
how to install dotnet framework+Windows installer 3.0 using VS2005 setup project?

i have included DotnetFramework, Windows installer in VS Setup Project through Setup Project ->properties but while run setup.msi it ask me to download dotnet framework from online i would like to eliminate the process, it should be run from local folder ...

Include folder in setup project

I want to include a folder in a setup project so when i deploy that setup the complete folder is also deployed to the install location ...

Visual Studio 2005 Setup Wizard - creating desktop shortcuts for all users

I'm using the setup wizard project to create an msi installer for a Windows Forms application. I've configured it to install a desktop shortcut, but unfortunately it only puts a shortcut on the desktop of user running the installer. Is there any way to configure it to put shortcuts on the desktops of all users? ...

Beginner's Guide to Setting Up Qt for C++

Hello, I'm interested in playing around with GUIs and I've been trying to set up Qt for Visual Studio 2008 and MinGW but have failed miserably—in that at times I'd compile the library and it still wouldn't work and others the compile would fail. Can anyone recommend a good guide to set up Qt (or another GUI toolkit if setting up Qt just...

VS setup projects custom parameters

Hi I've created a Visual Studio Setup project which generates a .msi file that installs a windows service. That worked perfectly fine. It also asks for the user/pwd for the windows service identity during the installation process. My problem came up later. I was modifying the setup project to ask for more information to the user so I ca...

C# DirectoryEntry Error?

I have a Web setup project. In the setup I have an input field where the user can insert a connectionstring. When I run the setup I get this error: Error 1001. Unknown error (0x8000x5000) To track where the error exists I create a file and in every method I write something to this file. Now I think the error is raised by this line: st...

WCF Gotcha's for the ASP.Net 2.0 developer

Hello, Im currently looking into WCF as an upgrade option and need to consider everything this may intail in terms of a .Net 2.0 development and setup. things that come to mind .Net 3.0 to be installed (does 3.5 project act any differently) what would the effects be on our app servers (which use asmx files to publish services) are th...

Flex Web-Tier Setup

Howdy Everyone, This one has been driving me nuts for a few days now and I've tried Google but no luck (judging from my good luck with finding answers on google, this is a rarity for me not to find an answer). To cut a long story short, I did have the capability to compile my mxml files via the browser on my local machine. I've had to ...

Deploy standalone PHP/MySQL applications

I have been looking for a solution that would allow me to deploy PHP applications on Macs and Windows. I've been developing online applications but would like them to be offline applications as well but that would require that Apache/PHP/MySQL be installed on their platforms as well. I've set up WAMP and it was NOT that easy. Lots of con...

Setup problem VS .NET 2005 - Can I commit?

After I created setup in .NET 2005 (.NET Framework 2.0) and tried to install in windows with Service Pack 3 which has .NET framework 2.0 Service pack 1, .NET framework 3.0. It prompted me "Can I commit?" at the end of installation. And It failed at the end with error code 29527 Anyone has any idea? ...

How to install iis 6.0 on windows xp-32?

well, according to what I've found googling around, it's imposible... (maybe with with windows xp 64...) but I thought that maybe someone could find a way to achieve it, or at least some workaround...

Windows Setup Project without .net dependency

I have made a custom dll for my setup project. My dll is very simple, registering few services, not CLR or any 3rd party lib dependent. Have statically linked with msi.lib only. I have removed the .net and windows installer prerequisite requirements from the setup project. My setup fails on macines not having .net framework..? As I hav...

python distutils win32 version question

So you can use distutils to create a file, such as PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.5.exe which you can run and use to easily install something. However, the installation requires user input to proceed (you have to click 'OK' three times). I want to create an easily installable windows version that you can just run as a cmd line program, that does...

Setup target location

Hi, I need to find where the setup is installed by the user.. how ? please help me ..(i.e Need to find the target location selected by the user in Thank you ...

How to check during setup if a certain program is running?

Hi all, I'm creating a setup project using Visual Studio 2008 and I was wondering if there is a standard way to check if a certain program is running during the setup? In this case I want to check for any instances of Microsoft Excel. thanks in advance! ...

How to return a value from custom action script in a VS2008 setup project

Hi all, I'm creating a setup project and I need to execute a VBScript file as a custom action, but I don't know how to return a value from the script to the installation. I need to do this, because I want to decide in the script whether the installation should continue or fail. thanks in advance. ...

Setup Deployment

Hi, Before the installation i need to set the [TARGETDIR] to my setup file programmically.. how to do this one in (visual studio 2008) Please Help me.. ...

Setup.exe crashes when trying to install application

Hello, VS 2005 SP3 I have developed application and used the setup project to create the msi. When I go to install on the users computer it crashes when I double click the setup.exe. It displays a message box saying to you want to send this error message to microsoft. This happens on only 2 machines out of 6. The 2 machines that are...

Windows Forms Application Setup with a database

I've written an app that needs a database. I've been using a local copy of SQL Server on my machine but would like to build a setup for this application that installed it's own database to support the application. I'd rather not have to have the user install SQL on their own and then configure the application. Can anyone point me in...

VS2008 Setup conditional assignment of TARGETDIR

I know this has probably been asked a million times but I don't see a clear answer. I've got a setup project under VS2008 where I want to check the registry to see if a particular app is installed and get its installation directory. Ok fine, I do that with a Launch Conditions and assign it to my property: BlahInstallDir Now in the Appl...