
IE8 loses my session data when using payment gateway

This is a really strange problem, that appears to be somewhat intermittent (although it has started consistently occurring now - possibly due to a Windows Update?). My code has previously worked fine in IE7, and continues to work in Firefox, Chrome, and seemingly any other browser but IE8. I'm setting some session data and then passin...

Session Id Length in Tomcat

Hi, We need to change the session ID length gerenated by tomcat. By default it is 32 bytes, unfortunatly we need a session ID length of 20. Looking online I can see the StandardManager seems to manage this which extends PersistanceManager. Does anyone know if the sessionIdLength can be modified in the tomcat config? If so what files? ...

Google AppEngine Session Example

I just enabled Session in my Google AppEngine/Java + GWT application. And how do I use it? How do I get session ID and play will all good stuff from it? Are there any real examples of simple login page where I'm just entering LoginName and Password, then it goes to the server over RPC call, authenticates against database and sends Sessio... sessions, interacting with NHibernate

I have a question about how to keep the current's session during the duration of a user's visit. What is the best way to keep the current User object? Currently I am keeping it as a session object in the Session management in I do have Context.User.Identify.User keeping the email address/PK, but is there a better ...

Can i regenerate my own session id in servlet?

I know once you run yor jsf application the server will generate a session id, But how can i do like once the user login to the system then regenerate the session id ? Can i do this? ...

php: sessions vs. database

I have a class that retrieves its memeber (more or less 10 members) from a database. My question is: is it more efficient to fetch them every time from the db (MySQL), leaving just an ID in the session's array or store them directly in the session's array? And is the difference in performance terms so great? (given a database with say ...

in coldfusion, variables in what scope can be passed to and iframe page?

hi everyone, i wrote 2 pages to test this problem, but the server complaints error. i don't know why, anyone can explaint it? great thanks. this is 1.cfm <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="te...

Reliable session faulting for unknown reason

Hi all, My problem is this: I am trying to achieve the following - one client-side proxy instance (kept open) accessed by multiple threads using a reliable session. What I have managed so far is to have either A) a reliable session with a client-side proxy which is created and disposed per call or B) what I aim for, but without a reli...

Test if Spring Scope is active

How can I test if the Session scope is active in Spring? for example, at startup some classes need a User object which is Session scoped, than i return a mock User object. the bean in question is declared with aop:scoped-proxy. how can i test if the session scope is active? ...

Rendering common session information in every view

I'd like to output some information that depends on session data in Django. Let's take a "Login" / "Logged in as | Logout" fragment for example. It depends on my request.session['user']. Of course I can put a user object in the context every time I render a page and then switch on {% if user %}, but that seems to break DRY idea - I wou...

PHP - Is there a way to clear some session data from ALL sessions?

Hi, In general, I have the following scenario: - Fetch product and its related data from database - Convert fetched data to php 'product' object - cache product object in session The cache is readonly, i.e customers viewing products on the site. But there are calls like getProductIdsByCategory($categoryId) and the productIds from thes...

NHibernate session management?

Firstly, let me give a brief description of the scenario. I'm writing a simple game where pretty much all of the work is done on the server side with a thin client for players to access it. A player logs in or creates an account and can then interact with the game by moving around a grid. When they enter a cell, they should be informed o...

good idea to integrate CodeIgniter with phpBB3 User System?

Is there a way to integrate CodeIgniter with phpBB3? The reason I ask is because I would like to use the user system as a base for my future CodeIgniter Application. Is it a good idea to use phpBB as a base user system? ...

SWFUpload and Java: Session is lost.

I am using SWFUpload to upload files to java servlet (spring framework). The problem is that the current web session is lost during file upload (it creates a new session). I read that it is a known bug and there are some workarounds somewhere but I can't find anything. Does anyone know how to make it work? Thanks. ...

How create HttpSession using old JSESSIONID?

How can I recreate HttpSession (with cookie, on servlet filters) using JSESSIONID from still active session, passed in request? Thanks for help. ...

In Cakephp, what is Session->valid()?

I know that this method answers the question "Is the current session valid?", but I don't see why it would ever be invalid. I've read the source for this method, but I still don't get it. From what I can gather, it has to do with whether the session data has expired, but I'm not sure. This may pertain to an older version of Cake because...

Django and Session Status Messages

I need to have a status message that is set while processing an initial request appear after a redirect occurs. A pretty normal thing to need to do but I'm unclear how to use the session object to do this in Django. I know there's a plugin someone made: Is that the recommended way of handli...

Session timeout error for applications expires in 5 sec on one server & runs fine on another

Session timeout error for applications expires in 5 sec whenever we login to website the session expires in 30 secs max & we are unable to save our work / submit our request from application. This is 3 year old website running on same server & now problem have started coming from past few days ........

Session not ending in ASP.NET

Hi, I have created an application in which i have used global.asax. I have created a static class which stores user information such as LoginID, CompanyID etc using properties. A property IsLoggedIn indicates whether user logged in or not. I have created a method ResetAll() within the same class to reset those properties. The ...

Manage user's session on a web server for an iPhone app user

I'm writing an iPhone app. This app requires users to login on a remote web server which is using php + mysql. How can the server handle this? Using sessions? Cookies? unique IDs? Any link/code/tutorial on how to do this would be great. Thanks! ...