
Reference the default Style for a control in Silverlight

How do I reference the default style that appears in generic.xaml? I am trying to create a static class that returns known styles for a custom control. I know how to pull the styles that exist in App.xaml, but I'm not sure how to grab the generic one. public static class VehicleTypes { public static readonly Style SportsCar = /*??...

Hosting a Silverlight compatible Web Service in a Windows Service

Is it possible to create a Windows Service (background apps accessible in services.msc) application and host an ASP.NET WebService or a Silverlight compatible WebService within it? I want to create a WebService that performs COM interop calls to something and decided that a Windows Service that interfaces with COM directly as well as ho...

Javascript/Silverlight proxy double load delay.

I am creating a Silverlight application which will be heavily javascripted against. To enable JS interaction, I have created the following SL class: [ScriptableType] public class JavaScriptProxy { private string _version; // provided for testing SL-JS integration [ScriptableMember] public void SmokeTest() { HtmlPage.Wi...

Out of Browser in Silverlight2

How can I build a Stand Alone Application with Silverlight 2. 1.I know that Silverlight 3 has the Out of Browser Functionality to build such Applications. But it is in beta and I cannot wait for it. 2. I also had a look at Desklighter( which helps to build a executable from a xap...

Can I re-use a Silverlight app in different areas of my page?

I've got a single Silverlight app that I'd like to display in a grid. The way the Silverlight app displays its content is dependent on the unique ID of the record in each grid row. Unfortunately, the XAP file is re-downloaded for each row in the grid. With a size of 700KB, this really impacts performance. Is it possible to download the X...

Silverlight combobox number of items shown refresh

I have two combo boxes on a SL page. When Combo 1 updates, a service is called and populates Combo 2. On the first call, 3 results are returned. When the combo box is expanded, you can see all 3 options. On the second call, 4 results are returned. When the combo box is expanded, you can see 3 options, with a vertical scroll bar. If I...

Silverlight Browser Close Event

When the user closes the browser that hosts my Silverlight 2 Application I need to call a web service that would log the user out. I am aware of the Application_Exit event, however when I call my service in that event nothing happens. I presume that the connection to my service is already closed by then. Is there another event that I s...

Silverlight: update listbox template item

Hi, I have listbox and on click event I open new panel where i change data of listbox, more accurately image source. I have problem how to update listbox to have new picture. Thanks in advance. Here is my code: <ListBox x:Name="lbNarudzbe" MouseLeftButtonUp="lbNarudzbe_MouseLeftButtonUp" HorizontalAlignment="Center" MaxHeight="600"> ...

WrapPanel in Silverlight, binding CLR Objects.

Can anybody please help me? I need to bind CLR Objects to a WrapPanel in SILVERLIGHT. What should be displayed in the end is a couple of Image Thumbnails with their description (Text). I know how to do it with a ListBox, but I need it to be a WrapPanel, so my Thumbs will be displayed horizontally and break into a new raw... and so on. ...

How do I use a Silverlight2 ItemsControl to position a collection of items on a canvas?

In WPF, you can create a ListBox with a Canvas as an ItemsPanel and position items on that canvas. The code to do that looks something like this: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> ...

silverlight2 Message class missing CreateBufferedCopy method

I am trying to read a soap response twice and I got the error message already read ... There are some examples how to avoid this BUT ... they are using the CreateBufferedCopy method and I cannot find it on the silverlight2 Message object: Microsoft has also this sentence in the silverlight doc :

Persisting user preferences in Silverlight...

I am working on a Silverlight client and associated ASP.NET web services (not WCF), and I need to implement some features containing user preferences such as a "favourite items" system and whether they'd like word-wrapping or not. In order to make a pleasant (rather than infuriating) user experience, I want to persist these settings acro...

How to share a numeric constant between xaml and c# in silverlight

I'm new to .NET programming, and trying to learn Silverlight 2 / C#. I need to declare numeric constants (or better yet, readonly variables), and access them in both XAML and my C# code-behind file. These values are more appropriately defined in XAML, but if the definition needs to be done in C#, that's better than hard-coding the val...

C# testing -- why does ExpectedException tagged method pass when exception not thrown?

In the past I have tested for expected exceptions like this: [TestMethod] public void TestThrowsException() { try { Foo(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (MyException ex){//good } } However I notice that there is a (cleaner?) way to test this using the ExpectedException attribute. Why does this test method pass when the exceptio...

Column Header Styling Issue in Data Grid in WPF

I have formated the Wcf Toolkit Datagrid and below in the is the ColumnHeader Style for it But, there are still some area in Column Header, which are not styled as shown in the image <Style x:Key="ColumnHeaderStyle" TargetType="{x:Type dg:DataGridColumnHeader}"> <Setter Pr...

Silverlight2 Howto set SelectedItem in Combobox

Hi, in my first Silverlight 2 app I've a datagrid which is bound to a ObservableCollection, in one of the colums I've put a Combobox which hold a ObserversableCollection A "Order" consists of number of properties, one of those properties is a "Customer" object. If I show the orders in the grid, I would be happy if the correct customer...

Looking for silverlight tree control sample with binding to table

I can't find an example of a silverlight 2 tree control that is bound to a database table. I have a table with ID and ParentID columns and I use it to populate a tree control in windows forms. I want to do the same with a silverlight tree control but I can't find any examples on how to do this. Most of the samples have the nodes hard cod...

How do I pin one control below another in Silverlight?

I have a project that uses a DataGrid with a custom template so that I can add a special row to the bottom of the data rows. I would like this special row to be pinned under the last row but not as part of the ScrollViewer, such that it remains pinned under the last row until the bottom of the special row hits the bottom of the data grid...

calling https wcf service from silverlight...

hi, i am trying to access a https wcf service from silverlight. the clientaccesspolicy is placed on service root and i have validated through silverlightspy its showing it as valid and calls allowed. i am able to call that webservice successfully from desktop client but when tries to call from silverlight it throws an error that call to ...

IP address in Silverlight

Is there a way to get the IP address of a client in Silverlight if my Silverlight control is hosted in HTML? ...