
jsf sessions in a web farm

Building a JSF application with Spring on Tomcat. The target is a web farm, and the client has requested that we design our application so that it can be load balanced without relying on "sticky sessions" in the LB. In .NET, you can configure the session store to be SQL Server or the ASP.NET State Service. What alternatives are ther...

Can I turn off the HttpSession in web.xml?

I would like to eliminate the HttpSession completely - can I do this in web.xml? I'm sure there are container specific ways to do it (which is what crowds the search results when I do a Google search). Thanks, LES P.S. Is this a bad idea? I prefer to completely disable things until I actually need them. ...

PHP Session expire event

Hi, I am trying to make some changes to an opensource project. I want to keep track of when users log in and log out. Right now I change their login status in db when they login or manually log out. The problem right now is that I cannot find out if the user just closed their browser without pressing on logout button. For this reason ...

adsense iframes create new sessions on my server

Hi, I noticed that in my /tmp directory there are many session files. One visitor generates many (5-10-20) session files, but actually only uses one (it works fine). I figured that adsense iframes generate session files on the server that are not used. If I remove adsense I get normal one session per visitor. Any ideas how I can get ri...

Implementing sessions in a java web server?

What's the best (most secure) way of implementing session handling in a web server? I'd like to add that, but don't know how to implement it really. Is cookies a "must" for session handling? (To be able to identify which session) ...

PHP session_start() causing HTTP requests to hang

I have an application I've written in PHP from scratch. I'm using PHP's native session handler functions for handling user authentication and persistence. When testing on the development server, everything is peachy. Authentication, persistence, etc, works fine. When installed on the production server, everything works fine up until th...

Delphi - Indy (IDHTTP) Keep Session

Ok, I have Idhttp created dynamically like the following procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var Resp : String; begin Resp := webSession(''); // HTTPS site requires session to keep alive if Length(Resp)>0 then MessageDlg('Got the body ok',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; function TF...

Storing persistent session data in Rails without affecting normal session expiration

I'd like to store some persistent data for each browser (user settings), and don't want to require a login to use the site. What's the bset way to achieve this? I've considered two approaches: Store the info in the session cookie. The problem with this approach is that I would need to set the expiration time on the session cookie, ...

PHP cookies and sessions problem

How can I do one login script that uses cookies for login and for example I want to check if the visitor is logged in without querying the database. For example I want on frontpage to show some menu's only for logged in users . so I must do if(isLoggedIn()) show the menu . But that's a query everytime the page loads so it's not very go...

Detect Client Computer name when an RDP session is open

Hey all, My manager has pointed out to me a few nifty things that one of our accounting applications can do because it can load different settings based on the machine name of the host and the machine name of the client when the package is opened in an RDP session. We want to provide similar functionality in one of my company's applica...

Session Timeout extend in asp.Net

How to extend the session timeout? I tried entering: Session.Timeout = 720; in formLoad and also tried in webconfig: But still it times out after 10 minutes. Can any one help about this issue? ...

Why/when are session writes vulnerable to thread termination?

THE CODE: Session["foo"] = "bar"; Response.Redirect("foo.aspx"); THE PROBLEM: When foo.aspx reads "foo" from the session, it's not there. The session is there, but there's no value for "foo". I've observed this intermittently in our production environment. But I don't mean here to ask a question about Response.Redirect(). THE E...

Spring transaction demarcation causes new Hibernate session despite use of OSIV

I'm using Hibernate with OpenSessionInViewInterceptor so that a single Hibernate session will be used for the entire HTTP request (or so I wish). The problem is that Spring-configured transaction boundaries are causing a new session to be created, so I'm running into the following problem (pseudocode): Start in method marked @Transacti...

PHP Session help

Hello, I have a session that works perfectly expect for one, if I close the browser the session gets destroyed however if I close the current tab and then go back to the site, the session still exists, how can I make sure that the session is destroyed both on a tab close and a window close? ...

WCF Design: using both: session and per call mechanism?

I am to design a webservice using WCF that yields methods that don't require a session (like static calls, eg: giving back some information about the webservice itsself) and other methods that require a session. furthermore, the session based methods are using Workflows that are supposed to be able to be changed at runtime. my current ...

How to maintain track of a url

Hi, I am working in a struts application.Now suppose wants to access the page without active session right now I am asking the user to login to the app and he will login and go to the home page(index.jsp) I check whether he is logged in using an action class. Now imagine there are three pages All of these ...

Where to store and set user site wide data in ASP.NET MVC

I have an application in which a user can choose from different (learning)groups. User has only access to registered groups. When the user enters the site, he can choose (in a dropdown) which group he wants to see, so the complete site filters content related to that group. So every controller needs to access this global "group" object. ...

Sharing data between actions

I'm given the task of programming a website and I'm new to website creation. The website has to show an overview of trips and allow navigation to a single trips detail and this trips places. Our databaselayer will return a list with trips and all its places: class Trip { List<Place> places; } List<Trip> trip = datalayer.GetTrips(); S...

Is this a good solution to handle NHibernate Isession as PerWebRequest

Hi I Have been struggeling with NHibernate session management and have now ended up with two possible solutions to meet a session per web request. I'm using Windsor for IoC in an ASPNET mvc project First solution is to open a session in begin_request and close/dispose it again in end_request. In Windsor setup I would have container.Re...

ModelBinder does not update the session key

I created a Website(it is poco object) model binder, that checks the sessions: public class WebsitesModelBinder:IModelBinder { private const string websitesSessionName = "SelectedSite"; #region IModelBinder Members public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) ...