
Using PagedCollectionView for four ListBoxes which support drag and drop = Index Errors when a filter is applied

Hi, I'm using Silverlight 3 and I have a dropdown menu which is used to filter four listboxes. These listboxes are individually wrapped within a ListBoxDragDropTarget (from the silverlight toolkit). The idea being that a user can see all available items or filter their view (all four listboxes) by a specific category. One listbox sho...

Reloading the same page passing another parameters

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I have defined this on App.xaml: <nav:UriMapping Uri="/Destinations" MappedUri="/Views/Tourism/Common.xaml?Type=1"/> <nav:UriMapping Uri="/Points" MappedUri="/Views/Tourism/Common.xaml?Type=2"/> When the user is on Points, and I do the following: NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(...

Scrolling vertically grid content

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I have a phone page with a big textblock and a picture inside on a stackpanel. Because the textblock is big the picture isn't visible. I set VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" on stackpanel but I can't see the picture. How can I use a scrollbar to see the content bellow the textblo...

WCF Service Communication Exception Due to Parameter Size

I've got a WCF Web MEthod that takes in an XElement object as a parameter. For one of my XML files (sized at 600KB or so) this works just fine, however, for this bigger XML file (about 5MB) I get a CommunicationException right away. I've already increased the message sizes for my binding. Below is the ServiceModel section of my web.conf...

Binding Attached Behaviour from code

I am using a custom default button attached behaviour (as defined here: I am able to bind this successfully in XAML, but in a nested user control, in code behind the following does not work: public partial class MyNestedUserContol{ /// a DP for storing the name of the default button, used i...

Simulate a handwritten signature in Silverlight: (e.g. A pen progressively draws the lines)

I'd like to have Silverlight draw the blue "L" and "C" in the image below, preferably in a way that the thickness of the line is maintained and speeds/up slows/down at the correct locations to simulate a handwritten signature. Can anyone point me to the right way to do this? Thanks! ...

Does end user need to have .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0 to run Silverlight 3 and 4 applications?

Does the end users need to have .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0 installed on their machines in order to run Silverlight 3 or 4 applications from within IE? ...

Access Element inside Silverlight DataTemplate

I have not been able to find a clean solution to the following problem even though there are a few related questions already on SO. If I have a data template that is being used multiple times, for example, a TreeViewItem.HeaderTemplate, how can I change something the template for only some of the TreeViewItems. For example, let's say m...

Silverlight 3: Get value for current XAML filename

Hello, I am wanting to simply get the current XAML filename so I can make a decision in a user control. Any ideas on where this value lives in Silverlight 3? For example: if (currentPage == "home") homeLink.foreground = "white" elseif (cuurentPage == "settings") settingsLink.foreground = "white" ...

Any good report/multiple grid/multiple gridview component for Silverlight?

Looking for a Silverlight report component. Nothing fancy, typical report layout would be - a bunch of colored grids on the same endless page. Currently contemplating about giving a try to a Component's One flexi grid control. Is it any good. Any directions and recomendations? Thank you. ...

Deflate (or similar) compression available for Silverlight 3?

Is there any deflate implementation for Silverlight 3 that is compatible with the .NET one? Or, barring that, is there any similar compression algorithm available for both .NET and Silverlight I can use? I tried this LZW example:, but unfortunately it doesn't work very well. ...

how to add mouserightbuttondown event to stackpanel in silverlight 3

how to add mouserightbuttondown event to stackpanel in silverlight 3 ...

How to set datacontext to silverlight control from aspx page?

Hi, How can I set the data context for silverlight control from aspx.cs? In other words, I want to set viewmodel for silverlight control from outside. Please let me know if anyone has done it before? ...

Silverlight - Block the screen while the ListBox is rendering using BusyIndicator

I have a ListBox which is wrapped by a BusyIndicator. The ListBox is quite heavy sometimes it could take 4 or 5 seconds to render. I wonder what is the best way to block the UI using the BusyIndicator while the ListBox is rendering? Edit: Sorry I didn't make my question very clear... Please be aware of that the ItemsSource of the ListB...

Popup Outside the Bounds of the Silverlight Control

I'm simply wondering if it is possible to open one or more non-modal popups or dialogs, which are NOT limited to be displayed and moved within the bounds of the parent Silverlight control. Doesn't seem to be possible, even for out-of-browser installs. I hope I'm wrong :) ...

How can I get element from given point on canvas?

Hi I need to get element from canvas by given point. For example I have Rectangle on Canvas, which CanvasLeft and CanvasTop values are setted to some values. I whant get element from canvas which CanvasLeft and CanvasTop vaules are for example 10 and 40. Is it possible? Thanks. ...

Are Extension methods too expensive?

How much will it cost for my programs performance if i add Extension methods to it? Will it work slower or may be will load slower? Thanks. ...

How to change itemTemplate of an item in itemControl at runtime in silverlihgt 4

I have a ItemControl in silverlight 4 with a Canvas as a ItemPanel, the idea is to simulate a canvas area with drag and dop items. ItemsControl has a ItemTemplate with a image and one button. The idea is that when the button of itemTemplate Click the itemTemplate change. Some of my code: (Items Control) <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Bin...

Is there is anyway to override the default tab sequence in datagrid

Hi All, Another question to you guys. This time it is about data grid. We have a kind of requirement in silvelright where we need to make some columns editable and others not editable. This order might be changed based on user preferences. Now when the grid is in inline editing mode, i have two problems 1) Tabbing out of cells in sing...

VS 2010 unable to locate WP7 Resources

Lately I have installed Windows Phone 7 developement tools and noticed that VS2010 unable to resolve the phone resources like styles and fonts. But Blend does load them all, it's bit annoying that all time get exception message on designer. Can anyone suggest the solution please? ...