
IE 7, tabs and HTTP sessions

In our Java web application we use HTTP sessiom for log in. Pretty standard stuff I think. Lately we got a report from a customer which says that the log in often disapears causing the user to log in againg (and sometimes looses any work). Acording to the customers this never happens when using OS X - Firefox 3 The problem occours when...

Are IDisposable objects in HttpContext.Current.Session disposed on Application_End?

I'm using a SessionObject which is stored inside a database. The SessionObject is wrapped inside SessionObjecWrapper which implements IDisposable. The SessionObjectWrapper is then placed in HttpContext.Current.Session. On session expiration, does ASP.NET "dispose" (or lets the GC do just that) of any object inside the session? And on a...

Changing the active_resource_store database for sessions in rails 2.3.2

There's a great answer for my question over here but it has to do with rails 2.2.2. The method used has been deprecated in 2.3.2. Does anyone know how to use an external database for session data in rails 2.3.2? The overall goal is session sharing betwee...

Login page uses SSL, unencrypted pages don't see encrypted session cookie (Grails, Acegi)

Setup: Grails 1.1, Acegi/Spring Security plug-in I want users to log in over SSL, so I have '/login/**' in my[] list, but almost everything else is in channelConfig.insecure[]. Every request for /login gets redirected to https:// and every other request is redirected to http://. My problem is that the login process...

ASP.Net Session State

Hi, I was wondering whether it would be possible to change the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState in based upon the domain an application is running on? A scenario; We have 20 sites running from one application all talking to different databases depending which domain (site) they are browsing from. When browsing www.d...

Basic Rails Question: Building Data Over Several Pages

All Rails expert sites say not to store ActiveRecords in the Session. However, I have a multiple-field ActiveRecord object that spans several pages. The code I'm trying to clean up used hidden fields to pass the data forward, which seems like a bad idea (user can tamper for one thing). What's the typical, or good, way to divide up a mode...

How can I set up ASP.NET login to allow the UserName or UserId to be retrieved later on in the session?

Hi, I'm trying to create a login system for my website, I've created a custom login.ascx and when the user clicks [ Login ] a div pops up with the contents of login.ascx. Then after the user enters their credentials, they click on the Login button. They get validated and logged in using this code in the login click function: if( Membe...

Lose of session ID in ASP.NET

I have faced a problem with Asp.NET Session ID. Whenever there are code-behind changes and moved dll to liver server / if there are any modifications to web.config file, the existing session is is not accessible. The session id is going to reset. If we use stateserver then we can retain session values. But it is not possible in some sha...

PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how?

OK, so I've got this totally rare an unique scenario of a load balanced PHP website. The bummer is - it didn't used to be load balanced. Now we're starting to get issues... Currently the only issue is with PHP sessions. Naturally nobody thought of this issue at first so the PHP session configuration was left at its defaults. Thus both s...

rails session model

How can I treat important session info as if it were a model? I've started toying with it, and some of it works. But I'm not sure what I'm missing? Does anyone know a good place to start or where I can find some good examples? Also, I'm able to use the model to set session variables, but what about getting them from the model as op...

Separate ASP.NET session ids for http and https

I'm working on a website that uses a non-secured session cookie. The session is shared between http and https. We want to use different sessions for http and https (because of security reasons). Is this configurable in ASP.NET, the httpCookies config element in system.web isn't specific enough. I'd rather not programatically bui...

Identify current session within Windows Forms application: session ID?

In ASP.NET, each session can be identified by its SessionID variable. Currently, I'm working on a project for which I want to be able to identify each separate user session. In other words, I'm looking for a session identifier or an equivalent variable. I've looked in the Application, Environment and AppDomain classes, but I couldn't fi...

PHP User Sessions Getting 'Muddled'

Hi all, The application that I am having trouble with is a generic web application... nothing special about the way it handles users. That is to say, I handle user information in the session variable, with the session managed via a cookie. A client of mine is having an issue whereby the users are logged in and every now and again they ...

webob cookies

I am not able to set cookies using following statements self.request.headers['Cookie'] = 'uniqueid = ',unique_identifier self.request.headers['Cookie'] = 'nickname = ',nickname as self.request.cookies is returning null dictionary in another request. environment is python on google app engine ...

Is there an option to configure a priority in memcached? (Similiar to Expiry)

A hashtable in memcached will be discarded either when it's Expired or when there's not enough memory and it's choosen to die based on the Least Recently Used algorithm. Can we put a Priority to hint or influence the LRU algorithm? I want to use memcached to store Web Sessions so i can use the cheap round-robin. I need to give Session...

Accessing the "session key" cookie name from anywhere in Rails.

We are building a plugin for Rails to be used within iframe Facebook applications, and at one point we need to check if Rail's session id cookie as been set or not. By default, this cookie is named _myprojectname_session, what we need to find out is the actual name of the cookie itself. So if it's not set, we can do some redirects to ma...

Handling user sessions with Mochiweb

I have a PHP based application running. The user logins, and does some actions. I have a reverse proxy set up to forward certain requests alone to be handled by the mochiweb server - e.g. any request URL with gets routed to the mochiweb server. Now, my question is how do I authenticate this request using the session...

Passing submitted form info back into input field?

I've written a simple entry form that compiles information onto a database, and I'm having trouble with my required fields... I use a form to process the data via post method if the user neglects to fill in a required field I would like to bring him back to the original form with his/her previous fields entered. How to I pass info back...

What happens to the $_SESSION array if a PHP session times out in the middle of a request?

I have always wondered, if a PHP session times out during the middle of executing a script, will the contents of the $_SESSION array still be available until script execution ends? For example: session_start(); if(! isset($_SESSION['name'])) { echo 'Name is not set'; exit; } // imagine there is a bunch of code here and that th...

Automatically re-direct a user when session Times out or goes idle...

I want to have a timer going to run every 3 minutes on the page (javascript), to detect if a php session ($_SESSION) has timed out... and if so, redirect them automatically. A good example would be, a user logs in and runs up stairs, and never comes back down... I want the javascript to log them out with a simple redirect... Is this p...