
Question about user system, specifically sessions with PHP

I was reading this article: I am not sure if I understand sessions properly. Do I have to start a session for each member protected page? or do I just have to create one session and check if the user is in a session on each and evey page? how would I do that? Examples a...

Modifying Dictionary in Django Session Does Not Modify Session

I apologize for "asking" a question to which I already know the answer, but this was frustrating enough that I thought the answer should be recorded on stackoverflow. If anyone has something to add to my explanation I will award the "answer". I couldn't find the answer by searching based on the problem, but after searching based upon t...

Struts2 Context handling..

Hello Friends! I need some help in session management for database in hibernate. Working with struts2 and hibernate. I have gone through simple apps. Now I want my Database connection in Startup so that I don't need to make connection overhead everytime I request. In short How to configure my hibernate session in ServletContextListener. ...

How do I make my site automatically sign out a user when they close their browser?

Let's suppose I have a sign-in form. When I sign in successfully I am redirected to the logged in home page. Currently, when I close this page without signing out, and re-open Firefox, this logged in home page is started again. I want it so that when the user closes their browser the session is the session is expired and when they nex...

How JSessionId is exchanged beween the client and server using Hiddenform fields?

Can anybody explain the following: The unique JSESSIONID generated by the server for every client is exchanged between the client and server using Hidden form field Thanks ...

How to use PHP sessions or cookies to achive this?

My website is language independent, I have several language packs that I include based on user selection. User selection form: <form action='' method='POST'> <select name='language' onchange='this.form.submit();'> <optgroup> <option>Language</option> <option value='eng'>English</option> <o...

can cookie do session task to check ur login status and some doubts in cookie and session and any spacial location for cookie in html page

Hi everyone I want to add remember me option in my login page.Now is it possible without using session or cookie and tell me which one should i use here cookie or session... Now if i am signed out and shut down my pc and then again start it as i enter the url of my login page either username and password muse be filled in both boxes or...

do sessions work when cookies are disabled?

if the user has disabled cookies in the browser, do sessions work? cause i know there is a session cookie in the client when i create sessions. ...

Can't log in to Magento Admin

Hi All, I'm having troubles logging into Magento's admin panel on one of our staging sites (it works 100% on our webdev servers and was working just fine not too long ago on the staging server as well). I've done some research, and most people suggest that it's got to do with running Magento on a localhost and browsers not saving cooki...

Sessions, Cookies & Codeigniter

Sorry, if this question is naive (I'm a newbie): In codeigniter session data are saved in a cookie by default. But there must be also a file on my server (named as the session id) to verify that the data (in the cookie) is valid, or am I wrong? I'm searching for the location where the sessions are saved. I've already looked in the "ses...

Preventing multiple browser sessions on the same server session

I'm sure we've all worked on, or are aware of web applications (especially in the enterprise) that have tightly bound themselves to the server session. In these cases, it's possible that the session will become corrupted if more than one browser session is open and using the same server session cookie. We've examined all of the options...

Lazy loading in Hibernate

My Java Web application uses Hibernate to perform ORM. In some of my objects, I use lazy loading to avoid getting data until I absolutely need it. The problem is that I load the initial object in a session, and then that session is destroyed. When I later attempt to resolve the lazy-loaded collections in my object I get the following err...

PHP/Session/IE: Constant are saved, variable not

I have a very strange problem. Situation: Session handling over MySQL, PHP 5.2.4, wildcard cookies, FF/Opera/Safari/Chrome works, IE7/8 not. When I save a variable into the session, the value is lost. The DB shows after the write action only "N" instead of "123456". Example: $bar = 123456; $_SESSION['foo'] = $bar; But when I save a...

What kind of data should never go into session?

What kinds of data should never be kept in a session? ...

Using session to store uploaded files

Is it safe and recommended to store larger uploaded files in session (httpsessionstate) ?. In this scenario session would be used as a temporary storage for multiple file uploads and later files would be transferred to disk/db and session cleared out. ...

include sessions inside an inclusion

hay Guys, i cannot seem to access request.sessions inside my inclusion template. Any ideas how i can get this data? The sessions are my own, custom ones. my inclusion looks like @register.inclusion_tag('base/side_bar.html', takes_context=True) def show_side_bar(context): models = Model.objects.all() makes = Make.objects.all...

Creating a session for current visitor to edit or delete blog comments

My blog uses PHP and MySql. I wanna give the user a feature to edit and delete their comments when they are in the site. They are not logged in users. In order to do that, how do I go about this? They will not be able to edit or delete once they leave the site as session should expire. ...

i need a session variable to change from page to page as i move from one page to another

i am new to this. i have 4 pages. login.aspx, account.aspx, settings.aspx and fliers.aspx. its all programmed in with sql server backend. on my firstr page, login.aspx i have this code in the .vb page - Dim SQL As String = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE email='" + Me.txtUserName.Text + "' AND password='" + Me.txtPassword.Text + "' "...

Any tool to view web session attributes?

I use jsp/Servlets for my web layer. Is there any tool to examine session attributes in a web session? ...

What is the location of session cookies in IE7?

Should I be able to see per-session cookies, created by IE7 (on Vista) here: C:\Users\myUsername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files That is where my standard cookies are stored. ...