
session difference between active_record_store and cookie_store

Hi, In rails 2.3, I changed session store from cookies to active_record. I compared session.inspect between the two stores. In cookie_store, it showed a lot of info but in active_record_store it showed nothing(just {}). My main concert is session_id. You can't get session[:session_id] in active_record_store. Is this right behavior? Do ...

Why would cookies be vanishing in IE6/8, and what can I do about it?

I have a login setup on a site that stores login information in PHP's $_SESSION, and additionally sets a two-week cookie with login information if a checkbox is checked. The user is considered logged in if valid login information is either submitted by POST or either cookie is true. The behavior on FF3/Chrome is as intended, at least wi...

PHP Sessions across sub domains

I am trying to set up the following: where if the user visits or and they are not logged in, they get pushed over to and can log in. and are two separate applications but use the same credentials. I tried se...

Session ID always changing - can't login to my web application from ONE PC!!! Sessions being lost!

Hi guys, we've recently done some installation but I'm facing issues with one pc in particular and its baffling. We have a webapplication installed on our local server which is accessed by all our workstations. FOr some reason we can't log into our webapplication using one workstation. The application is a PHP MYSQL collaboration system....

How to "temporarily" store images on web server per session in ASP.NET and C#

Hey Guys, I've been looking around for quite a while and feel that I have a particularly unique situation. I am generating an image from a 3rd party program (which I embedded into my C# app) which is saved to the file system on my web server. Do you know of any efficient ways to dispose of these images after a particular session is...

Preventing an ASP.NET Session Timeout when using Silverlight

I'm writing a program which has both an ASP.NET configuration system and a Silverlight application. Most users will remain on the Silverlight page and not visit the ASP.NET site except for logging in, etc. The problem is, I need the session to remain active for authentication purposes, but the session will timeout even if the user is u...

Custom Sessions with Joomla

I've trying to build Joomla into my existing website so I can use it for premium content. I've already got a custom-built authentication system that sets my own session variables. For some reason, Joomla (which is located in a different directory) doesn't want to recognize these session variables, even when adding the session_start()...

PHP in_array not working

Hey everyone, I am using the PHP in_array() function in order to authenticate (with sessions) if a user can access a particular page. For some reason, it is not working... PHP PAGE session_start(); require_once('../scripts/functions.php'); $role_auth = @$_SESSION['role_auth']; access($role_auth, array(0,1,2,3,4)); access FUNCTION ...

PHP +redirecting with sessions

Hello, i'm trying to make my site with a few languages. Every page includes config-file, wich checks variable 'lang' in session. If it doesn't exist, wi'll be redirected to the page of lang choosing. After choosing u'll come to the page before. But it works only in Mozilla Firefox. In other browser after language checking i always get th...

Why would IE/Fiddler see different cookie setting/deletion from Chrome and FF/Live HTTP Headers?

I have a partly inherited web application in PHP and after poking around with Fiddler I have a little more data than before. The problem I'm trying to solve is unwanted logouts on IE6/8 but not FF/Chrome. If a user clicks between different pages, the login data cookies vanish. The behavior is different in FF vs. IE, and the reported inf...

What information to save to a cookie for future account authentication?

So I'm building my first ever website with user accounts. What data should I store to the cookie so the user can prove that they are in fact that user? Right now when the user logs in I save the user ID, the username, a randomly generated session ID and the hashed and salted password for future authentication. I'm not sure if I should be...

Count active sessions in J2EE app deployed on JBoss 3.2.1

Hi there, I manage a J2EE application which is deployed on JBoss 3.2.1. As part of my service to my client I want to provide reports which show the number of active sessions. I have implemented a simple class and a JSP page which retrieve the number of active sessions, but I have discovered a flaw: the process of checking the number o...

Get value from session or request?

currently i have code that does var req = HttpContext.Current.Request; if(!isNull(req["title"], req["desc"], req["tags"])) { doSomthing();} on certain cases i move title into session data then redirect the page or do whatever i need. Now this does not work. Is there something i can use to pull data from either request or session? ...

Does Response.Redirect use the same session or start a new one?

I would like to be able to use the same Session variable when transferring to another app. Does Response.Redirect use the same session or start a new one? I am using c#, aspnet 3.5 ...

What is a session in ASP.NET, and how do I use it?

Can someone explain the concept of sessions in ASP.NET? How do I use them, and how do cookies fit in? ...

What's the best way of displaying fields on screen after a user posts a form, without going back to the db?

I have 3 arrays of data that are used to populate some fields on screen. When a user posts the form (unrelated to the data contained in the arrays) I want to display the array data on screen again, but without retrieving it from the database when the page reloads. What's the best way to temporarily store these values? I was thinking of...

Warning: Sessions Permission Denied/Headers Already Sent in PHP

I am a beginner in PHP. I am receiving the following errors. I cannot view the error from my computer on FF, IE, and Chrome, but yet I see the error up top when browsing from another computer's browser. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_c464nadk4jsn4u43mpqipkjbr7, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) i...

How do I maintain session state with a Google Earth client?

I'm playing with dynamic updates to Google Earth KML files. The updates are of the form <kml...> <NetworkLinkControl> <Update> <targetHref="..."> <Change> <Placemark targetId="..."> ...stuff to update... </Placemark> </Change> </Update> </NetworkLinkControl> </kml> And it all work...

How can I read in C# XML from another page while logged in to the site

I have logged in to the site with my webbrowser and whenever I try to call WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); string str = myWebClient.DownloadString("http://localhost/myxml.aspx"); Response.Write(str.ToString()); Or XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(url); while (reader.Read()) { Response.Write(reader.ReadOuterXml()); ...

Datacontext and Nhibernate Session

I am a newbie to Object Oriented Programming. I am working with Windows Application and Model View Presenter Pattern and I want to have the Change tracking available. My question is as follows Do I need the presenter to hold a Nhibernate Session or Linq to Sql Datacontext for my Unit Of Work? Is this the simplest way I can architect a W...