
PHP pfsockopen in a session

Hi all! I'm making an MSN client in PHP. I have this code, which connects to a server and logs in to MSN: $server2 = explode(":", $xfr[3]); $socket2 = pfsockopen($server2[0], (int)$server2[1]); $_SESSION["socket"] = $socket; echo '<b>Connected to 2nd server.</b><br />'; //Send MSNP version fputs($socket2, "VER 0 MSNP10 CVR0\r\n"); echo...

Best way to work with temp images in Django?

I'm developing a Django project where I need to serve temporary images, which are generated online. The sessions should be anonymous; anyone should be able to use the service. The images should be destroyed when the session expires or closes. I don't know, however, what's the best approach. For instance, I could use file-based sessions ...

Session timing out on ASP.NET app after visiting PHP app on same server

I'm working with a client's proprietary ASP.NET app, to which we added a PHP wiki to a subdirectory on the same server. The PHP app authenticates against the cookies that the .NET app uses. This all works fine. When you login to the .NET app and then visit the PHP app (Dokuwiki), and then visit any page on the .NET app, it reports that...

php session with flash

url: page.php?sid=session_id(); php code: if ($_REQUEST['sid']) session_id($_REQUEST['sid']); session_start(); Question: im trying to access php session with passing the id, so it continues to login and returns data of the user. session id is successfully transfered, but session getting reset each time, emptying the old session an...

Connection to a URL from within an applet using Apache's HttpClient vs using the JDK's URLConnection

In the following code, I have verified that connecting to a URL from within an applet preserves the browser's session if JDK's URLConnection class is used. However, this is not the case if Apache's HttpClient library is used. Does anyone know why? Alternatively, is there a way for me to set the connection instance to be used by an Htt...

Hibernate transaction duplicate problem

Hi every one, I want update some of my table in database and want all of these work do in 1 transaction, first of all I delete some entry in branchbuildin(Table) and Insert new one after this action The problem occurred when I insert and entry with same buildingname and branch_fk (be cause I have this constraint on this table ( uniqueCon...

php "script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object" error

Hey everyone, I have looked up this error, and it seems the common issue is caused by not putting include()'s or require()'s BEFORE session_start(). However, this is not the case for me. I am getting the following error: Fatal error: Zend_Http_Client::request() [zend-http-client.request]: The script tried to execute a method or acces...

maintaining state without a cookie

I am trying to figure the workings of an IPB forum. If I tick remember me, then I will remain logged in even if I close the browser and reopen it. I am trying to workout how this is possible, as the only cookies that are set by the server expire at the end of the session, i.e. when I close my browser. So how does the server no how to r...

How to start a process from another application and then open a terminal to that process in gnu screen

I'd like to be able to launch a process from a GUI application (right now I'm thinking specifically of letting an eclipse user -- possibly via a plugin -- click a button to launch a build using my organization's build system). I don't want this process to stop when I stop the parent application, and I want to be able to "switch into it"...

SQLAlchemy: session.add

I'm trying to add two new object using session.add(object) twice..but the first object disappear on session.commit()...why it happens? ...

What is Heart Beat Design Pattern? How is it related to ASP.NET session?

What is Heart Beat Design Pattern? How is it related to ASP.NET session? ...

How to log out an user in php?

Currently, in my php script, after an user logged in, i stored session_login = 1. But I have a problem. I have a habit in using firefox, multi-tab (i believe most people and all today web browsers app have multi-tab function). I closed the tab that has the session, but I didnt closed the browser. After few hours, I come back on the same ...

What do I need to store in the php session when user logged in?

Currently when user logged in, i created 2 sessions. $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; // user's name So that, those page which requires logged in, i just do this: if(isset($_SESSION['logged_id'])){ // Do whatever I want } Is there any security loopholes? I mean, is it easy to hack my session? How does...

Is this a proper way to destroy all sessions in php?

Got it from, but I am not sure is this how everybody destroy all sessions?? // Unset all Sessions $_SESSION = array(); if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time() -42000, '/'); } session_destroy(); Does the code will destroy all the sessions?? Is it the most common way? how do you guys...

How to protect PHPSESSID in php?

I am really clueless on how to protect PHPSESSID. Does the value of session_id come from PHPSESSID? It would be disastrous if the session_id got compromised. Anyone have any ideas? ...

PHP Sessions - Warnings

I asked the question "php warning - headers already sent after server move" yesterday and I have made changes since to try and fix the problem but im still not getting it! I am working on code that has been made by another company! Im not moving the site off their server and putting it on ours but the my problem is that sessions are not... Concurrent access session strange behaviour

Hello We have an strange problem with accessing to session variables concurrently. The microsoft documentation says that if two request are made for the same session (using the same sessionId), the second request execute only after the first request has finished. In our cases the be...

Get Serializable Object from Session in Silverlight

I have a complex, [Serializable] object stored in session. I have Silverlight 3.0 islands in my .aspx pages that need access to this data and its data type. It is my understanding that Silverlight does not support [Serializable], and since it is running on the client, it does not have easy access to session. I am looking for a solid w...

Why doesn't my page have session state when called as the default document of a directory?

If I access my page like this... /folder/default.aspx ...everything is fine. If I access it like this... /folder/ ...the page has no session state. Any ideas why? This changed from IIS6 to IIS7, incidentally. In IIS6, it was fine. The "Default Document" feature in IIS7 is enabled, set to "default.aspx". ...

ASP.NET Session is not keeping stored across pages

First, I created a Login page that added a key value pair to the session and verified that on that page the session holds that pair. Next, I attempt to go to another page that looks for that pair in the session and it is not there. I've put the timeout for the session to 15000 so it won't timeout. I currently use a static class to look a...