
Do this in C# code instead of template XAML

Is there a way to make column of cells in a Silverlight datagrid be readonly in editmode with C# code instead of setting up a entire datagrid as a template in a resource file? UPDATE Found an example piece of code - In the response by slhungry midway into the thread. He has examp...

Reading folder structure of parent Silverlight project from within child assembly

I have a custom Silverlight user control (which resides in a separate DLL we'll call usercontrol.dll) that builds a simple 3D page turning book. I have a project referencing this DLL and the project also has a folder, Pages, that contains all of the pages. The pages are labelled "page_1.xaml, page_2.xaml, ..., page_n.xaml." The number ...

Bug with reading data using WebClient.

In our application we use Silverlight on the client-side. It downloads data from the server using WebClient: WebClient wcGetDataFundSet = new WebClient(); wcGetDataFundSet.OpenReadCompleted += (s, e2) => { // Do something with the data. }; wcGetDataFundSet.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(this.uriString)); When I open this.uriString ...

Silverlight class library to Windows phone 7 class library

Does anyone know of a tool or a way within Visual Studio 2010 to convert a Silverlight 4 class library project to a Windows Phone 7 Class Library project? I could resort to copying and pasting class files, but if I can avoid that with a conversion tool, that would save all kinds of time. Steve ...

Silverlight Async Method Chaining (Possible gotchas?)

I am working on a 'proof of concept' Silverlight 4 project and am learning the way of THE ASYNC. I have stopped fighting the urge to implement some pseudo-synchronous smoke and mirrors technique. I am going to learn to stop worrying and love THE ASYNC. Most of the time I just use a BusyIndicator while async methods are running and all...

How to make the data from my WCF Service to get stored inside my Silverlight application?

I have Silverlight application that retrieves data from the database through a WCF Service. What my application have to do is to display the referent data anytime a button gets MouseOvered. I did it in a way that that when a button gets MouseOvered, I called my service and retrieved the data, but it generetad a big delay. Now, I think th...

Show progress indicator while downloading Prism modules ondemand

I have a Silverlight 4 app using Prism 2.2 and I have a few modules that I am loading on demand by defining them as ondemand in the module catalog (via a xaml file) and then using the ModuleManager to request the module be downloaded Is there a mechanism in Prism to determine when the module download is completed and get to download pro...

Getting a Stream from an absolute path?

Hi Guys, I have this method: public RasImage Load(Stream stream); if I want to load a url like: string _url = "http://localhost/Application1/Images/Icons/hand.jpg"; How can I make this url in to a stream and pass it into my load method? ...

Silverlight Application IS Client Server or 3 Tier

Suppose If I have silverlight application which consumes data through WCF. Then We need to call this application has Client Server architecture or 3 tier architecture. What kind of architecutre is it. ? ...

silverlight resource incompatibility with VS designer?

I have the following defined at the top of my XAML: <controls:ChildWindow x:Class="MyProject.SilverlightUI.Views.CharacterGenerator" xmlns:my="clr-namespace:MyProject.SilverlightUI.ViewModels" > <controls:ChildWindow.Resources> <my:AlignmentsViewModel x:Key="AlignmentsVM" ></my:AlignmentsViewModel> <CollectionViewSourc...

Animate ListBoxItem after pressing a button within DataTemplate

I have a ListBox with a DataTemplate for items. The DataTemplate contains a button. How do I rotate the UIElement represented by the DataTemplate when the button gets pressed? Any help greatly appreciated. ...

Findout where does an url redirects in C#

Hello, I have an url of the type that redirects to an url How can I go from the first url to the second one in .NET and Silverlight? ...

Silverlight - scrollbars resize problem while scaling scrollbarview content

I'm having strange problem with silverlight zoom and pan feature. I'm having scrollviewer, inside him border, and inside border my main content (some grids, text boxs etc..) My XAML is looking something like this : XAML : <Grid x:Name="Root" Background="Black"> <ScrollViewer x:Name="Scroller" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible...

clientaccesspolicy.xml in Silverlight

I realise this question has been asked 100 times, but i've looked through the other answers and can't find a solution that works for me. I have a SilverLight 4 project which contains a WCF service. every time i make a request to the service i get this error: An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhos...

How do I access a SilverLight UserControl's property in my codebehind?

I just started learning silverlight by creating a silverlight application in Visual Web Developer 2008. I have a public property defined in the user control. How do I access this property value in the aspx codebehind page? Please help. ...

How to prevent ScrollViewer from using MouseWheel event...

Hi! I'm building SL application for zooming and panning across the layout. Everything is working fine, except that when I zoom in using mouse wheel , after some zoom scrollbars start to use mouse wheel so after that I can scroll not zoom. I only can zoom again if I put scrollbars at the end or begining. How to prevent scrollviewer from ...

WIndows Phone 7 - ListViewItem Class Problem

I have an app which was developed using WP7 developer CTP tools.Now I'm trying to run the same app but on WP7 beta tools. I have made all the changes needed for the above conversion as per Microsoft Release Notes It has mentioned that ListView and ListViewItem classes are removed from Microsoft.Phone.Controls namespace. Following is t...

Creating complex-featurerich yet comprehensive user-intuitive search forms with .net riaservices

I need to make some complex, feature rich search forms for my silverlight application, but I need to do it in a way that the user understands, so it's not only me as a developer who thinks that it's really smart. Are there any guidelines or guides that can help me to do this? I think I've created the form and erased it 3 times now, I rea...

Silverlight Map control + Ria services

Hello, Can you please show me how to bind pushpins to a Bing Map using RIA Services. showing me MapItemControl is important also. Regards, ...

View bound to paged collection view not updating all of the time.

I new to silverlight and trying to make a business application using the mvvm pattern and ria services. I have a view model class that contains a PagedCollectoinView and it is set to the item source of a datagrid. When I update the PagedCollectionView the datagrid is only updated the first time then after that subsequent changes to the d...