
visual studio using old xap

I am debugging my silverlight application. This application reads an xml file to draw some stuff. Everytime I change my xml file, refreshing the page does not display the new results. I have to get back to visual studio and hit Ctrl+F5. I have added random query string in my xap url <param name="source" value="ClientBin/SilverlightOrg...

Open URI in new TAB (Silverlight)

Hey SO, is there anyway I can use HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(link), "_blank"); to open a URI in a new tab (not new window!) which is in the same instance of Internet Explorer. Currently using SL3 and it seems that whether its a new tab vs. new window is based on browser options... Any help? Thanks. ...

Cannot find the image by providing the relative path in Silverlight

Hello, I'm working on a Silverlight application and I have a hard time setting the relative path of an image in my application. This is a brief picture of my project directory: MyProject L images L mountain1.jpg L SpriteObjects L MountainFactory.cs L GameScreen.xaml Originally, I painted an Rectangle usi...

Getting Silverlight MVVM working with Expression Blend design time data?

I am a big proponent of the MVVM pattern with Silverlight. Currently I wire the ViewModel up to the View by newwing up the ViewModel in the code behind of the view, thusly: public partial class SomePage : UserControl { public SomePage() { InitializeComponent(); // New up a ViewModel and bind to layout root ...

Bind Collection to StackPanel

I want to take a collection of objects and bind it to a StackPanel so basically if the collection has 4 elements, inside the stack panel that should produce 4 buttons lets say. I tried this...But I dont think its the correct approach anyway. I used DataTemplated to do this type of idea in the past.. please correct me if I am wrong. Her...

Is there a way to open the Bing Maps App on Windows Phone 7 to a specific location?

The built-in emulator from the WP7 Tools doesn't have the Bing App installed, and I don't have any phone hardware to test with. So I'm simply wondering, how can I open the Bing Maps Application to a specific Lat/Long? Related Questions: iPhone --

Display a variable-sized collection of TextBlocks/ComboBoxes in Silverlight 3

I have a list of textual descriptions, each of which a user must score on a scale of 1-5. The number of textual descriptions is variable, so I can't just define a static Grid in XAML. The following image shows approximately what I'm after: In ASP.NET, I could bind my list of text items to a Repeater control. For each row, the text ...

How to get navigated page inside of Frame?

Hi, I'm having the following Frame in SL4 app. What I want to do is to get a page object navigated inside of the frame to do unit testing (I don't need a URI). <navigation:Frame Margin="0,0,0,0" JournalOwnership="OwnsJournal" Source="{Binding CurrentPage}"> <navigation:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:Uri...

RadGridView Template Resource

How to make template of this to be put in resource: <telerikGridView:RadGridView x:Name="MyGridView" ItemsSource="{Binding MySource}" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <telerik:RadGridView.Columns> <telerikGridView:GridViewColumn Header="Id"> <telerikGridView:GridViewColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate>...

how to work out what Visual studio 2010 asp/silverlight project using .net framework 3.5 dependancies are missing

I have a Silverlight site hosted in an asp page, it has been developed using vs2010 using .net 3.5 framework and silverlight 4. It all works on my dev box. However when I publish the site and get it deployed I get the error: Could not load file or assembly 'Moe.Tactical.Ttas.Web' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a...

what is the Advantage of DLR in Silverlight?

What is the advantage of DLR in Silverlight? ...

How to specify FontFamily if font added in another Silverlight library ?

I have created a Silverlight Class Library "HindiFont" and added a "LM.ttf" font in it (specified BuildAction=Resource) . Now I want to use this font in my main application "main.xap". I am aslo using Application library caching so there are created. So how I use the font which I have specified in I have tri...

How to disable Silverlight DataGrid validation footer?

I'm facing the following problem: I'm using validation summary popup for displaying errors on the page, and i have an editable DataGrid. So there are 2 problems: 1) DataGrid validation duplicates validation error, if it occurs in the DataGrid cell. For example. DataGrid contains a collection of objects IEnumerable. When I'm doing Comple...

HOW TO Move IMAGE FROM their axis in silverlight

hello friends , i have a problem a i m new in silver light .i wants to move my images i have did this in Wpf but the same code is not running in this i m using the dependency chain for this..below is my code example.. please help me out how can i achieve it. Thanks In advance shashank private void MoveImageimgMid() { ...

How to - each RadComboBox in column inside RadGridView with unique data?

Hi there. Here is what I want to achieve: I have RadGridView, let's call it gridView, with two columns - first contains ordinary text (GridViewDataColumn), second is a GridViewComboBoxColumn. Each row consist of property (first column) and possible values (displayed in comboBox in second column) which vary for each property. For example...

Creating a custom usercontrol in silverlight with a string containing class name

Righty oh now I have a string which contains the name of a custom control class eg "MyBaseControl" which in code its code file looks like public class MyBaseControl : UserControl I need to create an instance of this control using the string i recieve and add it to my page, i believe its something to do with var fieldControl = (UIEle...

bind sql database table to a silver light datagrid

how to bind sql database table to a silver light datagrid with out using linq? how can that be done? ...

Adding a C# enum value to a Navigation URI

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I make the question here because I think a silverlight question. I have defined the following Navigations URIs on App.xaml: <!-- Navigation links--> <nav:UriMapper x:Name="UriMapper"> <nav:UriMapper.UriMappings> <nav:UriMapping Uri="/Destination" MappedUri="/Views/Tourism/...

Playing Fragmented MP4

Hello, I have fragmented mp4 files which are obtained via Smooth Streaming. I could not find any player for Linux to play these fragmented mp4 files. So i want to ask if there is a way to play these fragmented mp4 files? Or... Is there a way to do something with ffmpeg(or something like this) and play with a conventional video player. Or...

WCF Async Calls Polling or Flagging - Best Practice

I'm working on this Silverlight 3.0 Project that is completely filled with Async Calls to a Web Service. At the Main Page it fetches some needed data in order for the application to work correctly using 3 Async Calls. Right now the application does not disable any controls while executing those calls meaning a user can interact with it w...