
can I sort a deferred loading collection property on a wcf dataservice entity

I have a wcf dataservice I am calling from Silverlight and I am expanding a collection property on an entity and I want to be able to sort the items in the expanded property by specifying it in the query. Is there a way to do this? here is the expand linq : - I want the Videos collection to be sorted by a property called SortOrder on t...

Entity Framework: Missing related objects on client side

I've a (wcf data services) serviceoperation on server side: <WebGet()> _ Public Function GetProjectsToAdmin() As IQueryable(Of Project) Dim ctx As SilverProjectEntities = Me.CurrentDataSource Dim query = From p In ctx.Project From u In p.Administrators Where u.UserID = HttpContext.Current.User.Id...

Setup listbox selectedItem event in Expression Blend

I am trying to learn to use Expression Blend to build SilverLight UI. I am currently working with the ListBox and have managed to add it to my page. In addition, the list box is data-bound to a sample data source defined in Blend. But I am unable to figure out how to wire up the selectedItem event in Blend. Is this not possible in Blend...

How do I pass username and password to an httpWebRequest in silverlight 4

How do I pass username and password to an HttpWebRequest in Silverlight 4. since the HttpWebRequst class in silverlight does not implement Credentials property, therefore i am unable to authenticate my user. one way I found was, to pass credentials in header using Authorization header, but it requires ASCII encoded value, which is not...

silverlight template for ListBox and DataGrid when empty?

Hi guys, So are there any available in the SL4? I need to display some sort of info when no data is presented in the ListBox and/Or DataGrid when they are empty. If anyone is familiar with any of these and can provide examples or links, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Voodoo ...

How to call a service when a SilverLight OOB app is closing an

I need to call a WCF service to update when my SilverLight app exits. it is an out-of-browser app and I'm using SL4. Since the WCF in SL works only async it is not possible to do on Application.Exit I tried also MainWindow.Closing which is available for OOB but this didn't work either. Tried to make the Closing function wait for th...

Silverlight 4: Business Application Template

Hello, I am developing a Silverlight 4 application which is based upon Business Application Template. I am interested to ask user to login and display a login form as soon as user arrives to my site. I need to makes sure that the user cannot see/navigate to any other page of the application until he/she logs in. Could you please help ...

WCF can't serialize cyclic references

I have a database with a lots of relationships between Tables and a Silverlight client that connects to my server with WCF service on ASP.Net side. First i used LINQ to SQL as a robust mapper tables to object and in a WebMethod that returns a List<Foo> of my Database's object(suppose GetFoo()). The Foo has lots of relationships with oth...

silverlight 4.0 runtime hide grid row.?

Any one have idea how to runtime tide grid row.? ...

cannot add new item to PagedCollectionView in SL4 app with WCF RIA Services

I created a wcf ria service application (with Silverlight 4 and SQL Server 2008 Express). Within my domain model I have two tables projects and times which are linked by a foreign key. This works all very well, as long as I use the domain context methods directly to add, update, delete objects to the underlying database. Now I wanted t...

Silverlight: Telerik RadGridView CellEditTemplate fetching controls issue

Hi All, I am new to the Silverlight. At the runtime i am assigning cellEditTemplate to the cell, now when user double click on perticuler cell then it opens that perticuler cell in edit mode. now while entering to the edit mode, I have to fetch the control from edittemplate and need to assign the value. But I am not able to fetch that...

silverlight listbox inside checkbox ?

I need to get how many checkboxes are checked in listbox. Do you have some idea how to get it? ...

Silverlight 4.0 Question

I have a date picker in my xaml file and also a text box When the user enters the DOB age should be calculated and it should be displayed in the text box . Can anybody help me ? ...

New Silverlight version - trouble : automatically update in OOB mode

Hi, I hava a signed XAP (Silverlight version 4.0.50401.0) installed with elevated trust in OOB. Each new version of XAP was successful installed in OOB mode (automatically download and ...) - all work as expected. Now I installed latest silverlight development stuff (now I have Silverlight 4.0.50917.0). All my clients who run my ap...

Silverlight and XmlnsDefinition

Hi ya'll Consider 3 assemblies: EntryPoint (SL app) ClassLibraryA ClassLibraryB Where there is a class A in ClassLibraryAand a class B in ClassLibraryB EntryPoint has a reference to ClassLibraryA, and ClassLibraryAhas a reference to ClassLibraryB. In the AssemblyInfo of ClassLibrary1 I have the following code: [assembly: XmlnsP...

What have been the most helpful Blend resources for Developers

What have been some of the most helpful resources for learning Blend from a developers perspective? I suspect in the end we will hand off the XAML of our app to a design expert, but until that blessed day there are some things even a coding grunt should be able to manage in Blend that are painful in Visual Studio (styles for example) ...

Files in IsolatedStorage keep getting deleted. Is that expected?

I’m storing user state in an xml file in IsolatedStorage. When I run my app in the emulator I notice that these files often disappear. Everything works fine when the app is running – it seems to be when the app restarts (it happens when if keep the emulator open or not). Is Windows deleting my files in IsolatedStorage to save space?...

RegisterType<> Not visible on Silverlight

I was following an example found here on StackOverflow, and everything went well until I need to register my types. My web application is running on Silverlight 4, with Prism and MVVM. The example is using "Microsoft.Practices.Unity" (it's a windows form application) Bootstrapper.cs protected override void ConfigureContainer() ...

Proper way to expose third party visual control in MEF

What is the proper way to do that? Let's say we have some third party library in our project and we need to provide an access to some controls which are sealed. New widgets will be created and added to the application using MEF and they should be able to import some controls from the core application. So how to export those controls prop...

Edit Title in Silverlight 4

We are developing an out-of-browser Silverlight 4 application and want to change the title after the application loads. Example: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded); } public string UserName { get...