
Animating a custom Button ControlTemplate Foreground

I want to change/animate the Foreground property of a custom button control template depending on the control's state. Pre-RC0, I set the Foreground of the ContentPresenter, gave it an x:Name, and referenced it in the VisualStateManager transitions. Now, ContentPresenter no longer has a Foreground, since it doesn't inherit from Control...

Where is the best place to re-learn graphics programming

Thinking in regards to Sliverlight, I would like to know where would be good places to go to get a refresher on 3d space, transforms, matrix manipulation, and all that good stuff. ...

How do I create a Routed Event in Silverlight 2?

Anyone know how to create a routed event in Silverlight 2? In WPF, the code would be like below. However, there’s no EventManager in Silverlight. public static readonly RoutedEvent ShowVideoEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("ShowVideo", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(NavBar)); public...

Disabling a EventTrigger\Storyboard Dynamically

<Grid.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Border.Loaded"> <EventTrigger.Actions > <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard x:Name="MyStoryboard" AutoReverse="True" RepeatBehavior="Forever"> <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Sto...

Call Web Services Using Ajax or Silverlight? Which performs best?

I'm building an ASP.NET AJAX application that uses JavaScript to call web services to get its data, and also uses Silverlights Isolated Storage to cache the data on the client machine. Ultimately once the data is downloaded it is passed to JavaScript which displays in on the page using the HTML DOM. What I'm trying to figure out is, doe...

Is there a way to group RadioButtons generated from the ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl

<DataTemplate x:Key="Genre_DataTemplate"> <RadioButton GroupName="One" Content="{Binding... </DataTemplate> Above code is the ItemTemplate of my ItemsControl, I want all the Radiobuttons instantiated should behave as if it is in a group, I know the reason because the generated RadioButtons are not adjacent in the visualtree. ...

Silverlight: Empty Storyboard vs BackgroundWorker

Which one performs better to run a game main loop? ...

AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE for StaticResource in Silverlight

I'm storing all localizable strings in a ResourceDictionary (in App.xaml) and assign those via the StaticResource markup extension to TextBlock.Text, Button.Content etc. In Beta 2 and RC0, sometimes parsing the XAML in InitializeComponent() will fail with an AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE on the line and position where I set the attribu...

Is there a way to programatically decide which WCF session to connect to?

I need to be able to use WCF Session capability in a Silverlight application. Currently Silverlight only supports basicHttp binding, so this is impossible. My thoughts are to create a middle piece with wsHttp caapabilities that will handle the Sessions for me and my sessionless Silverlight app can pass in the SessionID guid. Is this ev...

Prevent Silverlight ListBox vertical scrollbar from being displayed

I have a ListBox which displays items of variable height. I want to show as many items as will fit in the available space, without showing a vertical scrollbar. Other than surgery on the ListBox item template, is there a way to only show the number of items which will fit without scrolling? ...

how do you package up silverlight dlls into a xap file?

Just updated build server with rc0 and surprise no chiron. Wondering how you package up a xap file without chiron. ...

How do you change Visual Studio's default web browser?

This is a for a Silverlight project that isn't anchored to an .aspx file, so right clicking, etc. is a bit out of the question. Any ideas? Edit: Add an .html file, then click it. Really dumb. Last time I ask a question at three in the morning. ...

Automatically applying a template (theme) in Silverlight 2 (RC0)

Is there a way to automatically apply a theme/template/style to all controls of the targettype, so I don't have to specify Template=..., Style=... on all controls? ...

How to change the default Browser in Expression Blend

I want to set IE as my default browser for running Silver light applications from Expression Blend, but I don't want to change my windows default from Mozilla. Is there a settings option in Blend to do this? ...

Sending a mouse click to a button in silverlight 2

There is the button control in silverlight application . Can I send a mouse click event to it programmatically? ...

Lazy initialization causing System.ArgumentException in Silverlight 2.0 beta

Hello! I've got the following example running in a simple Silverlight page: public Page() { InitializeComponent(); InitializeOther(); } private DoubleCollection dashes; public DoubleCollection Dashes { get { //dashes = new DoubleCollection(); //works ok //dashes.Add(2.0); //dashes.Add(2.0); if (dashes == null...

How to expose objects through WCF?

My project is split up into a typical 3 layer structure for a Silverlight app. That is: A base layer, which is a class library that contains all my business objects, logic, data access etc. A middle layer which is a WCF service which communicates with; My Silverlight front end The problem I have is that currently the BO's exposed thr...

How Do You Handle Validation In Silverlight?

How have you decided to handle data/control validation in your silverlight applications? ...

Tools to develop WPF or Silverlight applications

List out the Tools and Utilities to develop Rich Interactive Application on Microsoft platform The recommendations should have some sort of direct relationship with either XAML or Silverlight/WPF and not the common .NET utilities. Expression Blend - XAML Development Expression Design - Graphic asset creation KaXaml, A cool and handy X...

How do you get the visual element inside a ItemsControl

I have a list of States in an ItemsControl, the DataTemplate is a CheckBox. I would like to add a function to select(check) all states. However I need to loop through the CheckBoxs rather then the data items since the checked state is stored in a separate data structure then the list of states the ItemsControl's ItemSource is bound to. ...