
Get Windows Icons and File Type Names in Silverlight?

I am trying to get the native windows icons and file type names for a file I am reading in using OpenFileDialog. The FileInfo doesn't contain this. I need something similar to shell32.SHGetFileInfo and szTypeName, but I believe shell32 has permission problems with silverlight. Is there a way for me to do this? ...

Upload file to ftp in silverlight

Im new to silverlight and i want the procedure of how to upload file on ftp in silverlight 4 application, Im using C#. So far i know that there are two procedure of doing this one is web client object and other is HttpWebRequest but i want to know if it is possible to upload a file to ftp server and how to do this? ...

How do I make the background parameter of the object tag liquid?

Hi all. I am inserting a silverlight application into my aspx page. I am using the object tag which is the recommended method. The website has a liquid layout. I have figured out how to get the SL Application to resize when the browser resizes. The problem is that the background of the plug in container () does not resize. This c...

How do I Setup Authentication without using RIA Services in Silverlight 4?

Hi All, I've reviewed the RIA Services Silverlgiht solution template and see that it relies on ASP.NET membership and role API as well as a database for storage. The end product will likely make use of RIA Services, but my initial charge is to create a prototype without any database connectivity. That is, I need to setup authenticatio...

Silverlight asp:silverlight tag

Hi, I am new to silverlight. Excuse me if this is simple question. I am trying to craete a sample application using Silverlight 4 in VS2010. The code that is generated by defualt in the aspx page is(apart from the script): <div id="silverlightControlHost"> <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silver...

Silverlight Command Binding a button dynamically? MVVM

Not sure I'm designing this correctly (guidence is appreciated!), but I have a search view which is called from many places. Search screen has has it's own ViewModel. When a user selects something from the search screen (after searching :), I need to send the selection to whatever view requested the search to take place (search screen ...

RIA method does not appear in Silverlight

I have a DomainService with a few methods. One has a return type of string and no parameter: public string MyMethod1() { } I can call this one from Silverlight. One has a return type of void, and a parameter that is a domain object (I am using LinqToSqlDomainService and this object is part of the DataContext): public void MyMethod2...

context menu in data grid

i want to use context menu in data gird when i right click on row it is showing the menu when i right click on next row it is not showing i need to left click and again right click ...

Providing update notification from DomainService to DomainContext

I need to inform the DomainContext in the silverlight application about changes that are made on the serverside (aka. Model of the DomainService). Does the DomainService or other classes for RIA Services provide such notification (like Events) or do i have to call a method on the DomainService periodically to check if changes where made...

How do I use COM objects in an OOB Silverlight 4.0 application?

I am contemplating building an out of browser Silverlight application. One of the reasons it has to be OOB is because I need to access an old school ActiveX/COM object and that is only allowed OOB. I am having trouble finding any examples on how to actually integrate a COM object into a Silverlight app. The Add References dialog does...

manage Asynchronous sequence in silverlight?

In my project I want remove some rows first then afterwards insert new rows. But some times what happens is it inserts the new rows first then afterwards removes the starting rows. To solve this problem I need to manage the operations in a proper sequence. Please help me out. ...

Intellisense not showing CallMethodAction

<HyperlinkButton> <wsi:Interaction.Triggers> <wsi:EventTrigger> <esi:ExtendedVisualStateManager. </wsi:EventTrigger> </wsi:Interaction.Triggers> </HyperlinkButton> I am using System.Windows.Interactivity and Microsoft.Expression.Interactions to trigger on click event that to b...

Problem with TextBox when typing Unicode text in Silverlight

Hi all. I am writing silverlight application. UI language is Armenian. I have added Unicode font to my application. For textblocks text is showing normal. But if I am typing text in TextBox it shows some symbols instead of text which I have typed. If I copy/past Unicode armenian text TextBox shows it normal. The only problem is with typi...

Adding Unity dll reference to Silverlight 4 project

Hi All, This morning I had an unusual issue with my Silverlight 4 app. I have been a big fan of IoC frameworks, so decided I will use Unity for my project. But as soon as I added the assembly to my project, I got this following error. System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred Message=Could not load type 'System.Security.AllowP...

Problem with WCF custom behavior used in the silverlight client

To pass the culture information from client to WCF service, I have created a custom behavior using the custom inspector. The inspector class implements IDispatchMessageInspector and the IClientMessageInspector. My client is the silverlight application. And now I'm facing the problem with the IDispatchMessageInspector since it's not ava...

How to insert the combo box inside DFatagrid in Silverlight

Hi All, I have to insert the combobox inside the DG in silverlight 4. And also it should be binded and the values inside ...

New line in Silverlight's textblock

I know that some will reply things such as <LineBreak/> this is not what I'm looking for. I want to know if I store textblock's string in a resource file, can I do some thing about it to make the text in textblock to go to a new line. tried "&lt ; LineBreak/ &gt ;" (w/o space), tried /r/n tried &#13;&#10; None of the options worke...

A Dictionary containing dictionaries with ObservableCollection values that have different entity types

Hi, I'm trying to implement a class in a Silverlight 4 RIA Services application that manages different ObservableCollections that are used for data binding. These ObservableCollections need to be identified by a string name and an integer classID, which I have implemented by nesting Dictionary objects in a Dictionary> object. The proble...

How To Perform Navigation In Silverlight 4.0 Using MVVM?

I'm new to Silverlight and I'm having trouble understanding how to properly navigate between pages, especially when I need to pass data around. Classic example: I have a list of People on one page, and when I click on a person in the datagrid I'd like to go to the details page and load that data. I need to pass the PersonId. More impor...

Silverlight (4?) How to implement a 3d sitemap control?

I would like to alter the following control (link) to represent the nodes in a 3D space. Are there any libraries which would enable such an alteration or are there any other controls available which do basically that? ...