
Hide window in Perl/Tk and show again incl. all widgets

I want to hide the mainwindow for a certain amount of time then show it again. Example: use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $lblMsg = $mw -> Label(-text=>"blabla")-> grid(); my $btnPostpone = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Postpone for (min): ", -command =>\&postpone)-> grid(); MainLoop; sub postpone{ $mw-> withdraw(); sleep(1);...

Using jquery to hide dynamically added divs

The jquery code below will hide divs ending with -value-wrapper when the page loads. My issue is, that the "Add more values" button will append another row (with the number incremented). When it does, all the divs are revealed. Is there a way to keep the original ones hidden and hide those in the new set as well? The html markup look...

When an object is hidden in jQuery, surrounding elements snap in to new positions. How can I make them animate into new positions?

I have a list of say, 20 items. Each of them are boxes in 3 columns, like a grid format. Above the grid are options which allow you to show and hide different items within the list, depending on what you are looking for. When a user hides specific list items, they fade out and all of the other items snap into their new positions. Afte...

how to hide a <div> part from tabs

dear all.. i have some <div id="hideclass"> in jquery tabs. i want it can hidden or not appear. i want it can appear after i have click some button. how do i do that? ...

jQuery Show/Hide Question

I'm just trying to preform a very simple jQuery action. I have two components: #safety and #safety-tab a, the #safety needs to be hidden on load. When the a link in the #safety-tab is clicked, it will hide itself and slideUp the #safety. This sort of works, but the #safety box just flickers on click, doesn't stay shown: $(document).r...

Dynamic hide reveal

I'm working on a blog and I have it set up so you can leave a comment on an entry. I don't like how much vertical space all the comments and the entry form use, so I would like to have a link on each entry that you click and it reveals the entry form and comments. I'm thinking a link that's like "Comments (5)". I see this all the time on...

jQuery hide() div until fully loaded

I'm using tabbed featured post for my blog. How to implement the div#latest-featured will hide() then show() it back after content fully loaded? $(document).ready(function() { //Default Action $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content $("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(".tab_conten...

Jquery - show/hide/toggle multiple DIVs

Hello I am looking to achieve the following: Display 5 images in a row Click on an image to show content related to that image Click another image to show that related content, and hide the previous content Here is my markup for the images: <div id="maps"> <div class="map-box"><h2>London &amp; South East</h2><a href="#"><img s...

When I use jquery's .hide feature to toggle some div's, the divs overlap following divs (only in ie8)

I am using jquery to hide and show some divs, based on select box choices. When I change the value of the select box, the action that should happen does, but the div that is shown is underneath the next div (the div's arent being "pushed" down). this is the jquery code: <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ ...

jQuery slideToggle, show/hide speed

Is there anything in jQuery that allows you to specify the speed of a show/hide effect (as opposed to its duration). Thanks. ...

how to hide the particular row in the Gridview?

How can I hide a particular row in a GridView? For Example If I click 2/4/1/7 it will hide 3/5/2/8 correspodingly how to do this ...

Javacript hide additional text field in existing script

I am using this code: $('#cf11_field_20').change(function() { $("#li-11-22")[$(this).val() == "full03_accommodation_hotel" ? 'show' : 'hide']("fast"); }).change(); $('#cf11_field_22').change(function() { $("#li-11-23")[$(this).val() == "full03_hotel_other" ? 'show' : 'hide']("fast"); }).change(); It wor...

How can I hide a div when not hovering anymore

I am using Jquery to hide show a div. I want to show the div when '.microblogpostwrapper' is hovered and hidden when not hovered. Got the first bit done but can't get it to hide when not hovered. $(".microblogpostwrapper").hover(function(){ $(this).find(".microblogpostactions").show(); }); ...

control the textfield from checkbox

dear i have 2 text and 2 checkbox: <input type="checkbox" id="class1"> <input type="checkbox" id="class2"> <div id="hidden"> <input type="text" id="valclass1"> <input type="text" id="valclass2"> </div> i want if i checked at "class1" then click show button "valclass1" can show. but if not checked, it do i do that? ...

PHP add show-hide functionality for text dynamically

Hello! I have html text that's fetched from a database. The structure of the text is always like this: <div>Short text</div>Long text And repetitive: (unpredictible number of times) <div>Short text</div>Long text <div>Short text</div>Long text <div>Short text</div>Long text <div>Short text</div>Long text What I want to do is check...

Why i can't show/hide Html TR using jquery ?

I have the following TR in HTML and i using JQuery <tr class="RowDiv" id="tempTR" runat="server" visible="false"> <td> <div class="LabelDiv"> <div class="dfltTxtBld"> ID<span class="reqChar" runat="server" id="Span1" visible="false"> ...

Hide tab bar control in tabbar project

Hi, I am working on a tabbar project and in this i also have navigation controller. and i am doing below steps :- Show the main screen navigation from first tab to 5 next screens. and on the 6th screen i want to show the tabbarcontroller and want to show my other tab bar. i tried the below code :- self.navigationController.tabBarCon...

Adding delay to jquery event on mouseover

I am trying to add a simple delay to a mouseover event of a child and having difficulties. (Still learning!) This enables me to show the popup after a delay, but shows all of them simultaneously: onmouseover='setTimeout(function() { $(\".skinnyPopup\").show(); }, 600)' and this works to show only the popup I want with no delay: onmo...

continue show popup chrome extension

Hi, I try to make a chrome extension. For this project I need to have a function that when I activate my popup by clicking on a icon it will not close when I am by instant select a text in a webpage. Normally the popup will hide automatically. I there a way to block the auto hide function in the google chrome extension. Thank you, Wo...

Android - how to use Spinner to hide/display View objects

For an Android application, I'm trying to use a Spinner which, when an option is selected, will hide/display relevant View objects. For my application, these objects are an EditText and an associated TextView label for the field. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the EditText to hide/display, and when I add it code to hide/display the T...