
How do I create a free C# development environment

For personal projects I cannot use my work-licence of Visual Studio Professional at home. Visual Studio Express just seem less appealing than the professional edition, what are my alternatives except notepad? ...

How to run a file before setup with Inno Setup

Hi! Is it possible to run a file with Inno Setup, before the setup beginns? Documentation ...

Serving multiple repos with hg serve. How?

The wiki mentions it's possible to do this under hg serve, but there aren't any examples (such as a sample webdir-conf file). Yes I know it would be better to do this all under Apache, but this is a local machine and hg serve just makes sense for us. ...

Get [Messages] values in InnoSetup's language file

I know I can easily get messages inside [CustomMessages] AdditionalIcons=blablabla using this code: ExpandConstant('{cm:AdditionalIcons}'); which gets the AdditionalIcons string message. However, how can I get messages inside this? [Messages] ButtonNext=huhu ButtonInstall=bubu What I need is to get the ButtonNext, ButtonInstall ...

Check running installation in C#

Hello to all! Is there a way to determine if there is an active installation running in C#? For example, some times if you launch 2 MSIs (or setup.exes) at once one of them will say that there is already installation going on in progress. Is there a way to do that in C#? Say, a self-resetting registry key (that system resets) or a mutex?...

Execute setup() once workaround causing TestSuit to fail

I have 2 files: [refer this] public class xxxxxTest extends TestCase { // Run setup only once public static Test suite() { TestSetup setup = new TestSetup(new TestSuite(xxxxxTest.class)) { protected void setUp() throws Exception { //Some init which i need only once }...

Different msi -s with same product code

Hello Is it possible following - 2 different MSI -s have same product code and installed on same machine ? Thanks ...

Inno Setup jump to specified wizard page

Is there a way to jump to the specified wizard page? Backward and forward? For example, I would add "Configure again" button in the wpReady, and when the button is clicked, I want to jump to wpInfoBefore. ...

Change WizardSmallBitmapImage in Inno Setup Uninstaller

In installer, you can easily change the small bitmap in wizard's top right corner using this code: [Setup] WizardSmallImageFile=gfx\bitmap.bmp Hovewer, how to change that same bitmap in uninstaller's wizard's top right corner? There doesn't seem to be any parameter for this. I think one of the solution is to let the installer extract...

Installing WPF application on machine without .NET Framework 4

I am using Visual Studio 2010 to create a Setup package to install a WPF application. I can see that I can add the .NET framework 4.0 as a pre-requisite, but how do I get his to run automatically without manual intervention? Do I have to create a small program (that targets framework 1.1 as I assume most machines have 1.1) that detects ...

Reset all setup settings to their default values

Is there any way to "reset" all setup settings in Inno Setup into their default values? I want to add Reset options button into my setup, and clicking that button would set all the options to the same value as if the user never changed anything, but was clicking just Next, Next, Install. But please note that those values ale slightly d...

Full Android Database Helper class for existing SQLite database?

Hello, I'm trying to deploy an application with an existing SQLite database. I've been reading though the examples that are posted but they are always missing some part of the class. I feel like I'm trying to bake muffins but no one told me to use baking powder. Can someone post a full database helper class for depoying an SQLite data...

ISTool command line problems

Hello guys! I am trying create installation file for my projects. I am using command line so I created bat file "create_setup.bat". From this file I am trying to compile Inno Setup script "my_project_setup.iss": "ISTool.exe" -compile "Subfolder1\Subfolder2\my_project_setup.iss". Important: "create_setup.bat" - located at the folder "Wor...

PHPUnit and DBUnit - getting started

Does anyone have a link to a good, working tutorial or book on how to get started with adding the DBUnit layer to my PHPUNit tests? I've tried following the code in protected function getDatabaseTester() { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass'); $connection = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_Defau...

Register a file type using Visual Studio 2010 setup project

I need to register a file type (e.g. .exex files) when my application is installed because I want that when the user double clicks a .exex file to be automatically opened with my application. How can I do this using Visual Studio 2010 installer project? ...

Setting up Rails for the first time - is this normal?

I am trying to setup a Rails environment via CPanel. I've tried on several distinct hosting environments (on all of which I used CPanel to create the project) and I always get the following: Is this something I've done wrong - I have to first create models/controllers etc - or something I need to bark up my hosting provider's tree abo...

Setup Program for Windows Service C# How to add Sql Database's

I've written on visual studio 2010 a windows service. I create all database on vs2010, where I've created a setup program for windows service to install it. My problem is I can not put my database to setup program, so that my windows service gives error on sql-database's. (At debug mode there are no problems, win. service works fine) H...

How to Setup Mercurial Security.. specifically the users.

I have mercurial setup by following these instructions. I'm trying to understand where or what file to setup the users in. Everything I've read seems kind of cryptic... it gives all these snippets of code saying use this but it seems to be leaving out steps of how it's all connected and what file to put the snippets of code in... can so...

Installing OpenXML File Converter

I have written a managed OpenXML file converter in c#, but I'm having trouble with the deployment. For deployment, I am using a VS Setup Project. I guess my first question is, I see some people using a Class Library and others using a Windows Application as the COM server. Is there a preference on either one? My converter has dependenc...

Distributing a statically linked ELF 32bit Binary - Will it run on all platforms?

My team is ready to release the first version of our Linux program and would like to do so in the easiest possible manner (for users). The program needs no external files, no install, and is statically linked. ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, not stripped My quest...