
expiry Silverlight XAP file from browser cache programmatically..

How to do I prevent a Silverlight XAP file being cached by the web browser? The reason I want to do this is during development I don't want to manually clear the browser cache, I'm looking for a programmatic approach server side. Cheers AWC ...

Silverlight DataPager localization

Is it possible to localize DataPager's footer (Page X of Y) in Silvelright? The strings seem to be located in resources embedded in the assembly of DataPager. So how should I localize it? Unfortunately, almost nothing in the DataPager class is virtual and also many internal classes are used by it, so it is not possible (at least easily...

TreeView selection problem in Silverlight 3

I have a TreeView control from System.Windows.Controls on MainPage. <controls:TreeView x:Name="Tree" SelectedItemChanged="Tree_SelectedItemChanged" /> MainPage ctor looks like this: public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Tree.Items.Add(new TreeViewI...

Silverlight and corporate designs

In the near future I want / will design an intranet application, which should be mainly based on Silverlight (version 4). There is the prerequisite, that this application should use he corporate design of my company. This corporate design is quite complex. Templates (HTML / Javascript) for that already exist, but there is no enforcement...

How to rollback changes made to a object in silverlight 3 with a TwoWay binding

I have a Silverlight 3 project. I have a textbox that is TwoWay data bound to an object. If the user wants to cancel the changes that they made to the textbox, what is the best way to undo the changes to the bound field on the object? I know I could store the initial value in a separte variable when the object is loaded, but I was won...

How can I improve Silverlight binding performance?

Scenario: I have many (potentially dozens) of ObservableCollection's being bound to ListBoxes at load time. These bindings are declared in their respective Xaml files. When the app first runs, it queries a database and then populates these ObservableCollections (by adding a new entity to their respective collection). I suspect that the...

Syntax error binding to a static resource in Silverlight

I am having a problem with accessing Application Resources from a UserControl in my Silverlight application. Here is my UserControl: <UserControl x:Class="MyApp.MainControl" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:basics="clr-namespace:...

Reflection restrictions in Silverlight

Where described well-known reflection restrictions for Silverlight types? For example: if I try to set protected or private property value with PropertyInfo.SetValue method I get an exception MethodAccessException. Why did these restrictions? ...

How did you learn/Best Way to learn Silverlight

SO i have searched on stackoverflow and there does not seem to be any answers for this. So if you can, What is the best way to actually fully learn silverlight? I have books on it but it seems by the time you get to Chapter 15 out of 30 chapters you already sort of forgot what you learned and have to start again. Trying to jump right in ...

Silverlight toolkit chart: axes do not always display 0 and maximum value

I am using the chart control provided in the silverlight toolkit. I have defined 3 axes (code below). Now the series in the chart change at a user's command. Sometimes, the 0 value of the origin and the maximum axis value do not get displayed. They are not necessarily missing at the same time. I am out of idea on why this is happening. ...

SL3 DataGrid SelectionChanged Event

I have a data grid that is bound to an observable collection. When the selected row is no longer in view, the SelectionChanged event is being raised automatically and the first row in the data grid is being selected. Has anyone experienced this issue - and - are there work-arounds? Thanks. Chris ...

How do I have a Silverlight databinding update the model as the user types?

I'm currently using Silverlight 4 and following the MVVM pattern. I have login boxes bound to my ViewModel like so: <PasswordBox Password="{Binding Path=Password, Mode=TwoWay}" /> I then later on have a button bound to a Command which listens to the ViewModel's PropertyChanged event and when one of the databindings has its data update...

Debugging the loading & activation of Silverlight components

Is there anyway to get detailed debugging information when a Silverlight component is loaded into a web page via an XAP file? I'm not talking about adding debug statements in the Silverlight component but from the host environment (web browser). Cheers AWC ...

What is the development platform for Windows mobile 7

If I want to develop for Windows mobile 7, what should I learn? XNA, Silverlight or other? ...

Delivering Silverlight in HTML object or embed tag base64 encoded data

It is possible to base64 encode an image and deliver it as part of the html content using the <img src="...MTs9Snj3=="> I notice that Silverlight's object tag is supposed to be something like: <object type="application/x-silverlight" data="data:application/x-silverlight;base64," width=...

Best practice for updating silverlight deployment that is actively being used

I am currently running a SL3 project where we are in a highly iterative development mode with about 25 active test customers. I am making small changes at a clip of about 4 new builds per day. It is important to know this application is mission critical line of business for these 25 people, it is the tool they use all day to do their wor...

How to create a splashscreen in silverlight that has a login form (username & password)

I'm building a silverlight applicate thats quite big, it also requires users to login. I'm trying to work how to show a login form (username & password) before the rest of the silverlight application is loaded. So the user will see username & password which they can start entering there information, while the rest of the application is d...

Getting type of control on mouseover

I wanted to get the type of the control on mouseover. Please help ...

Set an image source from code behind

I have a textbox where user will enter the url of the image : suppose the user enters the following string -> C:\Users\malcolm\Desktop\img.png imgSilverPart is a image control AND imageUrl is a string what i am getting from a textbox. imgSilverPart.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); But the imag...

Silverlight is calling completed event more than once

I have a silverlight appplication in which i make a call to wcf using basichttpbinding.I have checked all the loops.The problem is that there are certain completed events which are called more than once.I start by handling the loaded event of the webservice.I am not able to find why the event is executed more than once ...