
Birt 2.5.2 report generates empty table data when run from a cron job

I've got a shell script that runs in order to create a .pdf formatted report, and it works perfectly when it's run from the command line. The data source for the report is a ClearQuest database. When it's run from a CRON job the .pdf file is created, except that only the various report and column headers are displayed, and...

Shell - How to find directory of some command?

I know that when you are on shell, the only commands that can be used are the ones that can be found on some directory set on PATH. Even I don't know how to see what dirs are on my PATH variable (and this is another good question that could be answered), what I'd like to know is: I come to shell and write: $ lshw I want to know a ...

How to delay putting process in background until after it is ready to serve, in shell

I have two processes: a server that should be run in background, but starts serving requests after a delay, and a client that should be started when server is ready. The server prints line containg "Acceptin connections" to its stderr when ready (server stderr is redirected to a file when running it in background). How to delay putting...

Automatic exit from bash shell script on error

Hi, I've been writing some shell script and I would find it useful if there was the ability to halt the execution of said shell script if any of the commands failed. See below for an example: #!/bin/bash cd some_dir ./configure --some-flags make make install So in this case if the script can't change to the indicated dire...

Write STDOUT & STDERR to a logfile, also write STDERR to screen

I would like to run several commands, and capture all output to a logfile. I also want to print any errors to the screen (or optionally mail the output to someone). Here's an example. The following command will run three commands, and will write all output (STDOUT and STDERR) into a single logfile. { command1 && command2 && command3 ; ...

Get browser memory usage on windows shell

Hi, is there a way to find the memory usage of a browser in execution with windows shell? I don't know if it's a stupid question or not because i'm not practice with shell so please be patient:) ...

Shell only subversion client on windows

Hi, i'm looking for a subversion client that hasn't a GUI but is accessible only through shell commands. I've installed Tortoise SVN but it adds some items to the context menu of files and folder and i don't want this changes. I hope this is not a duplicated question, but i've looked at a lot of questions about svn clients and i haven't ...

Getting Windows 7 SUA's bash shell working with emacs (EmacsW32)?

Having recently purchased Windows 7 Ultimate in order to gain access to the SUA - - subsystem, I have been struggling to get SUA's bash utility (/usr/local/bin/bash) working with EmacsW32. SUA comes with ksh and csh by default, so I installed a community bundle to obtain the bash process. M-x shell normally ...

Shell how configure command to always work with some params?

Hi. I want to know how to configure your environment to execute some command with specific params everytime you use it. So, if I have a command named: spec I want to know where I configure my bash to always use: spec -c --format nested instead of just 'spec' I tried to put this like an alias on my .bashrc file, like: al...

How to avoid zombie processes after executing them in background

Hi! we are programming a bash like shell in C but we have problems with the background processes. The thing is that the father waits for the children process when there is no &, we have made a signal_handler for SIGCHLD which have a wait inside. The main problem that we want to avoid is: the signal_handler executes always (with backgro...

Logging into SO with curl

I'm working on a project and I want to log into SO via curl. I use Google as my openID provider which means that I need to log into Google first via its API. Here is the code I have so far #!/usr/bin/env sh . ./ #the script with $username and $password curl --silent \ -d Email=$user...

Copy/Paste in emacs ansi-term shell

I have configured my emacs to run zsh shell within ansi-term. However, copy/paste no longer works i.e. nothing is getting pasted from kill-ring to the terminal. Changing the TERM to vt100, or eterm doesn't solve the problem. Would appreciate any ideas or solution. To provide context I have configured ansi-term as follows: (global-se...

How do i use RVM w/ Hudson CI server on Debian?

I'm trying to setup an automated "build" server for my rails projects using Hudson CI. SO far it's able to run specs and do metrics on the code but I have 2 different projects dependent on 2 different versions of ruby. So i'm trying to use RVM to run multiple copies of ruby then switch back and forth in a pre-build step. I found a coup...

How do i compare 2 strings in shell?

I want the user to input something at the command line either -l or -e. so e.g. $./ -e I want an if statement to split up whatever decision they make so i have tried... if [$1=="-e"]; echo "-e"; else; echo "-l"; fi obviously doesn't work though Thanks ...

Split command across lines

In Linux shell, one can split a command across several lines using \. For example: cmd \ arg1 \ arg2 How can I do the same using Windows console? Thanks! ...

How to pass in password to pg_dump?

I'm trying to create a cronjob to back up my database every night before something catastrophic happens. It looks like this command should meet my needs: 0 3 * * * pg_dump dbname | gzip > ~/backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz Except after running that, it expects me to type in a password. I can't do that if I run it from cron. How can...

Set environment variables using SSH

Hello, I am trying to execute unix command using SSH from cygwin. My set of command would navigate to a certain directory, source a particular file. Based on the variables sourced from that file, I would try to launch application. But somehow the variables are not getting sourced as echo does not return any values. Could someone let me ...

How to Compile the .cshsc File in Unix ?

Hi Everyone, I am new in Unix I m doing some changes in .cshsc file, It is shell script which is hidden So how can i compile this file Can anyone help me for that Or Give some idea ? Thanks in advance!! Riddhi ...

Linux shell sum columns

How can I sum (using Linux shell) numbers in a column? If possible, I don't want to use powerful tools like awk or perl. I want something like giveMeNumber | sum ...

iteratively creating graphs

I have a bunch of files containing x and y coordinates, representing time and value (space-separated, but can be amended) For example, in each file I will have this sort of points: 15:06:59 0.0140 15:07:00 0.0142 ...etc.... I want to create a word file (or some equivalent) to show all these graphs. Currently, I am using Exc...