
Can MEF download Dll (not only Xap) files?

Im trying to determine if MEF (from codeplex) is right for my needs. I know MEF supports on-demand loading of Xap files. But does anybody know if it supports on-demand loading of silverlight libraries (dll's)? Thanks. ...

The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

Assign datetime value in code in silverlight and save it to db by domainservice and EF: DateCreated = DateTime.Now in database, the mapped column datetype is datetime, not datetime2. then got following error: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. How to fix it? ...

Silverlight ViewModelLocator defined in app.xaml needs a reference to the DI container

I have a ViewModelLocator class that I am defining in app.xaml which is used by my views to databind to the correct ViewModel. DataContext="{Binding HomeViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}" I am using Prism and Unity and my ViewModelLocator class needs a reference to an application level unity container. I wanted inject the I...

Toggle ToolTip of a Button control using only XAML

The title explains the end-goal. Right now the problem is that I can't even change the ToolTip with one click to something else. My XAML is: <Button x:Name="btn" Height="24" Margin="107,59,109,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <TextBlock>Hi</TextBlock> </ToolTipService.ToolTip> <i:Interaction.Tr...

Silverlight - How to pan inside the grid after zoom in

I have following : <UserControl x:Class="DemoGarbage.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d" d:Des...

authentication/authorization for silverlight 4 with RIA service + Entity Framework

Hi On my current project, i need to have a login/logout and some authorization in order to let certain users from different companies access different View screen on the silverlight application. And do some operation on it Can you tell me where i can find the information for authentication/authorization by using RIA service with silver...

Silverlight and Session

I have a silverlight web application that maybe open for days. It uses a legacy web service that uses session... How can I keep the session of the web service alive as long as the Silverlight appication is alive.... Good times ...

Silverlight Binding Path Dynamically

I've spent hours on this so any help is much appreciated: I have a TextBlock inside a DataTemplate which has an ItemsSource already set. I want to bind the Text of the TextBlock and set the Path to whatever the path is of a different object in code-behind. I've tried everything I can think of even this: <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path='...

databinding hidden (non visible) combo box in xaml

Hi, I have a problem binding data to a combobox that's in a secondary (not initially focused) tab. Basically, I have a silverlight form with multiple tabs, whenever I move this combobox to the first (main) tab, the data is loaded and everything works as expected, but when this combo box is in a secondary tab that doesn't have focus init...

Why does setting the XAML property on a RichTextBox to this value crash Silverlight?

While doing some testing of a HTML to XAML converter I'm working on, I ran across a strange situation that I can't explain. Due to a bug in my HTML to XAML converter I was given this XAML: <Section xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" /> When I set the XAML property of the RichTextBox ...

Silverlight Out of Range Exception when Updating Items Source

Hello, Ive been having this problem for some time and think im just missing something simple. Been developing .NET for a while but new to Sl/WPF i have a view model and a view the view has a listbox on selection changed i call a sorting method on the view model when i try to update the items source i receive the out of range error li...

How to reference a silverlight user control?

I am trying to build a library of silverlight controls where the client can choose which control they want to use. The Silverlight Application project will have several user controls. The structure is something like: Project -App.xaml -MainPage.xaml --Controls (Folder) ------ControlA.xaml ------ContorlB.xaml How can i reference Con...

Silverlight 4: Event not firing?

Newb here. I am instantiating the class below from a Silverlight page's code-behind. I am trying to understand why the threads that spin off (the loadoperation and the worker) successfully raise the Selected event on the class when their completed events fire, but the Select event on the method call (in this case the constructer) itsel...

Reflection failed for properties on anonymous types in Silverlight

Hi, I'm using Silverlight 4 with VS 2010 and trying to do reflection on anonymous type and I got some "Attempt by method '...' to access method '...' failed.". I tried various workarounds for this but I couldn't find and simple ones. class.CallAnonymous("SimpleClass", "HelloFunc", new { strIn = "Boo" }); public void CallA...

How to create designer/editor as a web application to design pages? - C#/ASP.Net

Hello I've a project where i need to allow users to design their own pages for their application. So i want to create a designer/editor using ASP.NET/C# or silverlight or using anyother MS technologies. The designer should have the following features Drag and drop controls Move the controls in the designer to position it Preview mode/...

Finding the Installation location of a silverlight OOB App

Is there any way to find where an OOB app is installed at runtime? I realise that once an OOB app is installed it is placed in a folder in "OutOfBrowser" within AppData. However, the folder is named with a long number (probably time stamp related) which I wont know as it changes on each installation. As I would like to launch the OOB app...

Storing sensitive data in Silverlight

I have a Silverlight Business Application. I want to store the username and password that the user enters when logging into the system. Does anyone have any pointers, tips etc on how I can securely store this data? I would like to store it encrypted but I'm not sure where I would store the password/salt, would it be secure to store th...

Can I use 2 App.XAML in one silverlight project?

If answer is Yes. How can I select from that use in Application use? If No. Can you please explain me the reason? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in Advances Bhushan Deshmukh ...

Domainservice returns error: "Argument data type text is invalid for argument 1 of lower function"

I have a domainservice with, for now since I'm debugging, only 1 fitlerdescriptor on. It gives me the weirdest error though. The error is : "Argument data type text is invalid for argument 1 of lower function" I set up the filterdescriptor like this, because the tetbox is in an expander control and therefore xaml binding is not possible...

what is the correct build action for windows phone 7 image files?

I've been working on a Windows Phone 7 app, and after a bit of Googling it seems that for images that I have added to the Visual Studio project, I need to set the build action to "Content" in order to be able to reference the images in my app. However, the Windows Phone List Application project template includes an image (ArrowImg.png) ...