
Changing the speed of a circular motion

I'm looking for a way to smoothly increase or decrease the speed of a circular movement. Using the parametric equation of a circle, I can move an object in a circle over time: x = center_x + radius * sin(time * speed) y = center_y + radius * cos(time * speed) The problem with this approach is that I can't simply do speed = speed + 1 ...

Simulate a Piping System in Java

Hey, I need to simulate a fairly complex water piping system (2D) in Java. I need to be able to show the flow of water through some pipes when some others are blocked. What toolkit/APIs can I use? I am a newbie to graphics programming. Kindly advice. Thanks DC ...

How can you add a camera to a robot in the Breve Simulator ?

I've created a two wheeled robot based on the braitenberg vehicle. Our robots have two wheels and a PolygonDisk body(Much like kepera and e-puck robots). I would like to add a camera to the front of the robot. The problem then becomes how to control the camera and how to keep pointing it in the right direction(same direction as the robot...

Max-Flow graph simulation in Java

Hello I am writing Java program for league sports that goes through current set of played games of each team and their schedules of next games, and then based on that I make a model of flow network. The idea of program is to find which teams are already eliminated and have no chances of wining or sharing 1 place with any other team. Aft...

Howto design a clock driven multi-agent simulation

I want to create a multi-agent simulation model for a real word manufacturing process to evaluate some dispatching rules. The simulation needs to produce event logs to evaluate time effect of the dispatching rules compared to the real manufacturing event logs. How can I incorporate the 'current simulation time' into this kind of multi-a...

How to Build a Sensor Simulator for Android?

Hello, I am building a application for the Android platform and I would like to use the accelerometer. Now, I have found a very nice application for sensor simulation (OpenIntents' SensorSimulator) but, for what I want to do, a would like to create my own sensor simulator application. I have not found information on how to do this (I d...

most readable programming language to simulate 10,000 chutes and ladders game plays?

I'm wondering what language would be most suitable to simulate the game Chutes and Ladders (Snakes and Ladders in some countries). I'm looking to collect basic stats, like average and standard deviation of game length (in turns), probability of winning based on turn order (who plays first, second, etc.), and anything else of interest you...

Agent Based Simulations utilizing the XBOX 360 in C#

What is the best way to design an ABS using the XBOX 360 hardware? Can I follow my standard developing framework methodologies such as domain driven design? Are there frameworks out there that handle world creation and updates in C# for XBOX? Any good resources regarding the creation of generic simulations? ...

WAN Simulation for Web Site Testing

I am searching a low cost WAN network simulation software for testing my website before production deployment. It should have following features 1. Controls bandwidth. 2. Can insert latency, jitter. 3. Can do some packet loss also (Desirable). Can anyone suggest me windows based software that is and free or low cost? Thanks in advance...

Advice for Hobby Application: Laser Show Editor/Simulator

I've been wanting to work on this application for about a year now. I want to create a 'Laser Show Simulator/Editor'. I want to be able to place lights in different positions on a stage and I want to be able to script each one of them to do various operations such as turning, go on and off at certain intervals, change color, etc. Being r...

How the dynamics of a sports simulation game works?

I would like to create a baseball simulation game. Are these sports management games based on luck? A management game entirely based on luck is not fair, but it cannot be too predictable either. How does the logic behind these games work? ...

Why the code coverage of modelsim6.5 and IUS82 are different

I run the same case using IUS82 and modelsim6.5, but got different code coverage. IUS82 for block and expression; modelsim for branch and expression. The expression coverage of IUS is a little bit higher than modelsim. What's the reason? Thanks, ...

How do I simulate a button click in a browser?

I want to simulate a button click on a website (not mine, They want the page appearing on a laptop at their tradeshow and don't want to have to click the "Replay Video" button over and over again. When the "start" button is clicked the video displays the first time. I want the video to display in a loop. Any sugg...

Any good library or software for queue networks simulation?

I have been trying to make work EZSIM with no luck, wich is a software to build discrete event simulators in a graphical DOS environment. In this software, my simulator and many others (of the other people in the course I'm taking) don't work, but teacher's simulator (and examples of the downloaded files) does work. So, I began to distr...

Simulating Torque and Angular Momentum

I'm trying to make a small application in Flash (AS3) that will have several bodies with variable shape and size that will have force applied to them. I've been looking around for some good explanation of calculating center of mass/gravity, torque, angular momentum, and, I suppose, collision detection as well, though that's not necessar...

How to use multicores in Ocaml to do Monte Carlo simulations?

Ocaml process can use just one core and in order to use multiple cores I have to run several processes. Are there any Ocaml frameworks to use to parallelize Monte Carlo simulations? ...

what libraries, data, algorithms exist for simulation of paint?

I would like to model oil and acrylic paint on a canvas in such a way that I can add a brush stroke to the canvas and have the colours mix. I don't want to animate this happening, I just want to be able to model the final outcome of a brush stroke on existing paint. Any suggestions? ...

Running a JavaSE number cruncher in a cloud

I've spent a long time building stochastic simulations in Java. They work great, but the company hardware is unreliable, getting old and unlikely to be replaced soon. The simulations and number crunching are entirely written in J2SE. Some of them need a little GUI interaction, or to display a window in order to render images which are ...

Testing Windows 7 multitouch on a dev machine without multitouch?

Is there a way to test the multitouch capability of an application using a non-multitouch enabled machine? I'd like to simulate user input for zoom, scaling and rotating during runtime. This is for a WPF application written in C#. ...

Simulating sports matches in online game

Hello! In an online manager game (like Hattrick), I want to simulate matches between two teams. A team consists of 11 players. Every player has a strength value between 1 and 100. I take these strength values of the defensive players for each team and calculate the average. That's the defensive quality of a team. Then I take the streng...