
How to stop the Silverlight Child Window from being dragged off screen

In our Silverlight 3 project, I am using the ChildWindow control to display several system dialogs. This presents the dialog in a modal window that the user can then drag around if required. The problem is that it is actually possible for them to drag the ChildWindow off screen, so that it cannot be picked up again and dragged back on ...

WCF service VS JSon in Silverlight view

I have developed one view in Silverlight and currently using WCF services to take data (around 10 MB) from Server to Silverlight view. Even though there is no processing at server side and server is taking less than 1 sec from request recieve to response return but I am getting response in Silverlight after 50 sec. I have deployed WCF se...

Silverlight 3 breakpoints not hit when launching external program

I'm using Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight 3 and IE 6 (don't ask). I'm trying to launch and debug the application with F5, but the debugger says my breakpoints won't be hit because the symbols aren't loaded. My default browser is actually Firefox, but I am setting the Start Action of the project to specifically launch IE and point it at...

Windows Phone 7 HTTP Upload, no AllowWriteStreamBuffering property available

I'm creating an HttpWebRequest and storing it inside of an HttpState object. When I go to set AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of the request to false, I see that no such property exists. The download counterpart, AllowReadStreamBuffering, is available. HttpState httpState = new HttpState(); httpState.request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWeb...

SharePoint Silverlight Image viewer (AG_E_Network_Error)

My application is a Silverlight Image viewer that displays images from Sharepoint using the Silverlight Image control (by setting the source propery). My app displays the first image and i can use navigation buttons to go forward and backward. Everything is working fine, however after a certain amount of images (always the same amout fo...

Drag and Drop Text on Image in silverlight

I have a application in which i want that on the right there would be image.On the left there would be a textbox and button.After user enters anything in the textbox and click on the button.The text should appear on the image in the form of draggable panel by which user could position the text on the image. How could i do this? Plz h...

Case sensitive UriMapper issue in Silverlight 3

In Navigation API of Silverlight 3 the UriMapper class is case sensitive. For the following uri mapping <nav:Frame Source="/Home"> <nav:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="" MappedUri="/Views/HomePage.xaml"/> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/entity/{code}" Mapped...

Storing application settings in Silverlight

I want to be able to change a setting in my silverlight assembly at runtime, i want a bit like a web.config in a web site? what is the best way of doing this? thank you ...

Silverlight Smooth Streaming Client Memory Usage

The sample Smooth Streaming Client provided here continues to grow in memory until it fails out with an Out of Memory Exception. Our version is using Silverlight 3 and we have tried the Beta 2 and TRW 1 versions of the Smooth Streaming Client. However, the memory usage continues to be a problem. There are numerous values to control th...

Connecting SqlAzure database in conventional way.

I need to know , can I connect to my Sql Azure database as we connect with our general Sql Server 8/9/10 databases, via Silverlight -WCF or ASP.Net or Winform App. My development environment is WinXP with SP3 / VS 2008 Professional. I am asking so while installing Windows Azure SDK and Toolkit i got Platform incompatibility error that i...

How to get the Curent Height and Width of the Browser

Hi, How can I get the Height and Width of the Browswer . I tried using : double Width = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availWidth"); double Height = (double)HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.availHeight"); But this Returns the Current Screen Resolution. But I need to handle Some Controls like Media Element Height and Width When t...

How to Assign a Playlist Item to Expression media Player?

Hi, I am able to aassign a playlist to MediaPlayer like follwoing: myMediaElement.Playlist = playList; Where playList is the collection of PlaylistItem. But here my question is how can we assign just a playListItem to myMediaElement. For Example: myMediaElement.Playlist = playList.Items[0]; I don not want to used myMediaElement.Go...

Looking for WPF/Silverlight 'device ring' example

I'm looking for an example of a 'device ring', somewhat like the one used in Live Mesh (anything in a ring will do) in XAML (WPF/Silverlight). Preferably with demo code or open-source so I can have a look at how things work under the cover. Other animations, like resizing of the elements if they move around the ring, are a nice extra, bu...

Assembly could not be loaded

Hi, I am creating a WCF service with a Silverlight CLient I added a reference to System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex in Silverlight 3. I modified the web.config When I run, I am getting this error. Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad36...

Debugging Silverlight when hosted in a web project?

This is probably a basic question. I have two projects: A web application project, that has a webpage that hosts a Silverlight application, as well as a web service A Silverlight application project, the one hosted in the above web application If I debug the Silverlight application, it wants to run this with a generated web page, wh...

Web Application + Silverlight project in TFS, .xap file keeps being checked in, can I avoid it?

When I look at my ASP.NET application that hosts a Silverlight project, it has a Clientbin folder, inside of which there is a .xap file, the one being compiled from my Silverlight project. This file keeps being checked into TFS. Is there a way for me to tell TFS to just plan ignore it? The reason is that once the file is checked in, if...

Firing of asynchronous (statistics) request of HyperlinkButton not registered

I have a HyperlinkButton in my Silverlight project. Clicking the link will open the URL in a new page: <HyperlinkButton x:Name="Button1" Content="Click" TargetName="_blank" Click="Button1_Click" NavigateUri="" /> When I click the button, I want a (second) asynchronous request to be fired to a statistics ser...

childWindow Full Screen Event tweak the Parent to also FullSCreen Mode

Hi, I have a ChildWindow which contains a ExpressionMediaPlayer inside it. When I click on the ChildWindow Media Player Full screen button it swiches the whole application to FullScreen Mode. Is there a way to avoid it. I am not quite sure if this scenario is going to fall under SL security restrictions. When I drag the ChildWindow(t...

How to get the Distance bettwen ChildWindow and Parent Window?

Can we calculate the gap bettwen ChildWindow and ParentWidnow? While I can Drag arround the ChildWindow there is a Distance from the Top and Left. WHile I try to get the Distance using: ChildWindow.Margin it is returning 0,0,0,0 Is there any other method to get the Distance bettwen ChildWindow and ParantWindow? Thanks, Subhe ...

Symbols not loading for Silverlight app on VS 2010

Hi I have a silverlight application pointing to Silverlight 3. I use VS 2010 Ultimate. When i run it in debug mode or attach to process, break points will be highlighted with yellow exclamations saying symbols are not loaded. I tried the solution given here: It points to a pdb file on Framework's temp folder and say...