
shared_ptr gets destroyed before I can use it properly

I have the following code, which is supposed to add a shared_ptr instance to an intrusive linked list by thread A. Some other consumer thread will then use it later on by removing it from the list. However at a certain point my shared_ptr seems to get destroyed and the reference to it in the linked list is no longer valid resulting in ...

C++: access to container of shared_ptr should return raw or shared ptr?

If I use a container of shared_ptrs and explicitely allow access to its elements, should I return shared_ptrs or raw pointers if I intend the container to be the one responsible for "cleaning up"? class Container { private: std:vector<shared_ptr<Foo> > foo_ptrs; public: shared_ptr<Foo> operator[](std::size_t index) const {}; //...

What (not) to do in a constructor

I want to ask you for your best practices regarding constructors in C++. I am not quite sure what I should do in a constructor and what not. Should I only use it for attribute initializations, calling parent constructors etc.? Or might I even put more complex functions into them like reading and parsing configuration data, setting up ex...

Shared resource management in multithreaded application shared_ptr?

I have to share a BLOB in a multithreaded application and and I'm currently looking into shared_ptr/weak_ptr approach, but I'm not exactly sure it is correct. There is a worker thread that creates a resource class (new CResource). CResource can be quite large, so I want to avoid extra copies. Then there is another UI thread, I want to ...

C++ shared_ptr how to delete a pointee with multiple shared_ptr

Im working on this project, The problem Im having is that the an object, does not really get deleted when I need it to be because it has a couple of shared pointers pointing to it. How do I solve this,please help. ...

Which non-shared Smart Pointer for class member variables

When I have a class that contains pointers as member variables what type of smart pointer should they have if I want don't want to use plain pointers? They do not need to be shared (so no shared_ptr necessary). scoped_ptr won't work since I often need to build the objects outside of the initialization list. Or is it maybe common practic...

boost::dynamic_pointer_cast returning null on valid cast

I'm using boost::shared_ptr's and boost::dynamic_pointer_cast. I have a base class, an interface that inherits from that base class, and then a class that inherits from that one. So A -> B -> C. I create an object of type C and it's stored as a shared_ptr of type A. Then I try and do a dynamic_pointer_cast to type B, but boost::dynamic_...

How to release the reference of bind arguments boost::signals2::signal keeps?

I found some objects in my C++ program can't be released due to the Signal2 of boost won't release those arguments in object created by boost::bind. Here is the code to reproduce the problem: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> using namespace s...