
get a map with pushpin from Bing [silverlight]

Hi all, I tried to dvlp an applic for WP7. This applic must "ask" bing services to retrieve a map with pushpins (POI like train stations or metro stations). In my applic I want to get the pushpins collection and use it to do something else. The matter is that I don't know how to get this map from Bing Maps. Is somebody have an idea ? T...

silverlight v.s. flash for video quality

Hello everyone, I heard Silverlight support high quality definition video, which flash does not support. Is that true? If yes, any other benefits comparing Silverlight to Flash? If anyone could provide some document to make a reference, it will be appreciated! thanks in advance, George ...

How to get runtime version of Silverlight programmatically

Is it possible to programmatically from a silverlight app to get the runtime information of silverlight? Note: that does not include making a call out to javascript ...

WP7 silverlight grid

In order to learn silverlight on WP7 I'm playing with it around and well, I can't say I'm having sweet times here. I'm developing a simple, yet ugly Mine game (like windows's ^^). The problem is that I'm gonna use a button for each case on the mines board, but I can't manage to find a way to preview a grid with cells containing my butto...

Silverlight video player xap or js

Hi, I'm writing Silverlight video player and I search for inpiration so i have found JW Player. But as I know Silverlight apps are inside .xap files and JW Player uses js script to implement SL logic. Could you explain me how it works and why .js not .xap? Thanks in advance. ...

Silverlight Datagrid: Highlight an entire column when that column is sorted

I have a DataGrid in my Silverlight application that I would like to highlight an entire column when that column is sorted. It's similar in concept to this previous question: Silverlight DataGrid: Highlight an entire column. Any ideas? I've thought maybe attaching a behavior to the LayoutUpdated event and checking a cell to see if it's...

Could not find conceptual model for type 'ModelType'

Hi, I'm currently trying to deploy a Silverlight app with a RIA services link to a Web Application Project. This app also uses Devart dotConnect for Oracle (an EF system for oracle). When running MSBuild on the csproj file I am getting the error: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Silverlight\v3.0\Microsoft.Ria.Client.targets(26...

Reloading Domain Datasource

I am using an export utility to to export the contents of a datagrid in csv format. When the page loads the grids load all data. The grids have datapagers. When the user filter's, I want to be able to export the data using a click event. I have a grid in the background that I am loading on the click event then exporting the conte...

Silverlight ressource constructor always return to internal

When I modify my ressource file (.resx) add text or modify, the constructor of my ressource, always go to internal, and after that when i run my silverlight i have an error in my binding XAML. It's there a way to avoid this scenario ? I need to go in the designer of my ressource, and put the constructor to public to solve the problem I...

System.Windows.Browser in Windows Phone

Hi, I'm trying to open a webpage in a Silverlight App for Windows Phone 7. Is there a way to open Internet Explorer? ...

How to build Silverlight 4 applications without Visual Studio?

Hi, We're setting up a TeamCity build server for continuous integration. To keep things clean, we don't want to install Visual Studio on the build server. I'm wondering how we can build Silverlight 4 apps without it? I'd expect there to be a Silverlight 4 SDK which installs separately from VS - but so far I haven't found one. There's ...

bypass silverlight tcp port restrictions

Hi, Is there a way to bypass the Silverlight port range (4502-4532) security restriction for TCP connections? Maybe a 3rd party implementation of TcpSocket that does not enforce the 4502-4532 port range? ...

How to fix the WCF maxClockSkew problem in a HTTPS Silverlight application context?

Situation: Silverlight 4 app communicating with a server component through WCF, using basicHttpBinding and HTTPS. Here is the binding used server side: <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="DefaultSecuredBinding" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647"> <readerQuotas maxDepth="50" maxArrayLength="2147483647" ma...

Silverlight Requests, Failures & Fiddler

I've got a Silverlight application that makes a cross-domain request. The clientaccesspolicy.xml file exists on the server I am making a request to and is correctly configured. I know that it is correctly configured because when I use the application to make a request from my machine I receive a response with no problem. When a second...

can wcf service be loosely decoupled

To start with, I am a newbie in the world of WCF so pardon me if this sounds naive. To my understanding , unlike ASP.NET based websites which use ADO.NET to communicate to the database, a silverlight based app always needs a WCF or RIA services to communicate to DB. We know that ASP.NET websites are not tightly coupled to the database ...

Determining resolution (DPI) of an uploaded image

I have a component for an image file upload. However, I want to also be able to check DPI settings because these images will eventually be printed and submitted on paper. Within, I can usually do something like this: using (var rawBitmap = new Bitmap(postedFile.InputStream)){ var dpi = (decimal)rawBitmap.VerticalResolutio...

Silverlight cross domain confusion

I have a Silverlight application that does two things: 1) connects to a WCF server (hosted inside a WPF app on a different PC) and sends small packets of info (using PollingDuplexHttpBinding if it matters) 2) sends a web request for get an XML file from a different remote server for parsing At dev time, its all running locally, but in...

Accessing All Sharepoint 2010 User Profiles

I'm attempting to iterate through all User Profiles in SharePoint 2010 from a Silverlight application that will be added to a SharePoint page. Based on what I've learned, the User Profile Service is different than the SharePoint Website's store of a list of users who are "members" of the site or have ever visited it. To get that list of ...

Apply Control Template in XAML

This should be really simple. How do I apply a ControlTemplate to a Thumb in XAML? <UserControl.Resources> <ControlTemplate x:Key="temp"> <Ellipse Width="60" Height="30" Fill="Black"/> </ControlTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <TextBlock>Not Dragged</TextBlock> <Ca...

silverlight media player stutters when using javascript heavily

In one of my projects we have a streaming web site that needs to synchronize HTML content with a video stream down to a ~100 ms level. Currently we are using WMV and Microsoft's Mediaplayer ActiveX object for this, which basically limits us to IE as a platform. As a prototype a while ago I tried out a Silverlight based media player (cus...