
Are the WWDC 09 session videos Fairplay-DRM protected?

I would like to buy the »WWDC 2009 iPhone Session Videos« from ADC. But I want to view them on my TV which is capable displaying mp4/h264 m4v (mov) files which you could grab for free on ADC@iTunes some time ago. Somebody knows if the iPhone WWDC 09 videos comes without any DRM, too? Because my TV isn't able to display rented movies fro...

What should I do If I want to maintain session between HTTP and HTTPS - Asp.Net

What should I do If I want to maintain session between HTTP and HTTPS.. In my site's public area some pages are HTTP and some are HTTPS but I want to keep common session for both.. ...

How can I block HTTP session timeouts in my Seam applications?

We have a rather restrictive architecture where we have a portal-like Seam application which launches further 'child' Seam applications inside an iFrame. We have a problem where the portal application's HTTP session times out even though the 'child' applications are still being used. We need to keep the HTTP session timeouts to keep th...

Classic ASP Store objects in the session object.

Hi All, I am new to classic ASP and I need to code a web application in classic asp because the customer wants it to be in classic asp. :( Anyways! here is my question: When I have a object of a class called person: Class Person Private m_sFirstName Public Property Get firstName firstName = m_sFirstName End Property Public Pro...

Can I save a very large array of userID's to a session variable for multiple users?

OK I have a social network, around 50,000 users so far and there is a friend table that show who is your friend on the site, this table is over a million rows Not the tricky part, I show user posted bulletin, status posts, stuff like that that is only visible to people on your friend list. Keep in mind the size of the tables, user table...

Can you help me locate PHP session files?

I have a default configuration of xampp (LAMP) on a windows system, I have been googleing and reading stackflow for an hour but I can not find where php session data is saved, I would like to locate a session file and look at it. Some sites say windows usually stores it here C:\windows\tmp\ but I was unable to find it there or anywhere ...

Tomcat Session Eviction to Avoid OutOfMemoryError

We are running a vendor-supplied webapp in Tomcat 5.5 using the StandardManager for sessions (in memory). As sessions can get quite large (20M+), running out of heap space is a serious concern. Users want to keep sessions around for a couple of hours if possible but would rather evict sessions than run out of heap space. It does not a...

Session VS File VS Memcache for a Cache in PHP?

I have a social network The users table is around 60,000 rows The friends table is around 1 million rows (used to determine who is your friend) I am wanting to do a friend feed, wall, whatever you like to call it, it will show things like user status post (twitter type posts), it will show a few different items but for the start it w...

magento router: How can i catch parameters in all urls?

Think of an small and basic affliate system. I want an url like "". Every time "afid" is found in the url an method has to be called. (Basicly to save "afid" in an session an when the customer buys stuff i want to track it.) Someone here who knows how to do that? Every hint is accepted ;-) gree...

Scalable http session management (java, linux)

Is there a best-practice for scalable http session management? Problem space: Shopping cart kind of use case. User shops around the site, eventually checking out; session must be preserved. Multiple data centers Multiple web servers in each data center Java, linux I know there are tons of ways doing that, and I can always come up wi...

Loadrunner appliction

We have an 3.5 web app that we must start load testing with LoadRunner What we have found is that if you open several browsers (ie8) they share the same session id, so making a change in one window impacts the other windows (not just our app, others app also). Now, LoadRunner can simulate a number of users per pc, and so we are...

Eclipse RAP - Firefox doesn't forget session

We've got an Eclipse RAP application that's behaving a bit strangely in Firefox - two distinct problems. When you browse around, you can click on a button in one part of the system. This opens a popup window like so: IWorkbenchBrowserSupport bs; bs = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getBrowserSupport(); int style = IWorkbenchBrowserSupport.AS...

Rails - Dynamic cookie domains using Rack

I'm fairly new to Rails and Rack, but this guy had a seemingly straightforward write-up about using Rack to implement dynamic session domain middleware. The code looks good to and I've implemented it here on my local machine, but I'm still not able to transcend top level domains on a single login. Here's the middleware code: class SetC...

How to disable redirection to login page in JBoss, when the session expires?

I'm using JBoss AS 5 and JSF+Seam for my web application. I'm using FORM authentication and have defined the login page in "login-config" tag in web.xml file. I also have a filter which will check for the session expired condition and redirect the user to a session_timed_out page. Now the issue I'm facing is that when the session expir...

set session timeout in web.config

Hello everyone, I have tried very hard but cannot find a sample about how to set session timeout value for in-process session for an ASP.Net web application. I am using VSTS 2008 + .Net 3.5 + C#. Here is what I wrote by myself to set timeout to be 1 minute, is it correct? I write under system.web section in web.config, <sessionState ...

Hibernate/Spring3: could not initialize proxy - no Session

Hi guys, I'm new at Spring, so I put Spring 3.0M3 on a Tomcat server on my Mac, made an Eclipse project, completed a Hello World and then wanted to make an object persist with Hibernate. I've made a User table on my MySQL server, made a User object with all getters and setters (I really wish Java would take a queue from Objective-C here ...

ASP.Net Session State for Long Persisting Auth Cookies

Hi I have a requirement to persist the Persistent auth cokkies for a long period (1 month) I am also using quite a few session variables. Now I cannot set the session timeout to that long (it will kill the server). It is currently set to 30 mins. Suppose the user keeps their browser window open for a day, the auth cookie wont expire b...

How to resume a session on Facebook Connect iPhone

Hi, I'm using Facebook Connect for the iPhone in one of our applications. When the user logs in using FBLoginDialog, we pass the iPhone's session_secret to the server and our server then has access to all of facebook's functionality. However, when we use [session resume], even though it returns true, [session isConnected] returns true ...

is it possible to set sessionState mode programmatically

For a c# web site project that serves content for mobile phones i need to use sesion state. Mobile browsing is abit tricky area, you cannot rely on cookies because some networks just removes them or some phones does not support them at all. .net's cookieless sessions perfect solution for me but they come with some cons. For example app ...

Simple way for admin to destroy the session of a logged in user

I need to be able to delete a user's session (force him to login again). E.g. I want to delete and ban the user from my site, but even if I delete his data from the DB his session will be still active and thus he can continue to be active on the site until he logs out and tries to log in again. How should I find and delete the session o...