
When OutputCaching is enabled and the session is in SqlServer, the database is hit on every request?

If I had two servers using a single sqlserver instance as the session state, and I enable outputcache in the page, do you know if the database is hit on every request? Since the outputcache is being used to respond the request, I asume is not needed, but if the session is being retrieved before the outputcache flag is checked, then the ...

Session vs Cookie vs Custom IPrincipal

Hi Guys, I'm working on a project where certain logged in users have a dedicated page which they can choose the url of. When a user logins in i would like to display a link "View my page". I was just wondering what is the best way to store this baring in mind it needs to be accessible for as long as the user is logged in (The site has a... session cookie lost or deleted

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 site that stores a user's ID in session to indicate that they are logged in. In some situations, the user doesn't appear to stay logged in. I've been monitoring traffic in Fiddler, and some details I've found: The problem is 100% repeatable on an older laptop of mine when running IE7 and the project manager's lapt...

ASP.NET - Get SessionID while in from the Global.ASAX

I'm recording the session start times from when people log into my .NET 2.0 web application, but I'd also like to record the Session ID. Can someone give me some example code on how to accomplish this (how to access the Session ID from within the Global.ASAX). If you need any additional info just let me know. ...

Security implications of session strings that are not stored in a server database?

This time I am going to be brief :-) Instead of issuing randomly generated session strings to a user and inserting them into database, mapping these to user identifiers, for subsequent lookup on every authentication, why not do the following, with the intention to avoid database access on every request and distribute the session store i...

Sharing Servlet session with PHP

I want to use a Java EE application server (GlassFish 3) as SSO service for both Java applications and PHP applications. If a user gets authenticated by GlassFish he should also be logged into the PHP applications. Is there a best practise to share the Servlet session (more precise: authentication status) with PHP? ...

Session overload - what is "too much data" stored in a session in PHP?

I'm using the session array to cache chunks of information retrieved from the db: $result = mysql_query('select * from table'); array_push($_SESSION['data'],new Data(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))); My question is, is there a limit/a sizeable amount of information that can/should be passed around in a session? Is it ill advised or signif...

Any detached/independent Session Library in PHP using Flat File or MySQL?

Any detached/independent Session Library in PHP using Flat File or MySQL? ...

Sessions/Session IDs being assigned to more than one user

I hope someone out there has some update to date information on sessions and their IDs. I'm running on IIS 7 and we're seeing Sessions assigned to more than 1 IP address. I ruled out the possibility of it being caused by users resetting their IP addresses, for instance by unplugging their modems. In at least one instance a user logge...

A simple app to secure coldfusion pages - Running into an issue with Session

Hello, I am testing out how to protect pages in coldfusion and have run into an issue when attempting to create a process by which users can log out. Essentially, I have three pages: Page A - The form that submits to Page B Page B - That checks the form.username and form.password against a database (works fine) Page C - Logout page ...

When using AJAX should you do everything through AJAX or is it OK to use headers too?

I know when you request a page normally it is typically the case that you would use server side session data and set cookies via HTTP headers, but does it work the same when the content is requested via AJAX? ...

PHP session starter detect for visitor counting

Is there a way to find out on session being started. Like for instance the session start event in the global.ascx file of .net. The requirement is to find the no. of visits the user has done on the site. Instead of checking each time during posts or gets to the server. Is there something in php to find out if the session is a new one. ...

Symfony sessions outside app?

Throughout our site we have a login button, whenever someone logs in the button changes into "log out" and the users name is displayed next to it. Our server setup uses Varnish so we devised a way where a bit of javascript does a POST and we check if the user is Authenticated. To avoid server overhead I thought it would be simple to jus...

Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable not generating valid session ID?

I'm currently tearing my hair out trying to persist authentication via a database bases session. I've set Zend_Session to use a database, and on inspection, Zend is writing values to the database. However, the ID for those sessions doesn't appear to match the PHPSESSID - yet when I get Zend_Session to return the id - it returns a matchi...

store mutiple values in php session

I am writing a script in php, which is quite similar to a shopping cart. what i want to do is when a users adds a certain product i need to add the productid to a session variable,without storing in a database. so each time the user adds a product the productid needs to be stored in a session variable. and when the user checkouts i need...

Confusion about session objects in Facebook Connect for iPhone

I've done a lot of reading of the Facebook docs, but I'm pretty confused about the role of the session object. For instance, with the method: session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:myApiKey secret:myAppSecret delegate:self]; What am I supposed to do with the session object that's returned to me, when presumably I need to wait for ...

What will happend to a session if user try to copy the address bar to a new IE window?

hi suppose one user logins to a web site and start navigating its pages. For a specific page, he copies page address and pastes it to a new IE window address bar. Now, what happens to his session? Does it duplicates? or what? ...

ASP.NET: Large number of Session_Start with same session id

I'm running a ASP.NET website on my development box (.NET 2.0 on Vista/IIS7). The Session_Start method in global.asax.cs logs every call to a file (log4net). The Session_End method also logs every call. I'm using InProc session state, and set the session timeout to 5 mins (to avoid waiting for 20 mins). I hit the website, wait for 5 mi...

remove a variable from a php session array

below is a php code that is used to add variables to a session. <?php session_start(); if(isset($_GET['name'])) { $name = isset($_SESSION['name']) ? $_SESSION['name'] : array(); $name[] = $_GET['name']; $_SESSION['name'] = $name; } if (isset($_POST['remove'])) { unset($_SESSION['name']); } ...

retrieve SSH unique session ID

I wonder if there is any way to retrieve, for both a server and a client connected through ssh (OpenSSH), some unique session identifier (let this be USID). This would be used to restrict the execution of a specific (custom) software (let it be a.exe), so it can only be executed through a specific ssh session, even if other users (poten...