
file_get_contents from url that is only accessible after log-in to website

I would like to make a php script that can capture a page from a website. Think *file_get_contents($url)*. However, this website requires that you fill in a username/password log-in form before you can access any page. I imagine that once logged-in, the website sends your browser an authentication cookie and with every consequent browse...

Hibernate session / transaction design

Hey, I'm trying to figure out how to best use Sessions in (N)Hibernate. I have a C# remoting object (MarshalByRefObject) which gets consumed by an ASP.NET client. Currently my remoting class opens up one Session instance in the constructor and uses that one for all transactions. Is this a good idea? And would I need a finalizer for the ...

Losing session variables in a web farm using State Server...

I have four servers in a clustered non-sticky environment that is serviced by a single state server. I noticed that the app loses session when it hits a particular box 90% of the time, and 10% times on the other boxes. I observed the machine keys, and they are the same in all the boxes. I also checked the application path in IIS, they a...

Zend Sessions problem with IE8

I'm running a Zend Framework powered website and it seems to have serious problems with sessions. I have a 5 step process where I save the form data in the session between the steps and then save it into the database on the last step. When we built the site sometimes the session just went away and forced us to restart. Now it seems to w...

How to Track the Online Status of Users of my WebSite?

Hello, my question is the following: I want to track users that are online at the moment. The definition of being online is when they are on the index page of the website which has the chat function. So far, all I can think of is setting a cookie for the user and, when the cookie is found on the next visit, an ajax call is made to upd...

Node no longer exists error with Zend_Session

Hi I am having issues with my my sessions using Zend Framework 1.7.6. The problem exists when I try and store an array to the session, the session namespace also stores other userdata. I am currently getting the following message in my stacktrace Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' with message 'Zend_Session::st...

Strange behaviour migrating sessions with callbacks from php4 to php5

I have to migrate a php4 app that uses session_set_save_handler() to php5. In php4 everything was fine, but in php5 the callback functions cannot access the global vars anymore, which were set on the page before session_set_save_handler() was called. In the example below the global var $g1 cannot be accessed in the session_writer() (wh...

How do i handle POST->Session->page? ASP.NET

I have the user submit a form and if my spam filter catches it i redirect() the user into a captcha page to make sure it isnt a bot (reCaptcha appears not to be broken yet). My question is how do i handle going back to the original page? I was thinking i could generate a random number (check if there is a current session tag with that ...

How should i save a HttpPostedFile

Situation, a user MAY upload a file and MAY trigger the spam filter. If it does trigger the spam filter i save all the post data and show a captcha. If the 'bot' doesnt succeed by the time the session times out the HttpPostedFile data (which includes uploaded file) should discard. I am assuming i dont want to put the uploaded data into ...

How do you set autocommit in an SQL Server session?

How do you set autocommit in an SQL Server session? ...

use of sessions in cakephp

Hi, can anyone give me an example on how to create Sessions and write data to it. I've seen syntax on how to write data to a session using write command. But how to create a session and retrieve the values in it. In my application, I have two data, form_id and user_id that needs to be used in all the page requests. So how do I save it...

Django: Access request.session from backend.get_user

Hi, first of all: this is not the same as this. The ModelBackend has no request member. I want to access the session of the current user without access to the global request object or his/her session ID. Why? I wrote my own authentication backend, extending ModelBackend. In that I have the function get_user (self, user_id), that gets ...

How are PHP sessions saved by default?

I have not changed any of the configuration options for sessions in my php.ini. session.save_handler = "files" session.save_path = "" session_save_path() = "" From what I read, if I change php.ini to something like, session.save_path = "c:\tmp\", all the session will be stored as files in c:\tmp. My question is, how/where are t...

PHP Sessions/cookies not storing correctly when using IE6/IE7

Hi guys, We have a local intranet site that everyone on the network uses, maybe 5% (or even less) of the users that use the site have problems where the session isn't stored properly. I've tried defining a path manually (C:/Coookieess) and checking to see what's going on, and whereas most users sessions are created and remain just fine...

ASP.NET Access current session using jQuery

Is there a way to modify the current Session() variable using jQuery? If it involves deconstructing the ViewState then I'm not really interested. Just curious if there was some easy way to do it. Thanks! ...

Storing Objects in a Session in Rails

Hello, I have always been taught that storing objects in a session was a bad idea. Instead IDs should be stored that retrieve the record when needed. However, I have an application that I wonder is an exception to this rule. I'm building a flashcard application, and the words being quizzed are in a table in the database whose schema ...

Session start

In header.php I have: <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } ?> and further down I have: $_SESSION[theme] = $_GET[theme]; Basicly there is a drop down box where the user selects the website theme, this sets the value of $_GET[theme] and I would like the selection to be remembered, however whenever the page is changed the...

How to pass Session from one Application to another?

I am having 2 applications Suppose A and B. I am having a webpage in Application A where i am Setting the Session and in Application B i want to retrieve that session.How can i do that with out using DB? ...

How to access Magento user's session from outside Magento?

Im trying to access the Magento customer session in another part of my website. <- Magento The shop itself works like a charm, however im trying to determine within test.php if a customer is logged in, so I can display his name with a link to his cart. Contents of test.php so far: <?php require_o...

Can I create database records which are tied to a session and will be deleted when the session is destroyed?

Long introduction: Normally all data necessary for my web application are stored in session variables. Only if the user explicitly says that something is to be saved, it is stored into the database. (Like saving a comment or creating an order from a shopping cart) In my latest Rails application I noticed that I really could use many of...