
how to keep multi session live together

Thanks a lot and sorry for bothering.. I'm still a PHP rookie, I am having a few problems trying to understanding/finding out how to keep multi session live together works.. here my existing sessions e.g. session_start(); // If no session exists, create one if (!session_is_registered('lesson')) { $_SESSION['lesson'] = new lesson; } ...

Clipboard Copy-Paste doesn't work in a service on Win Server 2008/Vista 64bit

Update: This issue has been resolved. you can read about the solution in here: Thanks everyone! Hi, I am trying to use Clipboard API (in Delphi) to extract images from Word documents. my code works OK in Windows...

remove information from mysql table when user close his Browser

i m creating two table(in mysql) named table_temp_guest table_temp_order now if a guest enters then we save his personal information in this first table and if he purchase something from any stall ,it saved as a temporary order in table_temp_order. now my question is : i m using session id, so when user goes to logout( without ...

How do I deal with users clearing sessions when I use sessions to restrict access to pages?

I have a page that I restrict access to by checking if a certain session variable is set. But then again, users can clear that session variable and now have access to the page. What can I do to prevent this? I am using php ...

How do I get a value from PHP's defualt session when a custom session handler is in use?

I have a non CMS page in which a session value is stored using PHP's default session handler. ie: session_start(); $_SESSION['MyVar'] = true; On another page, which is part of the CMS, I need to test whether the variable is true or not. But, the CMS uses it's own session handler, so when I try to read the variable, it's undefined, bec...

How do I echo the session name in a foreach loop in PHP?

I am looping through my session variables. I have been able to echo the session values, but I would also like to echo the session name that corresponds with that value. How do I echo out the session variable name each time it loops? This is the code I currently have: foreach($_SESSION as $value) { echo 'Current session variable i...

Display message after session timeout

Hi All, I am setting the session timeout in web.xml of application as <session-config> <session-timeout> 1 </session-timeout> </session-config> So now after the session expires if user tries to do some operation I want to show a message saying “session expired relogin”. How to do so in Java? ...

How do I echo dynamic session variables in PHP?

Order Page: On this page, customers can choose to add business card orders with different foreign languages and other options. When the user clicks on a button to add an additional card, javaScript adds a series of form fields and in order to give them unique name attributes, I am simply adding a counter variable at the end of the name ...

In Django, my request.session is not carrying over...does anyone know why?

In one view, I set: request.session.set_expiry(999) request.session['test'] = '123' In another view, I do: print request.session['test'] and it cannot be found. (error) It's very simple, I just have 2 views. It seems that once I leave a view and come back to's gone! Why? ...

Zend Framework - Single Session Across Multiple (Different) Domains

Scenario: There will be web application hosted over multiple domains (e.g.,, etc). When a user registered over any one of these domains, the data will be stored in centralized master database. When user signin to any one of the website, the session data will be stored in the centralized...

ASP.Net MVC: How do you access the session from a different project within the solution?

I have 2 projects in my solution. MVC Web application Class library The MVC Web application references the class library. The class library contains a class that extends the default ASP.Net Controller. I'm putting a variable in session in the application's Global.asax. protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs args)...


How to destroy the session on closing the browser When browser window is closed, session should be terminated. Right now, if I close the window and type the application url, it is allowing me to access application. ...

Custom SessionState module for .NET - Capturing errors

We use a custom session state server on our web site (SessionStateServer). Every once in a while it totally bombs out. We try to redirect to an error page, but the application tries to AquireState, which makes a call to the state server which causes another error. Is there any place in the application or page lifecycle where we could ...

Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs

Google's Webmaster guidelines state Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that track their path through the site. These techniques are useful for tracking individual user behavior, but the access pattern of bots is entirely different. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your s...

Is this a bug in Django or what? Logging out of the Django Authentication system...will remove all sessiosn?

I'm using sessions across my application. And using logins. When I do a simple: #log out the user. logout(request) ...the request.sessions get erased. What is this??! ...

What effects drawing charts/diagrams from $_SESSION data under php5, which worked under php4?

Hello, I have a script generating 3 diagrams from $_SESSION variables which work fine under php4 with register_globals = off, but when I parse the same script as php5 I get no diagram. The diagrams a drawn from GD libary and it works, if I set the data into an Array (manually filled) within the script file. But I need a way to get it w...

Ruby on rails - Authlogic : periodically check if user session is valid

Hi, I'm looking for a solution allowing me to check periodically if the user session has expired and if so redirect him to the login page. I'm using Authlogic gem, so what I'm doing is call a function that make a test on current_user. My USER_SESSION_TIMEOUT is 5minutes so I make this ajax call every 5:10 minutes. <%= periodically_ca... session variable passing "space" from one page to another

i have 2 aspx webpages with code. On the first page, I have a text box, on first page that says "Enter Hobby", but its not a required textbox. So if the user clicks submit, it'll load up the second page. Now in the second page i have textbox "hobby" which has maxlength = 10. and in the code i have hobby.text = session("hobb...

Array, Dictionary or List in a session?

Hey, What would be the most efficient way of storing a set of values in a session? I'm guessing it's either a List/Array or Dictionary. Basically, when a user selects an item from a DropDownList, a value (between 1 and N where N <= 20) is sent back to the server. I'd then like this value to be used as an index (if using arrays) or key ...

Can I set the connection string for custom session state mode in global.asax file?

Can I set the connection string for custom session state mode in global.asax file? I cannot hard code the connection string in the webconfig file. ,I will get the connection string at runtime,Can i set the connection string for custom sessionmode/sqlserver session mode in the global.asax file(like in application statrevent, or aquirerequ...