
Full screen mode in silverlight

Would it be possible to show an image in full screen mode using silverlight. I'm looking out for some thing like the full screen option of the flash video players. ...

Silverlight controls in ASP.NET application

I need my ASP.NET web application to use silverlight controls in my web page. Please let me know how to use them. Do i need to add any reference for them in my Visual Studio 2005. Framework 2.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 application environment. ...

How do you Serialize ScriptObjects to JSON to save in Silverlight Isolated Storage?

According to this article ( Silverlight 2 Beta 2 supports the DataContractJsonSerializer object. But, when I try to use it VS says "Type 'DataContractJsonSerializer' is not defined". I have a method marked as ScriptableMember that gets called from JavaScript and is passed an O...

Silverlight RC0 Upgrade Issue

Since upgrading to RC0 from SL2 B2 the following line of code in my Page.xaml gives a AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE...anyone have any ideas? I didn't see anything in the breaking changes document. It seems to be the binding mode in the snippet below. ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Source={StaticResource ProductListDS}}" ...

Is Silverlight the 'same' as jQuery?

Could Silverlight be used for the same things as jQuery, or are they intended for different things? For example, could be used for the same stuff as C# while C# is intended for different things than what JavaScript is. Is Silverlight and jQuery like and C#, or more like C# and JavaScript? ...

Best way to detect when user leaves a web page

What is the best way to detect if a user leaves a web page? The onUnload javascript method doesn't work every time (the HTTP request takes longer than the time required to terminate the browser). Creating will probably be blocked by current browsers. I'm also using Silverlight, so Silverlight solutions are welcome. ...

Is it possible to create and then upload an Image file to a web server from silverlight?

I have just started using silverlight 2 beta and cannot find how to or if it is possible to render a canvas to an bitmap image and then upload it to my web server? Is this possible and if so how would I complete this task? Update: This is now possible under silverlight 3 using a writable bitmap to save the XAML as a JPEG see the blog...

Silverlight and Rails

Hi Hopefully this will not spark a religious war... We have a web based app in RoR based on an earlier version we build in .net 2.0. So we currently have both .net and RoR skills in house. We want to add a RIA app that interfaces with the rails web app. This should be capable of running offine, with some (perhaps relational) persiste...

Dynamically setting the Header text of a Silverlight DataGrid Column

<my:DataGridTemplateColumn CanUserResize="False" Width="150" Header="{Binding MeetingName, Source={StaticResource LocStrings}}" SortMemberPath="MeetingName > </my:DataGridTemplateColumn>"); I have the above column in a Silverlight grid control. But it is giving me a XamlParser error because of how I am trying to set the Header prop...

Dynamically setting background colour of a Silverlight control (Listbox)

How do I set the background colour of items in a list box dynamically? i.e. there is some property on my business object that I'm binding too, so based on some business rules I want the background colour to be different? <ListBox Background="Red"> <ListBox.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem"> ...

How can I know on the client side when the HTTP handler is done processing?

Probably a long question for a simple solution, but here goes... I have a custom made silverlight control for selecting multiple files and sending them to the server. It sends files to a general handler (FileReciever.ashx) using the OpenWriteAsync method of a WebCLient control. Basically, the silverlight code does something like this f...

What are some good toolsets for graphing/charting in a web application?

What are some good toolsets for graphing/charting in a web application? Preferably open-source/freeware, and particularly looking at developing with ASP.NET MVC or Silverlight 2.0. ...

What is the best way to Update 'TranslatePosition' from Silverlight beta 2 to RC?

I am upgrading a silverlight beta 2 app to RC0 and have a function that translates a point from a child element to it's parent. The purpose of the function is to ensure that an element appears exactly on top of the child even though they are not on the same canvas and don't share a parent. Here is the current function: protected P...

Setting background colour of Silverlight Listbox

How do I set the background colour of a listbox? I have a listbox with textblocks in it and there does not appear to be anyway that actually works to set the background colour of these controls, why is this seemingly so hard? In the interests of full disclosure I asked a similar question earlier ...

Does a Silverlight memory profiler exist?

CLR profiler does not seem to work with the Silverlight CLR. Does another memory profiler exist? ...

Dependence on DependencyObject and DependencyProperty

I'm building a Silverlight application and one of my caveats from last time was that if you need anything done right in Silverlight/WPF way you'd need to model your objects as a DependecyObject and use DependencyProperty(ies) I find this model to be rather cumbersome, requiring static fields and initializers in half the classes I use, ...

Silverlight display problem

I have created a nice silverlight control doing exactly what I want it to do, and it looks great :) When I host it in the test projects ASPX sample file or the HTML sample file it shows up nicely. I now have to use the control in my existing ASP.NET 2.0 project, which has a fancy design. The problem I'm having is that the control don't ...

Working with Silverlight B2 and RC0

I've been reading about the new developer-only RC0 for Silverlight, and the fact that it is supposed to be used only by developers to solve any breaking changes when upgrading from beta 2, so that when the actual S2 is released, migration is smoother. My question is, since you are supposed to uninstall B2 tools and install RC0 in VS2008...

Are standard .Net 2 dlls compatible with the silverlight 2.0 runtime?

If I avoid referencing assemblies that don't exist in the silverlight 2.0 runtime, will the.Net 2.0 library dlls I create with VS2008 work with silverlight without recompilation or other alteration? ...

Using a subdomain to identify a client

I'm working on building a Silverlight application whereas we want to be able to have a client hit a url like: http://{client} and login, where the {client} part is their business name. so for example, google's would be: What I was wondering was if anyone has been able, in silverlight, to be able...