
Silverlight drawing (Path) and ViewStateManger and ControlTemplates

I have to draw a number of shapes to represent an orchard. Each of these shapes are different 'shapes'. But I want the all to have the same concept of states so if that region changes state it will change color independently of the other shapes. (note they are all independent of each other and can be in different states). How do I do ...

silverlight redirect to login page.

I have a silverlight app where the users what a logout timer. So I use a timer and then after 10 mins i call HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(loginPageUrl)); But the user can still just use the Back Arrow to return to the silverlight app. Is there any way to prevent that? I have added some code to the asp page, as below, but tha...

Targeting Custom Property with Multi Bindings in Silverlight

I'm trying to use WPF MultiBinding to target a custom property I defined on my UserControl. I'm not having any luck. All of the examples that I've seen target built-in .Net properties (Text, ItemSource, IsEnabled). I'm wondering if you can target a custom property. Please help. /// public partial class ActivityStatusDisplay : User...

How to set the selected item on a listbox after binding using MVVM Light?

I'm using MVVM Light on an Windows Phone app. I would like to set the selected item on a listbox after it is databound. I thought the best way to do this is to setup an eventToCommand on the listbox for the Loaded event and pass the element to set the selected index, but I'm not sure how I can pass the listbox element to the RelayCom...

Clipping Path on an ImageBrush in Silverlight

Is there a way to put a clipping path on an ImageBrush in Silverlight (not an Image)? I don't see it available from Intellisense, but I'm wondering if there may be a way to do this. ...

Silverlight 4 OOB + Browser HTTP Stack + Client Certificates = FAIL?

I'm having an issue where IIS 7.5 (on Windows 7 64-bit) is failing when I call it from an out-of-browser Silverlight 4 app using SSL and a client certificate, with the message "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. (0x800703e3)". The request does make it to IIS. here is a sample fr...

How to Add asp:silverlight in ToolBox Visual Studio 2008?

I am using VS2008,I can not able to see the asp:silverlight (to embed my silverlight file in aspx page) , How can i get it in my toolbox. ...

Master detail grid in Silverlight 4 - No headers for Detail grid

Hello, I'm developing a Silverlight application where I want the master and its detail grid to share the same columns. So, some of the common fields would be displayed in master grid and rest of the fields would be specific for each child/detail. How can I do it? Thanks in advance. ...

Browser Detection

Hi, How can i detected the browser type in my silverlight application? for example i want to know if my silverlight application is running on IE or Firefox Or GoogleChrome... i'm using silverlight 4 and my programming language is c# ...

Remove unused styles in a Silverlight application

I'd like to remove all the unused styls in order to shirnk the xap file, is there a tool for doing .xap size optimization? ...

Debugging Silverlight when hosted in a web project?

This is probably a basic question. I have two projects: A web application project, that has a webpage that hosts a Silverlight application, as well as a web service A Silverlight application project, the one hosted in the above web application If I debug the Silverlight application, it wants to run this with a generated web page, wh...

Silverlight: Polygon in combination with Pixel Shaders

Hello everyone, I am new to Silverlight and I got a small problem with effects in combination with polygons. I want to achieve that the rendering of the shader is only inside the edges instead of also outside the edges. As you see the brush is doing this, but not the output of the shader. Anybody knows a solution to fix this? Is there a...

MVVM & DataForm - How to set values for non-displayed fields

Hi, I'm using SL4 and RIA services. I have a simple table with 3 fields (Name, UpDatedByUserId, UpDatedOn). In my metadata I use Data Annotation on the 2 latter fields so that they do not display. My DataGrid and the related DataForm show each record correctly and, as required, the DataForm only shows the Name field but of course I want...

BackgroundWorker troubles in Siverlight

I apologize in advance for the rambling nature of this question, but I have no idea where to start. I have an issue where I am trying to open an excel file in Silverlight, and do some processing on that excel file... but I have two major issues with doing this on the main thread. while opening the excel file the UI freezes with severa...

Silverlight 4 and Page.Resources Binding

Hi All, In my SL4 application, I have a Class called Images which has two properties (ImagePath, ImageName) and a method getImages() which retruns ObservableCollection list of all Images. I need to create a Resource on my Page so that when a DataTemplate is loaded dynamically it can have access to the Images in one of its ComboBox field....

mediaelement position setting problem

i use this line to set my media element position OurElement.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(NowPlayingParameters.Position); but it stays 00:00 why can't it jump to the position value ...

Problem using OpacityMask (XAML)

Can someone explain this WPF behaviour? <Page xmlns="" xmlns:x=""&gt; <Grid> <!-- Rounded mask --> <Border Name="mask" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="Black" CornerRadius="48" Height="400" Width="400" /> <S...

how to deserialize this xml in Silverlight

Xml is here <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s> <Items> <b name="test" width="100"> <Items> <d x="1"/> <e width="50"/> </Items> </b> <b name="test2" width="200"> <Items> <d x="2"/> </Items> </b> </Items> </s> I'm creating those classes public class s { public s(){ Items=...

how to pass values in one xaml page to another xaml page in silverlight?

Hi Give Me Detail Explanation and Code For QueryString in silverlight.i.e i want to pass one xaml page values into another xaml page . ...

Firing of asynchronous (statistics) request of HyperlinkButton not registered

I have a HyperlinkButton in my Silverlight project. Clicking the link will open the URL in a new page: <HyperlinkButton x:Name="Button1" Content="Click" TargetName="_blank" Click="Button1_Click" NavigateUri="" /> When I click the button, I want a (second) asynchronous request to be fired to a statistics ser...