
Run a C# application from python script

I've just about finished coding a decently sized disease transmission model in C#. However, I'm fairly new to .NET and am unsure how to proceed. Currently I just double-click on the .exe file and the model imports config setting from text files, does its thing, and outputs the results into a text file. What I would like to do next i...

How to create php RSS simulator?

So I have RSS feed of 10 000 records in file.xml (I collected them from 10 feeds in 1 hour time so there timestamps will not help, btw I used yahoo pipes). I need some class to simulate that records appearing 24 per a day with 1 per hour. How I see it: 1) turn file.xml into sql table (if you know a class for this please help) 2) cr...

Specific program not recognizing simulated keyboard input

I'm working on a program that automates the use of this piece of software, EPIX XCAP. In Capture(), it snaps a picture, opens up the File menu, open up the save dialog, but then with it reaches the Tabs (to navigate to the file name box in the save dialog) it doesn't do them. I can tab through it manually well enough, and I tested the ...

Is it about statistics?

Hi, not sure it's the right place to ask. Anyway, I searched online & ended up in confused with this one: Let's take 1 question as an example: The drying rate in an industrial process is dependent on many factors and varies according to the following distribution. Minutes Relative Frequency 3 0.22 4 0.36 5 ...

Jquery make a mouseon / hover event for one element call / simulate a similar even for a different element?

I'm using a plugin that is obscure and doesn't have a good API and, rather than digging around and re-writing it the way I want, I want to just use it the way its built which is that it has a list within a DIV and an action occurs based on moving the mouse over a list item in this DIV.. I want to simulate this so that I can make another ...

Unit testing for stochastic processes?

Is there a sane way to unit test a stochastic process? For example say that you have coded a simulator for a specific system model. The simulator works randomly based on the seeds of the rngs so the state of the system cannot be predicted and if it can be every test should bring the system to a specific state before it attempts to test a...

Player/Stage- robot is not moving in simulaion?

Hi, I am new to player/stage. But somehow I managed to come up with the below code but is not moving First the configuration file driver ( name "stage" provides ["simulation:0"] plugin "stageplugin" #load the world file worldfile "" ) driver ( name "stage" provides [ ...

How to simulate high traffic load on a web application?

Hi, I wrote a Python web API that may get large amounts of requests per day. I want to test load levels before I go any further. What is the best way to simulate large amounts of traffic on my localhost web application? Is there a (linux compatible) tool that will send large amounts of requests to a localhost URL? ...

Code Golf: The Unisex Restroom Simulation

Background The unisex restroom problem is a classical synchronization problem in computer science. The general class of problems that this simulates is as follows: If you have k types of threads that need to execute tasks using n shared resources, and at any time only one thread type may be using the resources, then it's a generalizati...

Where to find ocean and earth data maps usable to simulate water depth level?

Searching on USGS I did not find something easily usable without passing from GIS or similar. I need only something easy to use, like a high map resolution of the Earth without and with ocean. Have you some hint or advice on how to convert available GIS data? P.S. Ok, found a starting point, not what I really need but anyway something...

Library for electrical network simulation

I'm searching for a free and open source library for electrical network simulation. In (Per preference order) : Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, C++ (with Qt if it exist) or bash (ahah). Do you know one ? ...

Understanding the motion of a disk using two static switches

This is a major re-write of the original question, I tried to clarify those points that were evidently confusing for some in my first version of the question. Thanks for the input in helping formulate the problem better! CONTEXT The challenge comes from a real-life coding problem. The first thing that responders should be aware of, is ...

Utility to simulate simple http responses

I'm doing quite a lot of work with a javascript messaging system at the moment and end up making lots of use of netcat scripts to monitor and simulate as yet unimplemented server responses. Does anyone know of a utility that can easily manage this sort of thing for prototyping purposes other than setting up a full webserver? ...

python package for distributed auction simulation

Hi, Does anyone know of a package that allows for a distributed agent-based double auction simulation? I've looked at SimPy, but that's a discrete-event simulator and difficult to get working in a distributed fashion. regs, Vivek ...

How does functional programming apply to simulations?

How do functional programmers and functional languages approach the domain of simulations, which seem to be most naturally handled by object-oriented languages? Are there open-source examples of complex simulations written in a (mostly) functional style? What changes of perspective would an OO-programmer need, in order to approach simu...

simulation with rockwell arena

Hi guys, i'm doing a simulation model with arena, i need to develop some user-interfaces for my simulation using VBA, do you know good resources for studying this or some books i can read to get the knowledge? is there any other language i can use to do this? please guys help me out... i'm with no options stuck here! :( regards, Rangan...

A dynamically changeable wpf animation

Hi I'm making a zero-player c# wpf football simulation and I have the field laid out and everything, just no players or ball doing anything at the moment. How could I make the players move, for a start? And for seconds, colliding with the ball imparts the player's velocity on it somehow? C# Express 2010, all help appreciated. Thx ...

ASP.NET Silverlight online trading simulation game implemenation

Hi, I am going to start a new online trading simulation game. Server Page: A game will be loaded with an xml which contains the instruments for this game and each instrument initial and changing factor price(which determines the price for the next interval ex: 1 min). User Page: After the game is loaded successfully, Users can laun...

Any way to automate - for testing - a human-dependant action?

I wonder if there are any good / possible ways to automate - for a unit test perhaps - a human-dependant action on an eCommerce website? For example, could I have a macro or a script to simulate "can user put items in basket?" or "can user reach the payment gateway?". I am currently managing a very heavily used eCommerce codebase and w...

End a simulation run when the system gets empty

hi, Can anybody help me to end a simulation when there is no one inside?? that is simulation could end when the syatm gets empty regards, nilani ...