
Playing video using Silverlight

Hello guys, Here I am new to Silverlight and I have to implement a video player in with C# , I found some article about video player and media player. I am implementing according the tutorials but the that is not working here I am sending my code please find out what is problem. Tell me what is the difference between media eleme...

How large of a file can be played by media player

Hello guys, I am using media player. I want to know that how large of a file can be played in media player. Please also tell me that what is difference between media element and this media player. Which is the best to play video file on low bandwidth connection? ...

How to raise mouse events from code behind in different positions of screen?

How to raise mouse button events from code behind when we have only mouse position? I need to raise mouse events from code behind in different positions of screen. ...

How to get mouse captured element.

I need to get mouse captured element to ReleaseMouseCapture for it. I have a problem with cancelling MouseLeftButtonUp event when element is already pressed. I need to cancel it before execution MouseLeftButtonUp. ...

Silverlight DataGrid TemplateColumn adding problem with ComboBox

I am in little trouble with this problem. I have made a DataGrid and it have DataTemplate Columns. here is the XAML for that <data:DataGrid x:Name="PortsGrid" Height="124" Margin="23,0,17,2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" ItemsSource="{Binding PortsGridData, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" SelectionMode="Single"> <data:Dat...

Running a Silverlight Application

I have a Silverlight Application (3.0) that I have made changes to in Visual Studio and I can debug the application just fine. My question is what are the steps in getting the application to run through IIS? Visual Studio's project folder for my app is called SilverlightApplication and within that folder it has another SilverlightAppli...

Display a variable-sized collection of TextBlocks/ComboBoxes in Silverlight 3

I have a list of textual descriptions, each of which a user must score on a scale of 1-5. The number of textual descriptions is variable, so I can't just define a static Grid in XAML. The following image shows approximately what I'm after: In ASP.NET, I could bind my list of text items to a Repeater control. For each row, the text ...

Adding a C# enum value to a Navigation URI

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I make the question here because I think a silverlight question. I have defined the following Navigations URIs on App.xaml: <!-- Navigation links--> <nav:UriMapper x:Name="UriMapper"> <nav:UriMapper.UriMappings> <nav:UriMapping Uri="/Destination" MappedUri="/Views/Tourism/...

Get maximum Rectangle placed within Polygon or Path

How to get maximum Rectangle that can be placed within Path or Polygon. I need some functionality to get it. ...

How to position a Grid in Silverlight 3.0

Hello All- I'm very new to Silverlight and I want to reposition the Grid below in my Silverlight App. I've noticed if I increase the Margin the Grid will drop farther down the screen but it does not go directly down which is what I desire. Instead it goes diagonally downward. So in other words if the Grid is at the Top, Left then I w...

silverlight webservice wont work on host

I have a silverlight 3 app that works fine accessing a DB on a host server on my PC. Now when I deploy the app on the host website, here is where the fun starts. It doesnt work and I cant locate the webservice service1 even though it exists. I dont know what to add to make this work because I have been told to change webconfig file, web...

Is there any difference in x:name and name for controls in xaml file?

Hi, I am new in Silverlight. When I add some control to my xaml file with Visual Studio it set controls name with Name property, but there is also x:Name. Is there any difference and when to use each of them? Thanks. ...

How to capture Post data from silverlight app?

Hi, I use Silverlight 3 and .net framework 3.5. I want to send xml data to server on click of a button. On googling i found that we can use WebClient Class's UploadStringAsync method. I am posting data to a web service running under local IIS. All that is fine but how do i capture the data posted on the service? ...

Silverlight based charts and graphs in an 3.0 application

I wanted to build visually stunning graphs and charts ( with some animation, drill-down and interactivity in it) in an existing application. The application is build using vs 2008. I have two questions... Which version of Silverlight will be best suited for this (v3 or v4) ? What is the best option to create Charts and Graphs ...

How can I programmatically generate keyDown events in Silverlight?

I have 2 textBoxes. First is visible the second is not. When keyDown event fires on first textBox I want to fire the same event on 2nd textBox, so it would react same as if user was typing in 2nd textBox. How can I do that? EDIT: I know you can do this in Windows.Forums and I was hoping that it can be done here too. My goal is to ha...

How to update WCF service refernce dynamically in silverlight ?

Hi, How to update WCF service refernce dynamically in silverlight ? Suppose i have created WCF service in my system and added refernce to silverlight project , now when i host this on server i want that automatically it takes that system refernce . ...

Silverlight TreeView ScrollViewer Issue

Hey SO, got a question about the TreeView control in Silverlight. I have an application which dynamically adds elements to a treeview. Some of the elements are long enough to require horizontal scrolling. When they are added to the treeview, my treeview remains correctly all the way scrolled left so you have to scroll to see the end of ...

Silverlight Web Service

Below is the code i used to consume web servcie in SilverLight. private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BasicHttpBinding bind = new BasicHttpBinding(); EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://loalhost/Service.asmx"); ServiceSoapClient client = new ServiceSoapClient(bind, endpoint);...

ListBox.ItemTemplate with a custom control template inside DataTemplate

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I have defined a ListBox.ItemTemplate's DataTemplate as follows: <ListBox Margin="10,10,8,8" x:Name="ChoicesList"> <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <StackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <G...

How can I allow a user to rename a Tree VIew Node in Silverlight using F2 much like explorer

I am using Silverlight 3.0 and I have a TreeView with a bunch of nodes. I want users to be able to click on a Add node button and add a node which is simple enough. However I also want users to be able to rename the node in the TreeView by selecting a node and pressing F2. Is this do-able? ...