
Silverlight Video Stretching

What I want: To be able to resize the actual video inside the SL player with JS as I drag the corner. What I have so far: (try dragging the corner, it crops the video, not resizing the video). I'm using jquery to dynamically resize the outer div and the OBJECT tag ...

How do I get the product version for my Silverlight program?

In Winforms I would use Application.ProductVersion to get the version of my code. Is there an equivalent for Silverlight 2.0? ...

Updating SilverLight lists when Bound in-memory collection gets a new member.

I'm trying to pupulate one of three listboxes from a (fourth) source list box. The source has a list of school Subjects which are classified as elementary, middle or high school subjects. The source listbox is a list of checkboxes. The user clicks on the checkbox and one of the other three are intended to get a copy of the Subject obj...

loading multiple files using Silverlight with

Hi All I have developed one project by using silverlight 2 with I have one silverlight application and two .aspx pages (one for login.aspx and another for registration). I have designed login.aspx using silverlight 2 and I have attached .xap file to my login.aspx. For registration.aspx. I need to developed one more silverlig...

How do I size my Silverlight 2 control to fit the page (The default gives a scrollbar)

I have a Silverlight 2 control that I wish to fill the browser. I have set no height and width for the outer grid so it resizes. I have set the web page to have a style of height and width 100% and no padding or margin for the html and body tags. The Silverlight object is set to 100% height and width. When I view the page, IE adds a scr...

Any disadvantages of Silverlight?

We are planning to develop a web based application using Silverlight 2.0. The application will be used by our company employees. The application will be accessed using IE6 (Yeah IE6) and Silverlight is not installed. We will be rolling our Silverlight through our IT support to all the users. All employees use Windows. Is there any thi...

How can I make a Silverlight 2.0 button entirely transparent?

I have a button that I am using on a toolbar that has a nice gradient. I want the button to be completely transparent so that just its contents show against the gradient. When I try, the button appears white rather than being transparent. The XAML for my button is: <Button Name="NewAppointmentButton" Style="{StaticResource ToolbarButto...

What's wrong with this Silverlight template?

I am playing with templates in Silverlight 2.0. I copied this... <Style x:Key="RoundButton"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button"> <Grid> <Ellipse Width="200" Height="200"> <Ellipse.Fill> ...

Silverlight 2.0 Perspective/Z-Scale

Hello, How can I set Z-Scale some silverlight element ? I can see Z-Scale property in Properties > Transform > Scale > Z but it isn't active, I can't modify. What do I need to do to edit Z-Scale. Thanks. ...

Loading an image from resources in an unreferenced assembly

I have two silverlight assemblies, CaseManager.Applet and CaseManager.Applet.Sample. The Sample assembly has a reference to the base Applet assembly. The sample assembly has an embedded resource png image. The base applet assembly has a view xaml that I wish to display that image programmatically. In the sample assembly I have a bit of ...

silverlight limited to 100% browser height

I am having issues with getting a silverlight control to appear on a page in such a way that it is as wide as the browser but as long as it needs to be. I can't seem to nail down the CSS that enables this. The closest I have gotten is to make the Silverlight control as tall as the browser but no taller. Below is my aspx file: <%@ Page...

Determine path dynamically in Silverlight 2

I have a border with rounded corners within a canvas and want to add a clipping region to the canvas so that anything I add is clipped to the region within the border. I know that I can set the Clip property of the canvas but as the canvas and object are sized dynamically rather than having sizes assigned in the XAML, I can't figure out ...

EventBinding in a codebehind generated DataTemplate

Hi there, lets begin with the scenario: I have an ItemsControl inside a UserControl. In this ItemsControl I have a dynamicly created DataTemplate which is created and added in codebehind. As there doesn't seem to be a nice way to create a DataTemplate in codebehind I had to programmatically generate the xaml code for my DataTemplate in...

What are the latest version on Silverlight 2.0 tools for VS2008 SP1

Hi, I want to develop a silverlight 2.0 application. What are the latest versions I need to install to do this for VS2008 SP1 please?? Malcolm ...

How to simulate paging in Silverlight 2.0?

Hi, I am trying to workout how my silverlight application is going to work. I want it to fill the browser. I will have a like home page that will allow login. Then it will open up a search page to list data And then on selection goto the detail page of selected item. But my question is how do I structure the app to goto these "page...

Downloading photos with a Silverlight 2.0 application.

Hi, I have a silverlight application that will be hosted at .Net hosting service which gives me 300mb of SQL server space and 1GB of disk space. The applications data comes from a database and associated with a table row are photos. Becasuse of the 1 GB of disk space I am deciding to store them on the file system. My question is how ...

How to instantiate object in UserControl.Resources?

Hi, I am designing a listbox and I want to have design time data in it. If have a class in my namespace, how do I instantiate and object of that class in the Resources of the user control XAML please? Malcolm ...

zooming effects for an image using silverlight

Hello i am new to silverlight. i need to create zoom in & zoom out options for an image at run time using silverlight. please give some idea. it is better if you explain with some code samples. ...

zoom in & zoom out options for an image at run time

Hello i am new to silverlight. i need to create zoom in & zoom out options for an image at run time using silverlight. please give some idea. it is better if you explain with some code samples. please . thanks. Duplicate of: ...

Binding complex properties in Silverlight/WPF

Lets say I have a custom data type that looks something like this: public class MyDataType { public string SimpleProp1; public string SimpleProp2; public List<SomeType> ComplexProp; } now I hava a data bound control (i.e. ItemsControl or DataGrid), that is created dynamically. How would the binding defined in xaml code look like...