
Git Setup (remote and local repo) advice needed

I bought a personal dev box which I will use for deploying stuff I create on my laptop. I thought it would be a good idea to use Git for code management. The idea was that I will keep committing on my laptop and when needed, will push the changes to the remote dev box. I initialized a Git repo on the box and cloned it on my laptop. ...

Find references of Path Variables used in ISM file

Hi I have one ISM file created using Installshield. In Path Variables Explorer, I can see some variables defined. How can find if they are used anywhere in the ISM ? I want to remove variables if they are unused. I am using Installshield 11.5 Adminstudio. Thanks in Advance. ---Sambhaji ...

svn difference bewtween Setup-Subversion-1.6.X.msi and svn-python-1.6.X.win32-pyX.X.exe install

I have just started working at a new place and they don't have any version control at all. I'm very anxious to get some source control up and running quickly and I have been researching setting up SVN. I need to set up SVN on the same IIS server we use for development, so I don't want to install apache if I don't have too, running two we...

Git Repo Setup Question

I have a personal laptop and a dev box and want a setup with following things in mind: I want to have my code working on both machines. (That means I cannot have --bare repo.) I want to develop on my laptop I want to push to dev box from time to time. This is mainly for web development. I tried initializing a Git repo with code on d...

HRESULT = '80004005' in Visual Studio 2008 Setup Project

When I try to build my setup project, I get the following error: "An error occurred while validating. HRESULT = '80004005'" (And Microsoft wins an award to clarity.) I Google to find that a small army of developers have had the same problem. Really the error should read: "Could not find a reference in one of your projects." Everyone...

Trying to Install TFS 2010 - SQL Server Reporting Services Problem

Hoping someone here can help. Trying to install SQL Server Reporting Services to use for TFS 2010 and i'm having issues. I'm going directly from the TFS Install Guide. At first i had issues getting report services working so i decided just to completely uninstall SQL Server and reinstall. When i try to connect to: http://MyServer:80/Rep...

Install DLL Server on x64 Windows

I need to install a shell extension (64-bit DLL server) for the contextual menu on any version of Windows x64. I'm able to register the extension just fine (regsvr32) if on the target system I have installed the redistributable files for VS 9.0 SP1 x64 (setup file from Microsoft). However I have to make a setup and cannot require the us...

Can not verify Installer

Hi I want to verify my installer , I have used this source to sign my installer : "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\signtool.exe" sign /a /f "M:\cert\MyPFX.pfx" /t "" /p UFMPassped "M:\Setup.exe" It signed and timestamped without any error , but when I want to veri...

Ubuntu 10.04 Develeopment Tools

I needed to install Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 for my dev work. I found that it does not install most of the dev tools/packages by default. What are the essential dev tools one needs? I don't mind installing them all for the sake of not wanting to have build failure later on for some third part package. Also any documentation where I can get ...

Deploy sample data along with main setup of app

Hi, We need to deploy some sample data along with the application. The idea is after the deployement of application, and setting up the database. there should be some sample data available to users .This data is around 30-40 rows in 4 tables. What should be the best approach to achieve this. 1. Insert SQL scripts 2. Export data to file...

Web setup problem

Hello. I need to package my ASP.NET Silverlight web site to a single MSI file. But when creating web setup project, it can't install on iis version greater than 6. On greater versions it only installs when 'IIS 6 compatibility mode' is enabled on server. How can i make my setup project, so it installs correctly? PS I don't have admin ri...

Install webapplication in a new web site?

How do I install a web application as a web site in IIS6 using the regular Web Setup Project? I do not want to install the application as a virtual directory in "Default Web Site", but a new web site (and if possible create the site during the installation). Also, is it possible to select the ASP.Net 4 Application pool as default in the...

CF - Config file on device gets read-only attribute.

I have added a config file (myapp.exe.config) that is deployed to the device after installation. But the problem is that this file gets read-only attribute. I have tried adding some stuff in the setup project in "codeINSTALL_EXIT" function. On emulator it works ... it removes the read only attribute, while when installing on the phone th...

setup save target dir .net

Hi Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2005. I wrote a Setup Project to install my application. After setup is complete, I need to get the destination folder that the user chose to install to (not the default destination folder, but the one the user actually chose during the install.) Is It possible to get this path and save the string into ...

Is there any free cross platform setup builder tool available?

Hello anyone! There are commercial cross-platform install tools out there and i think that they are really useful because you "compose" your setup once and the setup tool compiles it for the target platforms you want it to work for. Unfortunately, such tools are expensive for a shareware author like me - they cost thousands of dollar...

Access denied when updating config file in ProgramData directory. How do I fix this?

I can't seem to update my configuration file in c:\ProgramData\appname\config.ini. I keep getting an access denied error. Seems the ini code fails to be able to delete the existing .ini file when trying to update it with the new file. Funny thing is that I have other programs I've written that share the same code but don't have this prob...

Web Setup Project - 'special folder' for working folder

Hi I'm currently building a web setup project and need to include some executables for the initial installation process. I need to include vsdbcmd + libs for creating an update script when installing my web application. My question is whether or not it is possible to include and extract additional files in the 'working folder' (temp fol...

ClickOnce Upgrade Fails after Converting to .NET 4

Our application is .NET 3.5 deployed via ClickOnce. We just upgrade to .NET 4.0 and updated the pre-requisities appropriately. The install still works fine for first-time users or users who install via the setup HTML page. It will automatically install the .NET 4 framework for them. However, users who already have the application insta...

Moq SetupGet errors but setting property on .Object works fine

I'm trying to define a return value for a Mock (model). Can anyone explain to me why the following code fails with a "Invalid setup on a non-overridable member": model.SetupGet(x => x.PostCodeSearch).Returns(It.IsAny<string>); and yet I can do this and it works fine: model.Object.PostCodeSearch = "Any value as long as it's not null ...

how to copy files to C:\temp in VS 2008 setup project?

I am learning use VS 2008 setup project to create MSI installer for our C# application. The target system is Windows 7 embedded. Did some research online and couldn't find answers. Because the application will be installed on Win7 machine. We need to put some files in C:\temp folder for read and write. how can I copy those files into C:...