
Writing better code for session variable check from render_to_response

Is this the most efficient and clean way to check the sessions for a username variable and output (depending on whether or not it is there) either "You are logged in." or "You are logged out."? PYTHON (DJANGO) def logged_in(request) return render_to_response('loggedincheck.html', {'request': request.session.get['username']}) HTML...

How/where to temporarily store ActiveRecord objects if not in session?

I'm refactoring a Rails-based event registration application that has a checkout process that hits several ActiveRecord models. Ideally, the objects should not be saved unless checkout is complete (payment is successfully processed). I'm not entirely certain why it would be a bad thing to serialize these objects into the session tempor...

"New Content Avaliable!" PHP message checking a cookie

Hello guys, I'm trying to set up a cookie which would store the time when the user leaves a website, so in the next visit he can find a "There's new content" message (if any) - checked against his "last seen" stored time. The things I'm stuck with are two : how do I send a cookie when he leaves the site ? And, then, how do I check that...

session variable object gets deleted on postback - ASP.NET

I have made something like the following code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = Session["loginid"].ToString(); } protected void delete_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { delete("mail1",Session["loginid"]); } private int delete(string mailid, string user) { System.IO.Directory.Delete(Server....

array as session variable.

Is it possible to make an array a session variable in php. The situation is I've a table(page 1) with some cells having a link to particular page. The next page will have a list of names(page 2 which I want to keep in session array) with their respective check box. on submitting this form which will lead to transaction page(page 3 here v...

I get session and cookie warning when I upload my php code to a server

I get this: Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /www/ in /www/ on line 2 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at ...

facebook connect - automatically login

I want my iphone app automatically logs on to Facebook so that the user only once have to log on Facebook(not at every startup!). I need this feature, because I want to built in a friends highscore and a post-function and it would be annoying always to log in for checking the high score. One example what I mean is the app "Doodle Jump". ...

Using session variable instead of hidden fields in aspx pages

I would love to use hidden field value but I think I am missing something to do. Since every page refresh or staying a little bir longer on the page, the value is missing. ? how can i do the this cookiles suff above...? I u...

Action if isset..php/javascript

Hello. I am storing a session variable when a comment is inserted.. called user_message.. and i want to, when user_message, have been stored, THEN, show message on index.php index.php is right now: <div id="message"> <? echo $_SESSION["user_message"]; ?> </div> But you will need to refresh(f5) the site, to see the message AFTER its st...

httpservletrequest - create new session / change session Id

I'm maintaining a Java web application. Looking into the login code it gets an HttpSession out of HttpServletRequest via the getSession() method of HttpServletRequest. (It uses some values in the session for authentication purposes) However I'm worried about session fixation attacks so after I have used the initial session I want to ei... with NHibernate and the "No Hibernate Session bound to thread error"

Hi, I am attempting to use and nihibernate for my data layer. I have a simple DAO object that includes the following code: [Transaction] public long Save(Request entity) { return (long)CurrentSession.Save(entity); } Whenever this code is called I get the following error: "No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and ...

ASP.NET How to Use SESSION and Cookies together ?

I want to use session object in my web app.I want to store some cookies too(Some custom informations) .How can i use both without the URL not being modified like In my ASP.NET page, I am setting some session variable Session["customerId"]="Some name"; Then i am tryi...

kill sessions for other machines

I've an admin and client site. Multiple users will view at client site at the same time. It is possible that I can force the users logout of my client site from admin site? I'm now using classic ASP and the In Proc session is used. Is there a way where I can kill all the sessions of the users and force them to logout? ...

PHP SESSION: SESSION Variables Automatically Reset after Unserialize()

I am testing codes from build internet which is a tutorial of OOP. I got a error message: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in includes/ on line 20 Here is the code of serialize(): $_SESSION['user'] = serialize(new User(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))); And here is the code of unserialize...

How to clear session of all users?

I using php sessions in my project,i updated code:added some values to i need to clear all existing sessions OS is ubuntu 9.04 ...

Force php to pass the SID in url - even if cookies are accepted in the browser

I'm trying to get php to automatically pass the session ID via url, even if the browser accepts cookies. I know url session id are normally considered a security risk, but I have a very specific application in mind which requires several separate users to be able to log in to the same php session, despite what cookie settings their brow...

State Server Session Mode

Hi All, Our project is designed to be hosted in two servers. One server will have the App Tier which contains the various database and file system access logic, and the other server will host the Web tier which will mainly contain the presentation logic. The presentation layer in the Web Tier will connect to the App Tier through a Web...

django set_expiry behaving strangely

Hi, I have an app on a UK based server with server time set to GMT The app should be set to Paris time so my settings include TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Paris' I have sessions saving every request: SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = True For the most part I want the session time to be the default 2 weeks. However when people want to book an...

Access HTTP Session from Spring Security Login Process

Can I access the HTTP Session object from within the retrieveUser method of my class which extends If so, how? Here is the method signature for retrieveUser: public UserDetails retrieveUser(String username, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentic...

C# session object

How do I create a class library where I can get and set like the IIS session object...where I use var x = objectname("key") to get the value or objectname("key") = x to set the value? ...