
Databinding a StackPanel using Prism

Hello, Using Prism, I have implemented a View, Model and Presenter much like the StockTraderRI project. My issue is that I am trying to databind a stackpanel to an ObservableCollection object but no strings are being displayed. Here’s my code: PresentationModel code: public InfoBarPresentationModel(IInfoBarView view, IEventAggreg...

Slowdown (Scrollbar or UI in general) in Silverlight when there are many controls

I'm looking for some insight into the workings of Silverlight - at this time I suspect I need to know more about how UI event dispatching and control repainting are done to work out a solution or compromise for the following problem: I have a large number of elements (of which I am representing as controls) on screen. Numerically it's a...

How to access ItemsHost from a ItemsControl derived custom control

I'm creating a custom control called FooControl derived from ItemsControl have a default style defined for the same in themes\generic.xaml. The default style for FooControl sets ItemsPanel property to another custom panel called FooPanel as below (I don't think the usage of custom panel matters for this question). <Setter Property="Ite...

Custom Rendering in Bing Silverlight Control

Hi, I'm ramping up on a Silverlight 2 project that leverages the Bing Maps control. One thing our UX guys are wondering is whether it is possible to customize the look of the map completely. For example, draw countries as simple outlines with different color interiors. Or draw the ocean as white and countries as black dotted shapes. Do...

Changing the caret color in silverlight 2

Hi, I have a textbox that has a black background, I want to change its caret color to white.How do i achieve it? Thanks ...

Issues or reasons against updating Silverlight 2 project in development to Silverlight 3?

I currently have a recently started project in development with a 2010 target date developed primarily in Silverlight 2, making use of the March Silverlight 2 Toolkit. Now that Silverlight 3 is gold, is there any reason to not migrate the project to Silverlight 3 in order to be able to take advantage of added features and improved perfo...


I've seen some people that have managed to use the themes in the Silverlight 2.0 Toolkit in Windows WPF applications. In fact, it looks like it's pretty easy...for them. I've run into an odd issue early on in my attempts. Here is all it take to fail: Create a new WPF Application project in VS2008 sp1 Add a reference to System.Window...

Rendering a Heterogeneous Collection of View Models in Silverlight 2

I have a hierarchy of view models representing formatted content: public abstract class ContentPartViewModel : ViewModel { } public class TextContentPartViewModel : ContentPartViewModel { public string Text { ... } } public class TitleContentPartViewModel : TextContentPartViewModel { } public class HyperlinkContentPartViewModel :...

Setting initial control focus in Silverlight

I'm looking for a way to automatically set the initial focus on a Silverlight UserControl to a specific control. I have a login page with a user name textbox and I'd like to have it so that as soon as the user goes to the page their cursor is already positioned and waiting in the username textbox instead of having to make them click the ...

Implementing Properties On A Silverlight ViewModel

I have a Silverlight ModelViewViewModel project that I would like to expose a property on the view model to a UserControl like: public DTO.Client Client { get { return client; } } client is a private backing variable that I set in a async completed event handler: void GetClientByIDComplete(object sender, GetClientByIDComplete...

Silverlight - Cannot resolve TargetName....

I have a multi-page (xaml pages) Silverlight Game Application. (SL2) The flow is something like this Login_Screen -> Game1_Instruction_screen -> Game1 ->ScoreCard-> Game2_Instruction -> Game2 ->ScoreCard->.....loop.... ->Game_Over_screen I am navigating between xaml pages using - Game1 g = New Game1(); this.content = g; Now I have ...

Binding ItemsSource to a "proxy" collection. How to get DataContext?

We've got a Silverlight application with several listboxes and comboboxes that display data sorted incorrectly, which I need to fix. Most of their ItemSource properties are set through XAML. Their DataContext may not be set directly on the control, and instead were set on a parent. So I can't easily slap an "OrderBy" on the ItemSource or...

How to move Controls Like Grid or Stack panels as Carouse on click of buttonl in Silverlight.

I have one popup. In that popup i have three steps. All data for that three steps are in one XAML page in three different grids . i want to move that three grid one by one on click of Next button with anymation. How can i do it with silverlight 3.0 ...

Targetting silverlight v2

Hi, Now that I have installed Silverlight 3, I seem unable to build a Silverlight application for Silverlight 2. I have set my objects minRuntimeVersion to 2.0.31005.0, however users who do not have silverlight 3 are still prompted to update. I'd prefer not to force this update on my users just yet, so is there a way to build Silverli...

Step by Step guide or demo to implement POCO(plain old CLR objects) in Silverlight and WCF?

Hello ALL, Looking for some step by step guide to implement Dataaccess layer, Biz layer and Presentation layer using Silverlight, WCF and SQL database,C#. I tried lots of examples and ebooks( SL 2.0 Recipes, Data Driven Service with SL etc), but I am unable to get the data shown on the Silverlight side. I am not a guru in OO but I can un...

Silverlight 2 and XML character entities

Wingdings character set and equivalent Unicode characters tells me I shouldn't use wingding characters on a webpage. Following the same advice in Silverlight 2 I'm attempting something like this: <TextBlock FontSize="20" FontFamily="Arial" Foreground="Red">&#10007;</TextBlock> &#10007; gives you a cool ✗ in HTML. In Silverlight I'm...

Cancelling Two Way Data Binding In Silverlight

I have an ObervableCollection of data items. This collection is bound to a ListBox. When the user selects a item from the listbox and clicks the Edit button a UserControl with the details of that item is displayed with the various properties bound to text boxes. Each binding mode is set for TwoWay. On this details UserControl, I would li...

To view the silverlight app in fullscreen mode(F11)

Hi, Is there any way to load my silverlight app in F11 mode directly? I have used, '_self', 'toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,fullscreen=yes','true'); HtmlPage.window.invoke("launchPage",url); but the problem is that two instances of my app are opened. One in normal screen and t...

add close button

How to add close button on the right top of the window in silverlight? ...

Silverlight 3 on Mac OS X in Firefox 3.5 doesn't work!!

I'm trying to upgrade my site to Silverlight 3. All my customers are having a reasonabily good experience from upgrading to Silverlight 3 from Silverlight 2 or just a fresh install. But on Mac OS X in Firefox 3.5, after Silverlight is installed they cant view any Silverlight apps, it's just blank on screen. No errors, I can right click ...