
Silverlight WCF web service hosting on and

There's so much stuff on this online but no one seems to be able to answer this... Hopefully someone here will be! So i have a WCF web service hosted at Everything works great when i try accessing it using: problem is when i remove the www i.e. Here...

Change Silverlight Full Screen Background Color

I have a 800x600 screen resolution silverlight application.When i use the code to make it full screen, ( i have current screen resolution of 1280x1024) it shows white background around my 800x600 black box. i tried changing canvas background color and UserControl background color property but no effects. is there any way to change th...

Drag and Drop of SilverLight Treeview items with in the tree.

How to implement drag and drop of silver light toolkit treeview item with in the tree itself without using any other third party controls? ...

Best method to repeat a pattern declaratively

I'm working on a little analog clock project to learn Silverlight, obviously when drawing the clock face there is a repeated pattern, all the examples I have seen actually repeat the xaml and just change the angle to get the entire face, but I'm wondering if there is a better/easier/shorter way to accomplish the same result declaratively...

SOAP message encryption in silverlight

how to encrypt soap message in silverlight.. i am currently looking for ideas... as silverlight doesn't support WCF Message Security.. i have gone through a post by Peter Bromberg but it is also not discussing the idea about when how to exchange public/private keys or sort of... ...

Silverlight 2 DatePicker.MouseLeftButtonUp event

I'm trying to customize the DatePicker control in Silverlight 2. I don't want it to show the button, but whenever I double click in the control I want it to popup the calender that's part of the control. I've found the IsDropDownOpen property that I can set to show the dropdown. I also have some code to facilitate a double click like be...

Silverlight 2: Set Timeout on ADO.NET Data Services DataServiceContext

I cannot figure out how to set a timeout on an ADO.NET data service that I am calling from a Silverlight client. I have seen blogs posts that mention a timeout property on the DataServiceContext base class. But when I try to set the Timeout property it on my D...

What is the difference in speed between the DLR languages and C# in Silverlight 2?

For Silverlight 2, it looks like programming choices are: C# VB DLR scripting languages IronRuby IronPython A sadly neglected (if not cancelled) Managed jScript Is this a case where the native languages (C# and VB) are faster than the DLR languages by an order of magnitude or so? Any hope of "living" in IronPython when I do Silver...

silverlightPage.g.cs , What is "g" for?

I recently started working on SilverLight and WPF. I am just curious why microsoft choose "*.g.cs" name for the partial code-behind class. Is there any significance of the letter "g" here? It is very much like the designer.cs of world. The only difference i know about is the "InitializedComponent()" part. ...

Silverlight - Examples of awesome demo applications NEEDED!

Hello, At company I'm working, new project will be started soon. I'd like to use Silverlight 2.0 but I need to convince my CEO and Photoshop/AfterEffects guy for using Silverligt for upcoming project. These persons are - let's say - rather Flash / Apple oriented, but for me as a .NET developer Silverlight seems to be proper solution :-)...

How do get a Grid column to Auto size to content but not clip the content if it gets too large?

I have a DataGrid embedded inside the first column of a Grid. I want the grid column to auto size to content, but when I do this and the DataGrid gets too wide (when columns are added by the user) the DataGrid is clipped by the containing column. Essentially I need to retain the scrolling behaviour of the DataGrid, but have the DataGrid ...

Silverlight 2 Does not render content on IE7 IE8 Firefox 3

I have a very simple silverlight xaml page displays textbox and a button. When i run my application on IE6 it works fine. But for IE7 IE8 and FF3 - it does not display any content. The page is rendering blank. <div style="height: 100%; width:100%;"> <asp:Silverlight ID="Xaml1" runat="server" Source="~/ClientBin/test.xap" MinimumVersio...

Silverlight Application - Embedded advertising possible with HTML or Silverlight?

I have a 100% silverlight application that takes up the entire screen. Plan A: I would like to embed other silverlight ads but I cannot find any companies that provide this service. Plan B: Embed classic HTML ads into the app. I've found one way by playing around the with DIV's and Javascript but it seems like a major hack. do not wan...

Highlight entire rows only in Silverlight DataGrid

When the user clicks on a row in the datagrid (or uses the keyboard), that row is selected, but the specific cell they clicked on is also given its own special focus. This is fine for a data editing grid, but I am trying to create something more like an open dialog that shows properties for each item in the list, so... Is it possible to...

accessing class members of a webservice in silverlight

I am developing a RIA application in silverlight and my requirement is that I want to create a class in a webservice and that class will have some public properties. Theses properties I have to access in the silverlight application. I have created the webservice that’s not a problem . The issue is using that class's properties in the sil...

I have problems for consuming web service in Silverlight

Hi friends, my problem is as follows: When I use my web service, it displays the following error in Silverlight: "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException was unhandled by user code Message="The given key was not present in the dictionary." I'm new to c # and Silverlight, and don't really know what to do. I can not find a solu...

Loading Animation Freezing when web service call returns

I have a Silverlight 2 application that has a "Loading Data..." message that contains an animation. When the web service returns the data and the data is loading in to an observable collection -- the animation freezes (this can be for for several seconds while the data is loading and give the impression that something moght be wrong.) T...

Silverlight - Redrawing/painting an existing user control

Hi. I'm wondering if anyone knows how (if its possible) to redraw/paint an existing Usercontrol in SL. E.g. if you wanted to keep a bread crumb of pages visited and when the user clicks on one of those bread crumbs, that page would redraw (reload), so the user gets the page exactly as they left it. I'm not talking about simple navigati...

Stretch ComboBox Content in Silverlight

This is driving me nuts. I can't seem to get the data template within my ComboBox to stretch the width of the pulldown. What gives? <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="30" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ComboBox x:Name="Searches...

Compiling Castle Microkernel and Windsor for Silverlight 2.0

I am having trouble compiling Castle Microkernel and Windsor for Silverlight 2.0. I am working with the current build on the trunk (5837). I can build the InversionOfControl-vs2008-SL.sln solution fine and this generates Core-Silverlight.dll no problems, but will only build the Microkernel and Windsor assemblies for .net and not for Sil...