot of my trouble is due to lack of knowledge of IoC and AOP concepts; at least that is what I am thinking by where Fabio Maulo keeps directing me. Anyways, my problem is that I have a win forms application that is making "ge...

does Rails 2.3 support a file-based session store?

Does Rails 2.3 support a file-based session store out of the box any more? It looks as though it supports only use of active_record_store and mem_cache_store, in addition to the default cookie-based. If it does support a file-based session store, how is that configured? It seems as if it should be easy to find a definitive yes or no ans...

Symfony sfGuardPlugin session inconsistencies

Ok I have several modules in my application in symfony. I have only one module that is secure: on. I also have a layout.php that on top includes a tabbed menu to display links for each module in my application. This menu also has a part where the user is displayed link to 'sign in' if user is not logged in and 'log out' if user is logged...

Rails 2.3 session

Hi, I am developing a rails 2.3.2 app. I need to keep session_id for an order record, retrieve it and finally delete the session_id when the order is completed. It worked when I used cookies as session store but it doesn't for active_record store. (I restarted my browser, so no cache issue.) I know rails 2.3 implements lazy session loa...