
Does Silverlight 4 have cross platform native process calling?

Is there anything in Silverlight 4 that's comparable to Adobe AIR 2's beta Native Process API? I need to be able to call native executables on different OS platforms and can't seem to find any easy way to do this. ...

Hierarchical templating multiple object types in silverlight

Is it possible and if so what is the best way to implement the following hierarchical structure in a silverlight (4) TreeView control? (where Item and Group are classes which can exist in the tree). Group | |-Item | |-Group | | | |-Item | | | |-Item | |-Item The structure could of course be arbitrarily more complex than this, if need...

Real-time image slicing for Deep Zoom and Silverlight 4

Is there an example where the Deep Zoom images will prepare dynamically in real time? Is it even possible with Silverlight 4? So basically, whatever the Deep Zoom composer is doing under the hood should happen in real-time, on demand... ...

Silverlight 4 RichTextbox Paragraph Margin or similar?

Hi All, I'm trying to add bullets to the SL4 RichTextBox. Using the Run / Paragraph objects and adding the correct bullet child seems to be an easy approach. However, when I want to apply a bullet to an existing paragraph, I would like to indent the content of the paragraph. How can apply this kind of styling to the paragraph? The margin...

Silverlight 4 Trusted Application - Can I drag widgets outside the window?

I have a feeling this really isn't possible, but (for example) would it be possible to implement a trusted Silverlight 4 filesystem browser that allows me to drag files from within the Silverlight application to another application on my desktop? ...

WpfToolkit DataGrid does not work in Windows Phone 7


Silverlight tests not working unless RDP connection open

I have a few Silverlight UI tests that I'm automating with White. These tests are subsequently run by a TFS build agent, which is running interactively so it can access the desktop. The build passes if I have a Remote Desktop connection open to the build agent as the tests are run; I can see the mouse pointer moving around. When the t...

Listbox items not selectable

In silverlight, I'm creating a listbox at runtime. The listbox displays on the page okay but the items aren't selectable - I don't understand why? Am I doing something wrong? Here's my code: C# public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); ListBox lb = GetListbox(); ...

Starting an "out of browser Silverlight 4 elevated app" from another "out of browser Silverlight 4 elevated app"

I am concurrently running several different out of browser elevated applications and sending messages between them. Is there a way for me to check to see if a specific one of those elevated out of browser Silverlight apps are currently running and if not programmatically start that app for the user? preferably without automation. If v...

Cannot resolve TargetName - Silverlight4 C#

I am getting the error Cannot resolve TargetName grdGeneral. What I am trying to do is have a fade out function which accepts a grid and fades the opacity to zero. I have this function called on MouseLeftButtonDown and is loaded after the xaml and form has loaded. Calling the fade out: private void imgNext_MouseLeftButtonDown(object se...

RIA Services Localization, where to place Resource Files

I have the following Solution: SomeProject.Ria (non Silverlight code) SomeProject.Ria.Silverlight (Silverlight light code, namespace is still SomeProject.Ria) SomeProject.Ria.MyServices (RIA Services Domain Service) SomeProject.Ria.MyServices.Proxies (RIA Services Silverlight Generated Code) SomeProject.Shell (Silverlight Applicaiton) ...

Refactoring multiple interfaces to a common interface using MVVM, MEF and Silverlight4

I am just learning MVVM with MEF and already see the benefits but I am a little confused about some implementation details. The app I am building has several Models that do the same with with different entities (WCF RIA Services exposing a Entity framework object) and I would like to avoid implementing a similar interface/model for each...

Silverlight 4RC threading - can a new Thread return the UI Thread

Hi all, Let's say I have a situation in Silverlight where there is a background thread (guaranteed to NOT be the UI thread) doing some work and it needs to create a new thread. Something like this: //running in a background thread Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate{}); t.Start(); Lets also say that the UI thread at this p...

Silverlight 4 and out of browser

Hi, Does any one know if its possible to animate app.current.mainwindow.width so that you get a nice animation with easing if you programatically resize the oob apps window. Thanks. ...

Silverlight 4 MediaElement AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR

Trying to play a video in SL and getting a AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR error. <MediaElement Source="" /> How can I play this video in SL ? ...

Does Silverlight 4 support drag and drop from app to desktop ?

I have seen that SL4 support drag and drop from the desktop to the application, but is it possible to drag and drop from the application to the desktop ? Thanks, ...

Silverlight 4 RC File Upload with Upload Progress: how to?

It's been stated that one of the new features of Silverlight 4 RC is that it now supports upload progress. I'm assuming this means it's possible to make an upload file progress bar without "chunking" but I can't figure out how to do this, so how do we do this? Source code examples would be great. Thanks! ...

Diagramming in Silverlight MVVM- connecting shapes

Hi, have I have a quesition regarding MVVM pattern in the uses case of diagramming. What I have so far is a list of Items which are my Shapes. ObservableCollection<ItemsViewModels> Items; and a Collection of Connection of Items ObservableCollection<ConnectionViewModel> Each ItemViewModel has an ID and a ConnectionViewModel has t...

Adding image to RichTextBox programatically does not show in Xaml property

Trying to add an image to a RichTextBox progamatically from a Stream. The image displays in the text box, however when reading the Xaml property there is no markup for the image. private void richTextBox3_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { FileInf...

Silverlight 4 launch a trusted application into the browser ?

Hi guys, I just lost 5 hours looking for a answer which i haven't been able to find :p First, I'd like to force a trusted application (i need to access the file system) to display into the browser. Based on what i found on google a trusted application must be installed and launched as a desktop application (also called out-of-browser a...