
How to configure Tomcat to not encode the session id into the URL when HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() is invoked

Seems like a stupid question to which the answer would be "Don't use encodeURL()!" but I'm working with a codebase that uses netui anchor tags in the JSPs and I need to disable the writing of JSESSIONID into the URLs as it is a security risk. In WebLogic, you can configure this by configuring url-rewriting-enabled in weblogic.xml (I kn...

Prevent the same object from being associated to two different sessions in hibernate

Using jsf 1.2, hibernate, richfaces 3.3.0GA and facelets. I have this code in my backing bean: public List<Rater> getFreeRaters(){ GP myGP = (GP) user; update(myGP.getContract()); ArrayList<Rater> raters = new ArrayList<Rater>(myGP.getContract().getRaters()); ArrayList<Rater> selectedRaters = this.getSelectedRaters(); ...

Testing multiple concurrent browser sessions

I'm developing a card-game in Ruby on Rails, and trying to work out how best to test it. When a player joins a game, their Player object is stored in the session. Obviously, in order for the game to work, I need more than one Player in a game at once. Since sessions are the same for different tabs in one browser, I'm currently testing ...

Why does my CGI::Session keep emptying itself randomly?

The session loads fine for the most part but it is randomly clearing all of the data some times and I don't know why: Create my new session: $session = CGI::Session->new( "driver:file",undef,{Directory => '/tmp'} ); $session->param('logged_in', 1); $session->expire('logged_in', '+10m'); $session->expire('+1h'); Now when I go to ano...

BEA / Oracle Aqualogic BPM question

Hi Guys, I'm using BEA Aqualogic BPM 5.7 and after a while I'm getting the time out screen. It says BEA Aqualogic Hiper WorkSpace for BPM, your session has expired and it has a "Login again" button. Does anybody know how to change that screen or how to increase the time out so the user does not see that screen so often? Thanks in adva...

Scope of global temporary table relative to ADO.NET database connection?

SQL Server books online states the following about visibility (scope?) of temporary tables: Temporary Tables You can create local and global temporary tables. Local temporary tables are visible only in the current session; global temporary tables are visible to all sessions. I want to understand how the scope of the global...

Managing session timeouts in ASP.NET

I have a ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application talking to multiple ASP.NET 2.0 Web Services. Both use ASP.NET Sessions to persist session data. To warn the user about session timeouts of the app, I use a modified version of Travis Collins's Timeout Control to show a ModalPopupExtender titled 'Your session is about to expire' and buttons 'Stay Log...

J2EE user authentication and GWT

I seem to have coded myself into a corner. First let me tell you what my end goal is: I have a GWT app that will have features available to users who are not logged in, and other features only available to authenticated users. When an unauthenticated user clicks on something that requires authentication, I would like a login box to pop u...

How can I implement session variables in J2ME ?

Is it possible to use session in J2me? I am trying to develop a Blackberry application. I want to get some text from a class(page) and use in another class(page). May be something like the we do in as: Class1 { session("myVariable") = Textbox.Text; } //a new class Class2 { TextBox2.Text = session("myVariable").toString(...

enable url rewriting for a 12 year old java web application

Hello, I'm trying to add the session tracking feature to a 12 year old java web application. Which uses MVC pattern with jsp and servlets. We need to make it work if cookies are disabled. I like to know what is the best way to implement session tracking to this application? :) and when i use getRequestDispatcher, do i need to use en...

Do I need different session tables for different websites?

Hi, I have multiple web applications (PHP) which are being served to different customers from their own domain. Each domain obviously has separate cookies and sessions (with the domains and paths all set correctly). Should I need to set up a completely separate sessions table in the database for each website to try to ensure unique ses...

How long left in current session/cookie for WordPress

How would I display the current amount of time left of the cookie/session for a logged in user of WordPress? So for example if the cookie timeout is 24 hours and the user has been logged in for 2 hours then the output would be 22 hours. ...

How do you enable SSL sessions for your HTTPS service?

Following on from the best answer here: Is there a way to optimise SSL beyond a simple apache SSL install? From the best answer given on that page I infer that there is some way to set-up persistent SSL sessions over multiple calls (where there is less handshak...

Create a Session in Django

So far the Documentation for Django has been too technical. How do I create a session and store variables in it or get variables from it? I'm new to the Django framework, hence why the Documentation is too technical. Sessions are my 'last step'. ...

storing and loading cart in the database

I am coding a E-commerce website/admin interface for a client. They are doing some B2B so they want the cart to be saved/loaded from database so if the user close his browser and reopen it the cart is intact. The application is using the Zend Framework and I've been looking to the Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable. So I can save the ses...

Best way to create a random hash

What is the best way of making a md5 hash for the purpose of storing a session? Also, I am looking for one that works with PHP and works without many extensions added because I want my code to be portable. Also, I have heard of the word nonce, but how do I really use a nonce? ...

Session empty in ASP.NET / IIS after rebuild

Hi, I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC web application and I've made my own authentication module, which is session-based (no cookies). The problem is: When I rebuild my application, I'm automatically logged of (session is empty). Normally this is not a big problem because my application is not 'automatically' rebuilding in a production env...

PHP Session Cookies fail with users changing IP

Hello, I have a login script for a small application that works by storing session cookies and checking them on each page to make sure the user is logged in. One of the two users who uses the system keeps getting logged out randomly. This appears to be down to the session cookie that shows then authenticated no longer being present. Aft...

php how to preserve session state for prolonged period of time? troubles...

I'm having trouble preserving session state for a prolonged period of time. I use sessions to preserve login state. I require the below snippet of code at the top of each of my pages before any other code. First off, is there any settings I'm missing? session_cache_expire(2880); //set session to expire in 48 hours session_start(); So...

PHP Session Variables

A user will click on a link which will open a new page (code below). My problem is that when this new page is opened, it creates a NEW session ID. How do I stop this from happening? require_once('../../config.php'); //Database connection details require_once('../../connect.php'); //Connect to database session_start(); <--------...