
sharepoint cms development

Hello all i am an (C#) developer and have been devloping cms for quite a while now now i need to develop cms in sharepoint...can u plz suggest me steps , methods or tutorials or step by step procedure (free links) for developing cms in sharepoint Plz help ...

SPContext.Current throws SecurityException for most properties.

Many properties for SPContext.Current objects throws SecurityException. (Like SPContext.Current.Fields, many properties in SPContext.Current.Site (see details). DLL Is in GAC Using Site Owner when trying those properties. Maybe it has to do something with database access? However SharePoint site is working - I can add list items, etc. ...

Sharepoint: hiding Approve/reject element from item's context menu.

Is there a way to hide "Approve/reject" item from item's context menu on Sharepoint? I don't want to disable approving at all, because it will delete "Approval status" column for example - i only want to hide this item from the menu. There is a node "HideCustomAction" available in CustomActions.xml, but I don't know if it can be of any u...

How to validate MOSS Installation

How to validate MOSS Installation.. One of my colleague is asking for above. Having MOSS application development experience I understand validation should be requirement specific. And also on where and how I am using it? I know it's enough to have central administration in place to validate at least it is installed. Still I am asking;...

Is it possible to use Google-friendly URLs in WSS 3.0 site?

Hello I have website designed in WSS 3.0 (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). Can i re-write URLs to Google / SEO friendly URLs? If yes then please do let me know how to do it? Thanks, Rau. ...

UnauthorizedAccessException when timer job tries to access SharePoint term store

I am building a timer job to import terms into the SharePoint term store form an external database. When I run the code manually (using a test web part), everything works fine. However, When the timer job executes the same code, it gets UnauthorizedAccessException when it tries to enum the term store groups. If I login locally as the ...

check which field type column belongs programmatically in sharepoint

Hi, How we can check what is the field type of a column through code . For e.g I know "Country" is one column in sharepoint and I am accessing it but I don't know its type.If there is any way i can check it programmatically and then do the action like may be if its lookup then If i want its value i need to do... lookupvalue country ...o...

organizing information for a software development organization

over time our information strategy has gone all over the place and we are looking to have a clearer policy and a more explicit way for everyone to be in sync on information sharing. Some things to note is that the org is 300+ people and is in multiple countries across the world. Also, we have people that are comfortable in Sharepoint, ...

how to add radiobutton for a category in editor part sharepoint

how to add radiobutton for a category in editor part sharepoint?? for dropdownlist, textbox ,checkbox we can use enum,string or int,bool but if i want to add radiobutton,radiobuttonlist or any other control in a particular category then how can add it.?

CSS :hover in Sharepoint works in Chrome but not IE8( or 7 compat)

I have a DataFormWebPart rendering: <th class="MenuItem"> <xsl:attribute name="onclick" >window.location="<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(@URL, ', ')" ></xsl:value-of>"</xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select="@Comments" disable-output-escaping="yes" /> </th> With CSS like: .MenuItem { background-color:aqua; ...

SharePoint: Adding a Content Type to all Document Libraries

We have hundreds of document libraries, spread all throughout various site collections in a MOSS 2007 SharePoint site. The problem is, that I want to add Content Type to show up in addition to the "New Document" and "New Folder" content types: the "Link to a Document" content type (0x01010A). This new content type should should up for a...

Flash videos on Sharepoint

We would like to display flash video files (tutorials) on our Sharepoint site. Problem is, we cannot seem to either stop it from auto-playing (using the Windows Media Player) or start it playing by clicking (using flash embed). We have a Content Editor WebPart with this code currently: <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4445...

How do I strip spaces out of data in a SharePoint column?

I have a MOSS 2007 list with a column which contains hundreds of business and city names. These names are text commonly with multiple words, such as "City of Austin". I have setup filtering and data view web parts to allow a page to display contents of the list based on a query string. All works well, except that I need to generate th...

filtering works on shareoint list view but not through external app list view

i have used filter to view a list e.g show items only when the following is true user assigned is equal to [me] Now when i login in sharepoint with this user the user only sees the items assigned to him. However by accessing the list from webservice in an external app the user after logging with his credentials can see all items of t...

Resharper + Sharepoint = locked DLL in GAC

If you develop to Sharepoint with Resharper, there are DLL locks in GAC. This issue blocking you to publish your DLLs to GAC. How to deal with it? UPD: here is my development scenario: VS 2008, resharper 4.5 I'm developing website for '_layouts' directory and some DLLs for this website (data access level (DAL.dll) for exapmple) In t...

list service and views service in sharepoint.

in sharepoint 2007, i have a list and i have created some views and used user based filtering on the items of the list in the views. some people are developing an adobe air app and accessing lists using webservice from an external adobe air app that shows a grid view of the lists in adobe air app ( using Lists Service http:///_vti_bi...

SharePoint Approval Workflow Question

I have SharePoint site with publishing features enabled. I have a custom content type with the out of the box approval workflow configured. In the Workflow settings, the final option to "Update the approval status (use this workflow to control content approval)" has been checked. The lists on which the content type is configured do not...

SharePoint QuickLaunch and TopNavigationBar dissapearing

I am completely puzzled with this: I have a custom SharePoint site with QuickLaunch on the left and Top Navigation Bar (which are of course visible by default). This custom site has several sub-sites, which all inherit navigation from the root site. Everything works fine, but after application pool recycle both menus on the left and o...

automatic creation of new list from values of old list.

one sharepoint list is as follows ListA colA colB Tim TimA Tim TimB John JohnA John JohnB Tim TimC how can i automatically create a new list using values of ListA ListB ColAA ColBB Tim 3 ( because there are 3 items for Tim in ListA) John 2 ...

how to design such a workflow in sharepoint designer.

how can such a workflow be created in sharepoint designer. should start when a new item is created in listA Condition > if any item in the listB exist with customer name as andrews then Action > update that item in listB with field colA = orignal value in the field + 1 Else Action > Create item in list B with field colA = 1 and oth...