
XAML/Silverlight CheckBox ToolTip

Im trying to add a tooltip to a checkbox in XAML, however all i get is errors: <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTip x:Name="ToolTipDelete" Content="Delete" /> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> Anyone know how I might add this to a checkbox? Silverlight 2. ...

IsEnabled or Enabled?

Throughout Silverlight and WPF properties that are boolean values are prefixed with Is (almost all), for example: IsEnabled IsTabStop IsHitTestVisible In all other Microsoft frameworks (winforms, BCL, ASP.NET) Is is not used. What prompted their team to move away from the original naming convention - is it an evolution or a mis...

Blendability: isn't it solved with d:DataContext? What am I missing?

I feel as though I still see a lot of guidance and advice stating that a view-first approach is the best way to go to get Blendability in your application. However, with d:DataContext, d:DesignData and d:DesignInstance, isn't the problem of Blendability easy to solve regardless of how your views and viewmodels are wired together? With D...

Silverlight 4 RichTextBox and Empty Runs

Does anyone know why the RichTextBox in SL4 does not apply formatting properties if the run is empty. This causes a big problem when trying to bind a toolbar to the control. It does not report what one would expect should be there. For instance if a I have 5 lines 1) Text 2) Empty Run 3) Empty Run 4) Empty Run 5) Text And apply a new...

Get ErrorMessage from ResourceFile / RIA Services

Hi My goal is simply to show a language-specific errormessage for a Required-Annotation: [Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "LastNameRequired", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(ValidationMessage))] LastNameRequired is the key of the string in the resourcefile, ValidationMessage is the type generated by the resource file. The resou...

Silverlight help - grid, canvas, zoom

I need to build something like this. Idea is to have User categorized using above pattern over the screen. USER1 will have all first row, USER2 and USER3 will split second row, and so on... Every user will have in his cell his data.. name, surname and some other stuff.. Also, it's important to be able to zoom.. Something like google m...

changing tooltip based on state in silverlight

Hi, I wanted to be able to change the tooltip on checked and unchecked through the visualstatemanager, this is what i got so far but it doesn't work: <VisualState x:Name="Checked"> <Storyboard> <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Duration="0" Storyboard.TargetProperty="ToolTipService.ToolTip" Storyboard.TargetName="btn"> <Discret...

Can multiple WebClient interfere with each other?

I must build a Application that will use Webclient multiple times to retrieve every "t" seconds information from a server. Here is a small plan to show you what I'm doing in my application: Connect to the Web Client "USER_LOGIN" that returns me a GUID(user unique ID). I save it and keep it to use it in future Web Client calls. Connect...

Silverlight and QueryStrings

What is the correct way to pick up a querystring variable that is passed to the page that the Silverlight Control is being hosted on? ...

How to create a new ViewModel instance inside ViewModel class?

Say I have ViewModel class MyViewModel like: public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase { private Person _person; public Person Person { get { return _person; } set { if (this._person != value) { this._person = value; ...

Consuming web service in Silverlight

I have a normal .asmx web service which loads fine in the browser. When I load the web page with the Silverlight app in it, the data doesn't load and I get a javascript error which states; Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.3...

Silverlight Togglebutton Set IsPressed state

Hello I have a Toggle button in Silverlight. I want to set its state to "pressed". First I tried : btButton.IsPressed = true But that does not work (readonly). Then I tried : btButton.SetValue(ToggleButton.IsPressedProperty, true); Which also does not work. How do I accomplish this ? I'd assume it would not be that hard... ...

Can't access silverlight web service

I have a clientconfig.xml that allows everything. I use javascript to pop up a window from an aspx from the same server. The aspx calls the web service and BAM fail silverlight System.Security.SecurityException: Security error. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain po...

Silverlight 3 or 4 multiple file upload and resize control

Where can I find a silverlight 3 or 4 user control that contains multiple file upload and resize capability? UPDATE: This will be used for uploading images. We'd like to resize the images prior to posting up to the server. ...

Check if RIA Services are accessible from OOB application.

I am attempting to add smart exception handling to a Silverlight 4 RIA application that is primarily consumed out-of-browser. My goal is to display a meaningful error window if RIA services are not currently accessible (e.g. The server is down for maintenance) Is there any facility built into RIA/SL for this task? ...

Silverlight passing data to aspx page

I want to send data from my silverlight application to a aspx page. But i don't want to pass parameter in the url when calling the aspx page. So i figure the best way is to do a POST. But i'm not too sure how to do it.. Those anybody know. ...

Silverlight exception (faults) handling from wcf service

I want get exeption code from wcf method but i always get NotFound error. Client Side: public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); client.TestCompleted += new EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(TestCompleted); } void TestCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEv...

What are the advantages of silverlight out of browser over wpf or vice versa?

In fact why would one want a wpf app instead of silverlight out of browser? ...

Is it possible to generate WCF async service contracts for Silverlight on runtime?

I have a WCF service contract that reads like: [ServiceContract(Name = "DummyService") ] public interface IDummyService { [OperationContract] void DoSomething(); [OperationContract(Name = "SayHello")] string SayHello(string message); } The WCF service will be consumed by a Silverlight ap...

Why does this binding display a class name?

What might cause the value of a Silverlight 4 DataGridTextColumn.Header to display as System.Windows.Data.Binding rather than the resolved bound value? It seems like a ToString is happening somewhere that displays a class name rather than the formatted value of the class. The binding looks like this Header="{Binding Path=Dummy,Source={...